八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > tz.theicarushunt >



小说: tz.theicarushunt 字数: 每页4000字

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e ground; with an entry…code keypad on the handrail near the bottom。 There was a landing skid/cushion arrangement propping up the engine section somewhat; but the bulge of the larger sphere still forced the bow cone to point up into the sky at about a ten…degree angle。
 The overall visual effect was either that of an old…style rocket that had suddenly lost hull integrity in vacuum and bulged outward in two places; or else some strange metallic creature that had bee pregnant with twins; one of them a definite runt。 I hadn't been expecting something sleek and impressive; but this was just ridiculous。
 〃Looks like something a group of semitrained chimps put together out of a box; doesn't it?〃 a cheerful voice mented at my side。
 I turned。 A medium…sized man in his early thirties with wavy blue…streaked hair and a muscular build had e up beside me; gazing up at the Icarus with a mixture of amusement and disbelief。 〃Succinctly put;〃 I agreed; lowering my bag to the ground。 〃With one of the chimps having first spilled his coffee on the instructions。〃
 He grinned; setting his bag down next to mine。 〃I believe that between us we have indeed captured the essence of the situation。 You flying with us?〃
 〃So I was told;〃 I said。 〃Jordan McKell; pilot and navigator。〃
 〃Jaeger Jones; mechanic;〃 he identified himself; sticking out his hand。 〃Boscor Mechanics Guild。〃
 〃Good outfit;〃 I said; shaking his hand。 He had a good solid grip; the sort you'd expect of a starship mechanic。 〃Been waiting long?〃
 〃No; just a couple of minutes;〃 he said。 〃Kind of surprised to be the first one here; actually。 From the way Borodin talked last night; I figured he'd be in as soon as the gates opened。 But the entry's locked; and no one answered when I buzzed。〃
 I stepped over to the base of the stairway and touched the OPEN mand on the keypad。 There was a soft beep; but nothing happened。 〃You check to see if there were any other ways inside?〃 I asked; looking up at the ship again。
 〃Not yet;〃 Jones said。 〃I went around that Trink's bow first to see if I could see Borodin ing; but there's no sign of him that direction。 You want me to circle the ship and see what's on the other side?〃
 〃No; I'll do it;〃 I said。 〃You wait here in case he shows up。〃
 I headed aft along the side; circling the rest of the small sphere; then walking alongside the engine section。 Seen up close; some of the hull plates did indeed look like they'd been fastened on by Jones's semi…trained chimps。 But for all the cosmetic sloppiness; they seemed solid enough。 I rounded the thruster nozzles…which looked more professionally installed than the hull plates…and continued forward along the starboard side。
 I was halfway to the smaller sphere when a pair of indentations in the engine section caught my eye。 Thirty centimeters apart; they were about a centimeter wide each; and an exploring finger showed they were about two centimeters deep and five more down; running to an apparent point。 Basically like the latch grooves for a snap…fit lifeline; except that I'd never seen two of them set this close together before。 Peering up along the side of the hull; squinting in the glare of the rising sun; I could see what looked like four more pairs of the slots rising in a vertical line to the top of the engine section。
 I mulled at it for a moment; but I couldn't e up with any good reason to have a group of latch grooves here。 Still; considering how unorthodox the rest of the Icarus's design was; I wasn't inclined to waste too much brainpower on the question right now。 The ship's specs should be in the puter; once we were off the ground; I could look them up and see what they were for。
 On impulse; I pulled out the now useless guidance tag and tore it in half。 Loosely wadding up the pieces; I carefully stuck one into each of the lower two latch grooves; making sure they were out of view。 The thin plastic wouldn't block or impede any connector that might be put into the slot; but the act of insertion would squash the plastic down to the bottom of the groove; leaving proof that something had been there。
 I finished the rest of my inspection tour without finding anything else of particular interest。 The wraparound tunnel/airlock we'd seen on the port side had no match on the starboard; as I'd thought it might; and there were no other entrances into the ship that I could see。 By the time I returned to the stairway; there were four others and their luggage waiting with Jones: two men; a Craean male; and…surprisingly enough; at least to me…a young woman。
 〃Ah…there you are;〃 Jones called as I came around the curve of the smaller sphere to join them。 〃Gentlefolk; this is our pilot and navigator; Captain Jordan McKell。〃
 〃Pleased to meet you;〃 I said; giving them a quick once…over as I joined the group。 〃I sure hope one of you knows what's going on here。〃
 〃What do you mean; what's going on?〃 one of the newers demanded in a scratchy voice。 He was in his early twenties; thin to the point of being scrawny; with pale blond hair and an air of nervousness that hung off his shoulders like a rain cloak。 〃You're the pilot; aren't you? I thought you pilots always knew everything。〃
 〃Ah…you've been reading our propaganda sheets;〃 I said approvingly。 〃Very good。〃
 He frowned。 〃Propaganda sheets?〃
 〃A joke;〃 I said; sorry I'd even tried it。 Apparently; humor wasn't his strong point。 〃I was hired off the street; just like all the rest of you were。〃
 I sent a casual glance around the group as I spoke; watching for a reaction。 But if any of them had had a different sort of invitation to this party; he was keeping it to himself。 〃I'm sure we'll all have our questions answered as soon as our employer arrives;〃 I added。
 〃If he shows up;〃 the other man murmured。 He was tall; probably around thirty years old; with prematurely gray hair and quietly probing eyes。 His musculature was somewhat leaner than Jones's; but just as impressive in its own way。
 〃He'll be here;〃 I said; trying to put more confidence into my tone than I felt。 Having a murder charge hanging over Cameron's head was going to severely cramp his mobility。 〃While we're waiting; how about you starting off the introductions?〃
 〃Sure;〃 the gray…haired man said。 〃I'm Almont Nicabar…call me Revs。 Engine certification; though I'm cleared to handle mechanics; too。〃
 〃Really;〃 Jones said; sounding interested。 〃Where'd you journeyman on your mechanics training?〃
 〃I didn't go through an actual program;〃 Nicabar said。 〃Mostly I just picked it up while I was in the service。〃
 〃No kidding;〃 Jones said。 Apparently our mechanic was the terminally sociable type。 〃Which branch?〃
 〃Look; can't we save the social…club chat till later?〃 the nervous kid growled; his head bobbing restlessly as he checked out every spacer that came into sight along the walkways。
 〃I'm open to other suggestions;〃 I said mildly。 〃Unfortunately; as long as the entryway's locked…〃
 〃So why don't we open it?〃 he cut me off impatiently; peering up at the wraparound。 〃A cheeseball hatch like that…I could pop it in half a minute。〃
 〃Not a good idea;〃 Jones warned。 〃You can break the airlock seal that way。〃
 〃And that would leave our hull/EVA specialist with nothing to do;〃 I said; turning to the Craea。 〃And you are; sir?〃
 〃I am Chort;〃 the alien said; his voice carrying the typical whistly overtones of his species; a vaguely ethereal sound most other beings either found fascinating or else drove them pletely up a wall。 〃How did you know I was the spacewalker?〃
 〃You're far too modest;〃 I told him; bowing respectfully。 〃The reputation of the Crooea among spacewalkers far precedes you。 We are honored to have you with us。〃
 Chort returned the bow; his feathery blue…green scales shimmering where they caught the sunlight。 Like most of his species; he was short and slender; with pure white eyes; a short Mohawk…style feathery crest topping his head; and a toothed bird's bill for a mouth。 His age was impossible to read; but I tentatively put it somewhere between fifteen and eighty。 〃You're far too generous;〃 he replied。
 〃Not at all;〃 I assured him; putting all the sincere flattery into my voice that I figured I could get away with。 The entire Craean species loved zero gee; whether working in it or playing in it; with the lithe bodies and pact musculature that were perfect for climbing around outside ships。 On top of that; they seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to the depressingly regular hull problems created by hyperspace pressure; plus the ability to evaluate the condition of a plate through touch alone。
 All of which meant they were highly in demand for hull/EVA positions aboard starships; to the point where ship owners frequently tried to cajole; bribe; or otherwise steal them away from rivals in port。 I wasn't sure how Cameron had managed to get him to sign on with us; but a little ego…massage here and there wouldn't hurt our chances of keeping him here。
 Unfortunately; our nervous type either didn't understand such subtleties or just didn't care。 〃Oh; give it a rest;〃 he growled。 〃He saw your luggage; Chort…you can tell there's a vac suit in there。〃
 The blue…green scales edged with the pale red of surprise。 〃Oh;〃 Chort said。 〃Of course。 There's certainly that; too。〃
 〃Don't mind him;〃 I told the Craea; controlling my annoyance with a supreme effort。 〃He's our certified diplomacy expert。〃
 Jones chuckled; and the kid scowled。 〃I am not;〃 he insisted。 〃I'm electronics。〃
 〃Do you have a name?〃 Nicabar asked。 〃Or are we going to have to call you Twitchy for the rest of the trip?〃
 〃Har; har;〃 he said; glowering at Nicabar。 〃I'm Shawn。 Geoff Shawn。〃
 〃Which just leaves you;〃 I said; turning to the woman。 She was slim; with black hair and hazel eyes; probably no older than her mid…twenties; with the sort of lightly tanned skin of someone who played a lot outdoors。 Like Shawn; she seemed more interested in the passing pedestrian traffic than she was in our little get…acquainted session。 〃Do you cover both the puter and medical specialties?〃
 〃Just puters;〃 she said briefly; her eyes flicking to me once in quick evaluation; then turning away again。 〃My name's Tera。〃
 〃Tera what?〃 Jones asked。
 〃Just Tera;〃 she repeated; giving him a c

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