八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tz.theicarushunt >



小说: tz.theicarushunt 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Well; we're not going to get anywhere without a plete idea of what's in there;〃 I said。
 〃I hope you're not suggesting one of us go inside;〃 she said darkly。 〃If the probes couldn't make it through; you certainly won't。〃
 〃I like to think I'm a bit more petent at working my way through tangled wiring than someone tugging blindly on a probe control;〃 I told her。 〃As it happens; though; I was thinking of starting with someone slightly smaller。〃
 She frowned。 〃Who?〃
 I nodded in the direction of the engine room。 〃Go get Ixil;〃 I said; 〃and I'll show you。〃
 Ixil wasn't any more enthusiastic about my idea than Tera was。 〃I don't know; Jordan;〃 he said; stroking Pax's head uneasily as he crouched on his left forearm and hand。 〃Every design of Stardrive I've ever heard of has had a half…dozen high…voltage sites and shock capacitors associated with it。 If Pax touches one of those; it'll kill him。〃
 〃He goes through power conduits all the time;〃 I reminded him。 〃How does he avoid insulation breaks and short circuits there?〃
 〃He knows what to look for with our stuff;〃 Ixil said。 〃This is an unknown alien design; with an entirely different set of cues。 For that matter; even the lower…voltage lines may have lost their insulation over the years。 You and I are big enough to survive a minor shock like that。 Pax isn't。〃
 〃I know;〃 I said。 〃And I wish there were another way。 But there isn't。 We have to see what's in there; and Pix and Pax are the only eyes we've got。〃
 〃Except ours;〃 Ixil said。 〃Why don't I go instead?〃
 〃No;〃 Tera said; a fraction of a second before I could get the word out myself。 〃Not a chance。〃
 〃But I could see what's there;〃 he persisted。 〃There are cues I know how to read that Pax hasn't got the basic intelligence to pick up on。 If I go just a little way in; far enough to see past the initial tangle; I could brief him on whatever I find and then let him go in。 It would give him a better chance。〃
 Tera shook her head。 〃I'm sorry; Ixil; but I can't let you do that。 Dad was absolutely adamant that no one go inside until we got all the power sources and cables mapped out; for that very reason。 It's Pix or Pax or no one at all。〃
 Ixil lowered his eyes to the ferret; his mouth tight。 〃All right;〃 he said with a resigned sigh。 〃What exactly do you want him to do?〃
 〃We need to find a path through to the center of the sphere;〃 I said。 〃Chort and Nicabar are a little fuzzy on the details of this exotic double…sphere design of theirs; but they both agree there should be a large resonance crystal somewhere in the center; probably with a control panel either wrapped around it or somewhere nearby。 If they're right; and if we can either scope out the controls…or; better yet; connect it through to a control system out here…we may be able to activate it。〃
 〃If it's even still functional after all this time;〃 Ixil muttered; putting Pax up on his shoulder。
 〃Well; something's drawing and using power in there;〃 I reminded him。 〃Though where it's getting it from I haven't the foggiest idea。 Warn him to watch where he puts his feet and nose; and to take his time。 We're not in any special hurry here。〃
 Ixil nodded; and for a moment he just stood there silently; muning with the outriders。 Then; taking a deep breath; he picked Pax up off his shoulder and set him down beside the opening。 For a moment the ferret sniffed at the edge; his little nose wrinkling as if he didn't care for the smell of age in there。 Then; with what sounded almost like a reassuring squeak; he scrabbled over the edge and disappeared。
 Ixil was kneeling at the edge in an instant; plucking the light from my hand and playing it inside。 〃Doesn't seem to be any gravity in there;〃 he said; leaning his face into the opening。 〃He's working his way along the wires the way he does in zero gee。〃
 I looked at Tera。 〃I don't know;〃 she said。 〃Though if the purpose of the grav field out here is to make sure the center of the resonance cavity stays clear; there really wouldn't be any need for one in the smaller sphere。〃
 Ixil grunted; and for another few minutes we stood or crouched there in silence。 Then; hunching his shoulders; Ixil straightened up again。 〃He's gone;〃 he said; handing the light back to me。 〃Disappeared behind something that looked like a multicable coupler。〃
 〃He'll be fine;〃 Tera said quietly; laying a hand soothingly on his arm。 〃He does this sort of thing all the time; remember?〃
 Ixil grunted; clearly not in the mood to be soothed。 〃I'd better get back to the engine room…there's still a lot of recalibration to be done; and Everett doesn't know how to do most of the calculations on his own。 You'll call me when he es back?〃
 〃Yes;〃 I assured him。 〃Actually; Tera; you might want to go back there with him and open the other access hole; the one you said was behind the breaker panel。 If Pax gets disoriented; it would be handy for him to have a second way out。〃
 〃Good idea;〃 she said。 〃e on; Ixil。〃
 They climbed up the slight curve…it still made me vaguely dizzy to watch people walking around the hull in here…and disappeared through the open pressure door into the zero gee of the wraparound。 With a sigh; I lay down on the hull again and shined my light into the opening。 Pax was gone; all right; though I imagined I could hear occasional scratching sounds as he maneuvered his way through the maze。 Leaning partially over the hole; I stuck my head carefully in and played the light slowly around the inner surface。
 I was halfway around in my sweep when I saw the gap。
 I was still lying there studying it two minutes later when Tera returned。 〃He's really not happy about this; is he?〃 she mented as she sat down cross…legged beside me。 〃He claims they're not pets; but I think he really…〃
 〃Did Chou and his people take photos of what they could see from this opening?〃 I interrupted her。
 She took a half second to switch gears。 〃I think so;〃 she said。 〃At least some。 I hadn't pulled them up before because…〃
 〃Pull them up now;〃 I ordered; trying to keep my sudden apprehension out of my voice。 〃Find me one that shows a gray trapezoid about half a meter across with about two dozen wires ing off gold connectors along its edges。〃
 She was already at the puter; fingers playing across the keys。 〃What is it?〃 she asked tightly。
 〃Just find me the picture;〃 I said tersely; getting up and stepping to her side。
 Dr。 Chou's people; it turned out; had taken a lot of pictures。 It took Tera nearly a minute to find the specific area I was looking for。
 And when she did; my apprehension turned to full…blown certainty。
 〃Tera; you told me your dad left the ship at Potosi;〃 I said。 〃How do you know? Did he leave a note?〃
 She shook her head; her neck twisted to look up at me。 〃No; nothing like that;〃 she said; a note of uncertain dread in her voice as she picked up on my own mood。 〃I told you: He and his things were gone; and I couldn't find him anywhere on the ship。〃
 〃Right;〃 I nodded。 〃Except that you didn't think to look inside the small sphere here; did you?〃
 Her eyes widened; her throat muscles suddenly tense。 〃Oh; no;〃 she breathed。 〃He's not…oh; God。〃
 〃No; no; I can't see him;〃 I hastened to assure her。 〃There's no…I mean…〃
 〃No body?〃
 〃No body;〃 I confirmed。 At least not one I could see; I carefully refrained from saying。 〃What there is by that trapezoid is a gap in the wiring。 A big gap; as if someone maneuvered his way through the thicket; creating a hole as he went。〃
 〃It couldn't have been Pax?〃 she asked; her voice going even darker。
 〃It's man…sized;〃 I told her gently。 〃Look; maybe he's just lying low in there。〃
 She shook her head; a short; choppy movement。 〃No; we've been doing work here by the access panel off and on for the past couple of days。 He'd have heard my voice and e out。〃 She swallowed。 〃If he could。〃
 I looked back over at the hole; ing to the inevitable decision。 〃I'm going in;〃 I announced; taking a step that direction。
 A step was all I got。 Like a rattlesnake her hand darted out and grabbed my arm。 〃No!〃 she snapped; holding on with a strength that surprised me。 〃No! If he's dead; it means something in there killed him。 We can't risk you; too。〃
 〃What; all this concern for a soul…dead smuggler?〃 I retorted。 It wasn't a nice thing to say; but at the moment I wasn't feeling particularly nice。 〃Maybe he's not dead in there…you ever think of that? Maybe he's injured; or unconscious; or paralyzed。 Maybe he can't get to the opening; or can't even call out to you。〃
 〃If he went in while we were on Potosi; he's been in there eleven days;〃 she said。 Her voice sounded empty; but her grip on my arm hadn't slackened a bit。 〃Any injury serious enough to prevent him from getting out on his own would have killed him long before now。〃
 〃Unless he just got the injury;〃 I shot back。 I wasn't ready to give in; either。 〃Maybe he got thrown around while I was dodging the ion beams off Utheno。 He could still be alive。〃
 She took a deep breath。 〃We'll wait for Pax to e out。〃
 〃We'll wait half an hour;〃 I countered。
 〃One hour。〃
 I started to protest; took another look at her face; and gave it up。 〃One hour;〃 I agreed。
 She nodded; and for a long moment she stared down at the access hole。 Then; reluctantly; she keyed off the puter photo we'd been looking at and sat down on the deck。 〃Tell me about yourself; McKell;〃 she said。
 I shrugged; sitting down on the deck beside her。 〃There's not very much to tell。〃
 〃Of course there is;〃 she said quietly。 〃You had hopes and plans and dreams once。 Maybe you still do。 What would you be doing now if you weren't smuggling?〃
 〃Who knows?〃 I said。 She didn't care about my hopes and dreams; of course。 I knew that。 She was just casting around looking for some mindless chatter; something to distract herself from the mental image of her father floating dead in there。 〃Once; I thought I might have a career in EarthGuard。 That ended when I told a superior officer exactly what I thought of him。〃
 〃In public; I take it?〃
 〃It was public enough to earn me a court…martial;〃 I conceded。 〃Then I thought I might have a career in customs。 I must have been a little too good at it; because someone framed me for taking bribes。 Then I tried working for a shippi

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