八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > rz.nineprincesinamber >



小说: rz.nineprincesinamber 字数: 每页4000字

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 It was starting to end; after what seemed most of eternity to me。
 I attempted to wriggle my toes; succeeded。 I was sprawled there in a hospital bed and my legs were done up in plaster casts; but they were still mine。
 I squeezed my eyes shut; and opened them; three times。
 The room grew steady。
 Where the hell was I?
 Then the fogs were slowly broken; and some of that which is called memory returned to me。 I recalled nights and nurses and needles。 Every time things would begin to clear a bit; someone would e in and jab me with something。 That's how it had been。 Yes。 Now; though; I was feeling halfway decent。 They'd have to stop。
 Wouldn't they?
 The thought came to assail me: Maybe not。
 Some natural skepticism as to the purity of all human motives came and sat upon my chest。 I'd been over…narcotized; I suddenly knew。 No real reason for it; from the way I felt; and no reason for them to stop now; if they'd been paid to keep it up。 So play it cool and stay dopey; said a voice which was my worst; if wiser; self。
 So I did。
 A nurse poked her head in the door about ten minutes later; and I was; of course; still sacking Z's。 She went away。
 By then; I'd reconstructed a bit of what had occurred。
 I had been in some sort of accident; I remembered vaguely。 What had happened after that was still a blur; and as to what had happened before; I had no inkling whatsoever。 But I had first been in a hospital and then brought to this place; I remembered。 Why? I didn't know。
 However; my legs felt pretty good。 Good enough to hold me up; though I didn't know how much time had lapsed since their breaking … and I knew they'd been broken。
 So I sat up。 It took me a real effort; as my muscles were very tired。 It was dark outside and a handful of stars were standing naked beyond the window。 I winked back at them and threw my legs over the edge of the bed。
 I was dizzy; but after a while it subsided and I got up; gripping the rail at the head of the bed; and I took my first step。
 Okay。 My legs held me。
 So; theoretically; I was in good enough shape to walk out。
 I made it back to the bed; stretched out and thought。 I was sweating and shaking。 Visions of sugar plums; etc。
 In the State of Denmark there was the odor of decay。。。
 It had been an accident involving an auto; I recalled。 One helluva one。。。
 Then the door opened; letting in light; and through slits beneath my eyelashes I saw a nurse with a hypo in her hand。
 She approached my bedside; a hippy broad with dark hair and big arms。
 Just as she neared; I sat up。
 〃Good evening;〃 I said。
 〃Why … good evening;〃 she replied。
 〃When do I check out?〃 I asked。
 〃I'll have to ask Doctor。〃
 〃Do so;〃 I said。
 〃Please roll up your sleeve。〃
 〃No thanks。〃
 〃I have to give you an injection〃
 〃No you don't。 I don't need it〃
 〃I'm afraid that's for Doctor to say。〃
 〃Then send him around and let him say it。 But in the meantime; I will not permit it。〃
 〃I'm afraid I have my orders。〃
 〃So did Eichmann; and look what happened to him;〃 and I shook my head slowly。
 〃Very well;〃 she said。 〃I'll have to report this。。。〃
 〃Please do;〃 I said; 〃and while you're at it; tell him I've decided to check out in the morning。〃
 〃That's impossible。 You can't even walk … and there were internal injuries。。。〃
 〃We'll see;〃 said I。 〃Good night〃
 She swished out of sight without answering。
 So I lay there and mulled。 It seemed I was in some sort of private place … so somebody was footing the bill。 Whom did I know? No visions of relatives appeared behind my eyes。 Friends either。 What did that leave? Enemies?
 I thought a while。
 Nobody to benefact me thus。
 I'd gone over a cliff in my car; and into a lake; I suddenly remembered。 And that was all I remembered。
 I was。。。
 I strained and began to sweat again。
 I didn't know who I was。
 But to occupy myself; I sat up and stripped away all my bandages。 I seemed all right underneath them; and it seemed the right thing to do。 I broke the cast on my right leg; using a metal strut I'd removed from the head of the bed。 I had a sudden feeling that I had to get out in a hurry; that there was something I had to do。
 I tested my right leg。 It was okay。
 I shattered the cast on my left leg; got up; and went to the closet。
 No clothes there。
 Then I heard the footsteps。 I returned to my bed and covered over the broken casts and the discarded bandages。
 The door swung inward once again。
 Then there was light all around me; and there was a beefy guy in a white jacket standing with his hand on the wall switch。
 〃What's this I hear about you giving the nurse a hard time?〃 he asked; and there was no more feigning sleep。
 〃I don't know;〃 I said。 〃What is it?〃
 That troubled him for a second or two; said the frown; then; 〃It's time for your shot。〃
 〃Are you an M。D。?〃 I asked。
 〃No; but I'm authorized to give you a shot。〃
 〃And I refuse it;〃 I said; 〃as I've a legal right to do。 What's it to you?〃
 〃You'll have your shot;〃 he said; and he moved around to the left side of the bed。 He had a hypo in one hand which bad been out of sight till then。
 It was a very foul blow; about four inches below the belt buckle; I'd say; and it left him on his knees。
 〃____ ____!〃 he said; after a time。
 〃e within spitting distance again;〃 I said; 〃and see what happens。〃
 〃We've got ways to deal with patients like you;〃 he gasped。
 So I knew the time had e to act。
 〃Where are my clothes?〃 I said。
 〃____ ____!〃 He repeated
 〃Then I guess I'll have to take yours。 Give them to me。〃
 It became boring with the third repetition; so I threw the bedclothes over his head and clobbered him with the metal strut。
 Within two minutes; I'd say; I was garbed all in white; the color of Moby Dick and vanilla ice cream。 Ugly。
 I shoved him into the closet and looked out the lattice window。 I saw the Old Moon with the New Moon in her arms; hovering above a row of poplars。 The grass was silvery and sparkled。 The night was bargaining weakly with the sun。 Nothing to show; for me; where this place was located。 I seemed to be on the third floor of the building though; and there was a cast square of light off to my left and low; seeming to indicate a first floor window with someone awake behind it。
 So I left the room and considered the hallway。 Off to the left; it ended against a wall with a latticed window; and there were four more doors; two on either side。 Probably they let upon more rooms like my own。 I went and looked out the window and saw more grounds; more trees; more night; nothing new。 Turning; I headed in the other direction。
 Doors; doors; doors; no lights from under any of them; the only sounds my footsteps from the too big borrowed shoes。
 Laughing Boy's wristwatch told me it was five forty…four。 The metal strut was inside my belt; under the white orderly jacket; and it rubbed against my hip bone as I walked。 There was a ceiling fixture about every twenty feet; casting about forty watts of light。
 I came to a stairway; off to the right; leading down。 I took it。 It was carpeted and quiet。
 The second floor looked like my own; rows of rooms; so I continued on。
 When I reached the first floor I turned right; looking for the door with light leaking out from beneath it。
 I found it; way up near the end of the corridor; and I didn't bother to knock。
 The guy was sitting there in a garish bathrobe; at a big shiny desk; going over some sort of ledger。 This was no wardroom。 He looked up at me with burning eyes all wide and lips swelling toward a yell they didn't reach; perhaps because of my determined expression。 He stood; quickly。
 I shut the door behind me; advanced; and said:
 〃Good morning。 You're in trouble。〃
 People must always be curious as to trouble; because after the three seconds it took me to cross the room; his words were:
 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃I mean;〃 I said; 〃that you're about to suffer a lawsuit for holding me inmunicado; and another one for malpractice; for your indiscriminate use of narcotics。 I'm already suffering withdrawal symptoms and might do something violent。。。〃
 He stood up。
 〃Get out of here;〃 he said。
 I saw a pack of cigarettes on his desk。 I helped myself and said; 〃Sit down and shut up。 We've got things to talk about。〃
 He sat down; but he didn't shut up:
 〃You're breaking several regulations;〃 he said。
 〃So we'll let a court decide who's liable;〃 I replied。 〃I want my clothes and my personal effects。 I'm checking out。〃
 〃You're in no condition … 〃
 〃Nobody asked you。 Pony up this minute; or answer to the law。〃
 He reached toward a button on his desk; but I slapped his hand away。
 〃Now!〃 I repeated。 〃You should have pressed that when I came in。 It's too late now。〃
 〃Mr。 Corey; you're being most difficult。。。〃
 〃I didn't check me in here;〃 I said; 〃but I damn well have a right to check me out。 And now's the time。 So let's get about it。〃
 〃Obviously; you're in no condition to leave this institution;〃 he replied。 〃I cannot permit it。 I am going to call for someone to escort you back to your room and put you to bed。〃
 〃Don't try it;〃 I said; 〃or you'll find out what condition I'm in。 Now; I've several questions。 The first one's Who checked me in; and who's footing my bill at this place?〃
 〃Very well;〃 he sighed; and his tiny; sandy mustaches sagged as low as they could。
 He opened a drawer; put his hand inside; and I was wary。
 I knocked it down before he had the safety catch off: a 。32 automatic; very neat; Colt。 I snapped the catch myself when I retrieved it from the desktop; and I pointed it and said: 〃You will answer my questions。 Obviously you consider me dangerous。 You may be right。〃
 He smiled weakly; lit a cigarette himself; which was a mistake; if he intended to indicate aplomb。 His hands shook。
 〃All right; Corey … if it will make you happy;〃 he said; 〃your sister checked you in。〃
 〃?〃 thought I。
 〃Which sister?〃 I asked。
 〃Evelyn;〃 he said。
 No bells。 So; 〃That's ridiculous。 I haven't seen Evelyn in years;〃 I said。 〃She didn't even know I was in this part of the country。〃
 He shrugged。
 〃Where's she staying now? I want to call her;〃 I said。
 〃I don't have 

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