八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tz.theicarushunt >



小说: tz.theicarushunt 字数: 每页4000字

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fact that his decision had turned out to be right。 Clearly; we had suddenly jumped a whole bunch of rungs upward on the Patth social ladder。
 The Iykams hauled me to my feet and half pulled; half dragged me into the other room。 This one was much nicer; nearly three times the size of my original cell and furnished better; with a couple of chairs and lamps scattered around。 Near the wall to my left was a desk with a handful of monitors arranged along its front edge; and the other Patth seated behind it。 The room was also swarming with Iykams; but you couldn't have everything。
 〃Not bad;〃 I said; looking around as they led me to another plain wooden armchair that had been placed in front of the desk。 Again; there seemed to be only one door leading out of the place; directly across the room from the door to my cell。 Framed in the ceiling overhead was what at first glance looked like a skylight; but which on second glance proved to be only a standard light fixture designed to look that way。 There were a couple of ventilation vents at ceiling and floor level; with decorative crosshatched gratings that looked flimsy enough to tear right off the wall。 But through the holes in those same gratings I could see that the ductwork beyond was far too narrow for even someone as thin as Chort to fit through。 A quick count of the Iykams came up with a total of eight。 〃Not bad at all;〃 I added as my guards unfastened my handcuffs from the broken chair; shoved me down into the new one; and secured my wrists to the arms again。 This time; I took particular note of which of them pocketed the keys。 〃If you kept your prisoners in a place like this instead of that converted stockroom back there you'd probably get better cooperation。〃
 There was no ment from the other side of the desk。 I finished my survey of the room in a leisurely fashion; then finally turned my full attention to the other Patth。
 If anything; my earlier hunch about his status had fallen short of the mark。 Instead of the usual unadorned gray worn in public by most Patth; his robe was instead gray with dark burnt…orange slash marks set into the sleeves and edge of the hood。 This was one of the Patth elite diplomatic corps; possibly even the Palmary ambassador himself。 〃I'm impressed;〃 I said。 〃May I ask whom I have the honor of addressing?〃
 He regarded me another moment before answering。 〃You may call me Nask; Mr。 McKell。 You have been a most troubling person; indeed。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 I said; inclining my head slightly; ignoring the fresh swell of pain the motion induced。 〃You seem to think the game is over。〃
 〃What makes you say that?〃 he asked calmly。 〃It is; of course; but what makes you phrase it that way?〃
 〃Your so…called name;〃 I said。 〃 'Nask' is one of the Patth words for 'victor'。〃
 〃Interesting;〃 he said。 〃We were right about you。 You're not just a simple merchant pilot。〃
 〃That's right; I'm not;〃 I told him。 〃I'm an employee of a very powerful and dangerous man。 A figure who; I dare say; could cause immense trouble for even the Patth economic empire。〃
 〃Let us guess whom you refer to;〃 the other Patth; Enig; put in。 He had moved through the circle of glowering Iykams to a spot behind Nask; where he now stood at respectful attention。 He didn't sound particularly smarmy at the moment; probably rather miffed that my bluff with the plasmic had made him look silly in front of his superior。
 And now; in the better light in here; I could also see the telltale glitter of starship…pilot implants around his eyes。 His deference was more proof; if I'd needed it; that Nask was a very high…ranking Patth indeed。 〃Would this powerful and dangerous man by any chance be Johnston Scotto Ryland?〃 Enig went on。
 〃You are well informed;〃 I said; trying to hide the sudden sinking sensation in my stomach。 If they knew about my connection with Brother John; and weren't worried about it; they must know something I didn't。 〃I imagine you also know what crossing a man like that means。〃
 〃We do;〃 Nask said。 〃But you're sadly mistaken if you think there is any crossing involved。 Once your connection with Mr。 Ryland became known; we contacted his organization。 Would you care to hear his response; delivered to the Patthaaunutth Director General approximately six hours ago?〃
 The sinking sensation sank a little deeper。 〃Sure; go ahead。〃
 Nask reached forward and keyed one of the displays。 〃Quote: 'Jordan McKell not known to this organization。' Unquote。 Succinctly put; wouldn't you say?〃
 〃Very;〃 I agreed with a sigh。 The heat had been turned up; and Brother John had responded by throwing me to the wolves。 Typical。 〃So where does that leave us?〃
 〃It leaves us in position to bargain;〃 Nask said。 〃And without any external entanglements。〃
 I frowned。 〃Excuse me?〃
 〃You heard me correctly;〃 he assured me。 〃You have the Icarus。 I want it。 It's that simple。〃
 〃Really;〃 I said; trying in vain to read that half…shadowed face。 ing from a human; such an implied offer would carry the strong implication that the bargainer was offering to cut his superior pletely out of the picture。 But Nask was a Patth。 Surely that couldn't be what he meant。 Could it? 〃Would you care to elaborate as to what specific entanglements you hope to avoid?〃
 He waved a hand。 〃The usual ones。 Legal questions; the monwealth Uniform Code; human governmental interference。 All the various stumbling blocks that impede the progress and prosperity of reasonable beings。〃
 〃And does that list include other governmental interference?〃 I asked。
 〃It includes all governments that impede progress;〃 he said。 〃Naturally; governments that instead enhance progress would be wele。〃
 〃Ah;〃 I said; nodding。 In other words; he was proposing the three of us make a deal; which Nask and Enig would then turn around and sell to the Patth government for; no doubt; a tidy profit。 I could presumably make a more personalized deal with Nask than I could with the Patth Director General; Nask and Enig would both move a few rungs up the ladder for their efforts; and the Patth as a whole would get the Icarus。
 I looked around at the Iykams。 And; of course; if Nask's generosity didn't prove sufficiently tempting; his hatchetbeings could take me apart piece by piece without any official Patth governmental involvement; should it ever e to that。 〃Let's hear your offer;〃 I said; looking back at Nask。
 He shrugged; a gesture the Patth had picked up from us。 Somehow; it made him look less human than the other way around。 〃Let's hear your request;〃 he countered。 〃We're prepared to be quite generous。〃
 〃Suppose my price includes more than just cash?〃 I asked; wishing desperately I had some idea how long I'd been unconscious。 At some point; I knew; Ixil would conclude I'd been taken and would find a way to get the Icarus off Palmary without me。 If I could stall that long; at least the others would be safe。 〃What if it includes the lives and freedom of my crew as well?〃
 〃Their lives can certainly be included in any deal;〃 Nask said。 〃Their freedom。。。 well; that may be a bit more difficult to arrange。〃
 〃How much more difficult?〃
 He shrugged again。 〃They would need to remain guests of the Patthaaunutth Director General for a time。 In quite pleasant surroundings; I assure you。 Eventually; they would certainly be released。〃
 〃I'm sure they would be counting the days;〃 I said。 〃And how long would you anticipate this luxury vacation would last?〃
 His eyes seemed to probe mine。 〃Until such time as the alien device you carry could be made operational or else proved nonfunctional。 Your assistance; or lack of it; could certainly affect the length of that study。〃
 〃Only if I knew anything about it;〃 I said; wondering how much he knew about the artifact。 Or rather; how much he thought he knew about it。 〃It's pletely sealed up。〃
 〃The unsealing will be the least of our difficulties;〃 Nask said dryly。 〃So: the lives and eventual freedom of your traveling panions。 What else?〃
 〃Well; there'd have to be money; of course;〃 I said。 〃Lots of it。〃 I lifted my eyebrows to him。 〃Unfortunately; money's not much use if you aren't able to spend it。 And I'll hardly be able to spend it if I'm locked away; will I?〃
 He made an unfamiliar gesture with his fingertips。 〃If you're worried about retribution from your panions; we can arrange that you be housed separately。〃
 〃You misunderstand;〃 I said。 〃I'm saying that I walk。 Immediately。 You can lock up the others from now till doomsday as far as I'm concerned。 But I get my money and walk。〃
 He shook his head。 〃I'm sorry; but I'm certain the Director General would never agree to that。 We can't allow even a hint of this find to leak out to the rest of the Spiral。〃
 〃What about Cameron himself?〃 I countered。 〃He knows about the Icarus; and last I heard he was still at large。〃
 〃Your information is out…of…date;〃 Enig spoke up。 〃Arno Cameron was apprehended on Meima two days ago。 He is being held at our pound there。〃
 〃Ah;〃 I said。 So much for Brother John's support; now; so much for Patth honesty; too。 Big surprise on both counts。
 〃Still; I can assure you that during the time you're detained you'll have acmodations and treatment suitable for Steye'tylian royalty;〃 Nask went on; his voice low and earnest and utterly trustworthy。 Even the normal smarminess level had been muted for the occasion。 〃And afterward; you will be a friend to the Patthaaunutth for the rest of your life。〃
 〃Something to strive for; all right;〃 I said with only a trace of sarcasm。 The glow on his face; I noticed; had changed subtly。 Had one of the displays facing him altered? 〃But suppose the device turns out to be useless? How much of a friend will I be then?〃
 〃When the Patthaaunutth promise friendship; that promise is always fulfilled;〃 he said。 〃Your goodwill and assistance will be counted toward that end; no matter what the final result。〃
 〃I see;〃 I said; the hairs on my neck rising。 Suddenly Nask's words and tone had gone mechanical; his full attention riveted to the displays。 Something was happening out there; something even more important than sweet…talking me out of the Icarus。 〃Suppose I can find a way to guarantee my silence in some other way…〃
 〃You must choose quickly;〃 Nask interrupted me。 〃Tell me where the 

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