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d that Hooch could feel his chair shake。 〃Don't get high and mighty with me; you hypocrite! You want them all dead; just like I do! There's no difference between us。〃
Jackson stopped at the door and eyed the governor with disgust。 〃The assassin; Mr。 Harrison; the poisoner; he can't see the difference between himself and a soldier。 But the soldier can。〃
Unlike Ta…Kumsaw; Jackson was not above slamming the door。
Harrison sank back down onto his chair。 〃Hooch; I've got to say; I don't much like that fellow。〃
〃Never mind;〃 said Hooch。 〃He's with you。〃
Harrison smiled slowly。 〃I know。 When it cornes to war; we'll all be together。 Except for maybe that Redkisser up in Vigor Church。〃
〃Even him;〃 said Hooch。 〃Once a war starts; the Reds won't be able to tell one White man from another。 Then his people will start dying just like ours。 Then Armor…of…God Weaver will fight。〃
〃Yeah; well; if Jackson and Weaver would likker up their Reds the way we're doing ours; there wouldn't have to be a war。〃
Hooch aimed a mouthful at the spittoon and didn't miss by much。 〃That Red; that Ta…Kumsaw。〃
〃What about him?〃 asked Harrison。
〃He worries me。〃
〃Not me;〃 said Harrison。 〃I've got his brother here passed out on my floor。 Ta…Kumsaw won't do nothing。〃
〃When he pointed at me; I felt his finger touch me from across the room。 I think he's maybe got a e…hither。 Or a far…touch。 I think he's dangerous。〃
〃You don't believe in all that hexery; do you; Hooch? You're such an educated man; I thought you were above that kind of superstition。〃
〃I'm not and neither are you; Bill Harrison。 You had a doodlebug tell you where firm ground was so you could build this stockade; and when your first wife had her babies; you had a torch in to see how the baby was laying in the womb。〃
〃I warn you;〃 said Harrison; 〃to make no more ment about my wife。〃
〃Which one; now; Bill? The hot or the cold?〃
Harrison swore a good long string of oaths at that。 Oh; Hooch was delighted; Hooch was pleased。 He had such knack for hotting things up; yes sir; and it was more fun hotting up a man's temper; because there wasn't no flame then; just a lot of steam; a lot of hot air。
Well; Hooch let old Bill Harrison jaw on for a while。 Then he smiled and raised his hands like he was surrendering。 〃Now; you know I didn't mean no harm; Bill。 I just didn't know as how you got so prissy these days。 I figured we both know where babies grow; how they got in there; and how they e out; and your women don't do it any different than mine。 And when she's lying there screaming you know you've got a midwife there who knows how to cast a sleep on her; or do a pain…away; and when the baby's slow to e you've got a torch telling where it lays。 And so you listen to me; Bill Harrison。 That Ta…Kumsaw; he's got some kind of knack in him; some kind of power。 He's more than he seems。〃
〃Is he now; Hooch? Well maybe he is and maybe he ain't。 But he said Lolla…Wossiky would see with his other eye before I laid a hand on him; and it won't be long before I prove that he's no prophet。〃
〃Speaking of old one…eye; here; he's starting to fart something dreadful。〃
Harrison called for his aide。 〃Send in Corporal Withers and four soldiers; at once。〃
Hooch admired the way Harrison kept military discipline。 It wasn't thirty seconds before the soldiers were there; Corporal Withers saluting and saying; 〃Yes; sir; General Harrison。〃
〃Have three of your men carry this animal out to the stable for me。〃
Corporal Withers obeyed instantly; pausing only to say; 〃Yes sir; General Harrison。〃
General Harrison。 Hooch smiled。 He knew that Harrison's only mission was as a colonel under General Wayne during the last French war; and he didn't amount to much even then。 General。 Governor。 What a pompous
But Harrison was talking to Withers again; and looking at Hooch as he did so。 〃And now you and Private Dickey will kindly arrest Mr。 Palmer here and lock him up。〃
〃Arrest me!〃 shouted Hooch。 〃What are you talking about!〃
〃He carries several weapons; so you'll have to search him thoroughly;〃 said Harrison。 〃I suggest stripping him here before you take him to the lock…up; and leave him stripped。 Don't want this slippery old boy to get away。〃
〃What are you arresting me for!〃
〃Why; we have a warrant for your arrest for unpaid debts;〃 said Harrison。 〃And you've also been accused of selling whisky to Reds。 We'll naturally have to seize an your assets those suspicious…looking kegs my boys've been hauling into the stockade all day and sell them to make good the debt。 If we can sell them for enough; and we can clear you of those ugly charges of likkering up the Reds; why; we'll let you go。〃
Then Harrison walked on out of his office。 Hooch cussed and spit and made remarks about Harrison's wife and mother; but Private Dickey was holding real tight to a musket; and that musket had a bayonet attached to the business end; so Hooch submitted to the stripping and the search。 It got worse; though; and he cussed again when Withers marched him right across the stockade; stark naked; and didn't give him so much as a blanket when he locked him into a storage room。 A storage room filled with empty kegs from the last shipment of likker。
He sat in that lock…up room for two days before his trial; and for the first while there was murder in his heart。 He had a lot of ideas for revenge; you can bet。 He thought of setting fire to the lace curtains in Harrison's house; or burning the shed where the whisky was kept; starting all kinds of fire。 Cause what good is it to be a spark if you can't use it to get even with folks who pretend to be your friends and then lock you into jail?
But he didn't start no fires; because Hooch was no fool。 Partly; he knew that if a fire once got started anywhere in the stockade; there was a good chance it'd spread from one end to the other inside half an hour。 And there was a good chance that while everybody's rushing around to save their wives and children and gunpowder and likker; they might not remember about one whisky trader locked up in a storage room。 Hooch didn't hanker to die in a fire of his own setting that wasn't no kind of vengeance。 Time enough to start fires when he had a noose around his neck someday; but he wasn't going to risk burning to death just to get even over something like this。
But the main reason he didn't start a fire wasn't fear; it was plain business sense。 Harrison was doing this to show Hooch that he didn't like the way Hooch delayed shipments of likker to jack up the price。 Harrison was showing him that he had real power; and all Hooch had was money。 Well; let Harrison play at being a powerful man。 Hooch knew some things; too。 He knew that someday the Wobbish country would petition the U。S。 Congress in Philadelphia to bee a state。 And when it did; a certain William Henry Harrison would have his little heart set on being governor。 And Hooch had seen enough elections back in Suskwahenny and Pennsylvania and Appalachee to know that you can't get votes without silver dollars to pass around。 Hooch would have those silver dollars。 And when the time came; he might pass around those silver dollars to Harrison voters; and then again he might not。 He just might not。 He might help another man sit in the governor's mansion; someday when Carthage was a real city and Wobbish was a real state; and then Harrison would have to sit there the rest of his life and remember what it was like to be able to lock people up; and he would grind his teeth in anger at how men like Hooch took all that away from him。
That's how Hooch kept himself entertained; sitting in that lock…up room for two long days and nights。
Then they hauled him out and brought him into court unshaven; dirty; his hair wild; and his clothes all wrinkled up。 General Harrison was the judge; the jury was all in uniform; and the defense attorney was Andrew Jackson! It was plain Governor Bill was trying to make Hooch get mad and start in ranting; but Hooch wasn't born yesterday。 He knew that whatever Harrison had in mind; it wouldn't do no good to yell about it。 Just sit tight and put up with it。
It took only a few minutes。
Hooch listened with a straight face as a young lieutenant testified that all Hooch's whisky had been sold to the sutler at exactly the price it sold for last time。 According to the legal papers; Hooch didn't make a penny more from having kept them waiting four months between shipments。 Well; thought Hooch; that's fair enough; Harrison's letting me know how he wants things run。 So he didn't say a word。 Harrison looked as merry as you please; behind his magisterial solemnity。 Enjoy yourself; thought Hooch。 You can't make me mad。
But he could; after all。 They took 220 dollars right off the top and handed it over to Andrew Jackson right there in court。 Counted out eleven gold twenty…dollar coins。 That caused Hooch physical pain; to see that fiery metal dropping into Jackson's hands。 He couldn't keep his silence then。 But he did manage to keep his voice low and mild…sounding。 〃It don't seem regular to me;〃 he said; 〃to have the plaintiff acting as defense attorney。〃
〃Oh; he's not your defense attorney on the debt charges;〃 said His Honor Judge Harrison。 〃He's just your defense attorney on the likker charges。〃 Then Harrison grinned and gaveled that matter closed。
The likker business didn't take much longer。 Jackson carefully presented all the same invoices and receipts to prove that every keg of whisky was sold to the sutler of Carthage Fort; and not a speck of it to any Reds。 〃Though I will say;〃 said Jackson; 〃that the amount of whisky represented by these receipts seems like enough for three years for an army ten times this size。〃
〃We've got a bunch of hard…drinking soldiers;〃 said Judge Harrison。 〃And I reckon that likker won't last six months。 But not a drop to the Reds; Mr。 Jackson; you may be sure!〃
Then he dismissed all charges against Hooch Palmer; alias Ulysses Brock。 〃But let this be a lesson to you; Mr。 Palmer;〃 said Harrison in his best judicial voice。 〃Justice on the frontier is swift and sure。 See to it you pay your debts。 And avoid even the appearance of ev