八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > cb.damnationgame >



小说: cb.damnationgame 字数: 每页4000字

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and middle finger。 〃Take it; please。〃 Marty stepped forward and took the check。
  〃Thank you。〃 〃It can be cashed at my bank in the Strand。 They'll be expecting you。 Whatever you don't spend; I want you to gamble。〃 〃Sir?〃 Marty wasn't certain he was hearing the invitation properly。
  〃I insist you gamble it; Marty。 Horses; cards; whatever you like。 Enjoy it。 Would you do that for me? And when you e back you can make an old man envious with tales of your adventures。〃 So it was bribery after all。 The fact of the check made Marty more certain than ever that the old man was lying about Carys; but he lacked the courage to press the issue。 It wasn't just cowardice; however; that made him hold back: it was burgeoning excitement。 He had been bribed twice。 Once with the money; again with the invitation to gamble it。 It was years since he'd had a chance like this。 Money in abundance; and time on his hands。 The day might e when he'd hate Papa for waking the virus in his system: but before then a fortune could be won and lost and won again。 He stood in front of the old man with the fever already on him。
  〃You're a good man; Strauss。〃 Whitehead's words rose from the shadowed chair like a prophet's from a cleft rock。 Though he couldn't see the potentate's face; Marty knew he was smiling。
  Despite her years on the sunshine island; Carys had a healthy sense of reality。 Or had; until they took her to that cold; bare house on Caliban Street。 There; nothing was certain anymore。 It was Mamoulian's doing。 That; perhaps; was the only thing that was certain。 Houses weren't haunted; only human minds。 Whatever moved in the air there; or flitted along the bare boards with the dust balls and the cockroaches; whatever scintillated; like light on water; at the corners of her eyes; it was all of Mamoulian's manufacture。
  For three days after her arrival at the new house she had refused even to speak to her host or captor; whichever he was。 She couldn't recall why she'd e; but she knew he'd conned her into it…his mind breathing at her neck…and she'd resented his manipulations。 Breer; the fat one; had brought her food; and; on the second day; dope too; but she wouldn't eat or say a word。 The room they'd locked her in was quite fortable。 She had books; and a television too; but the atmosphere was too unstable for her to be at ease。 She couldn't read; nor could she watch the inanities on the box。 Sometimes she found it difficult to remember her own name; it was as if his constant proximity was wiping her clean。 Perhaps he could do that。 After all; he'd got into her head; hadn't he? Surreptitiously wormed his way into her psyche God knows how many times。 He'd been in her; in her for Christ's sake; and she'd never known。
  〃Don't be frightened。〃 It was three A。M。 on the fourth day; and another sleepless night。 He had e into her room so silently she'd looked down to see if his feet were making contact with the floor。
  〃I hate this place;〃 she informed him。
  〃Would you like to explore; rather than being locked up in here?〃 〃It's haunted;〃 she said; expecting him to laugh at her。 He didn't; however。 So she went on。 〃Are you the ghost?〃 〃What I am is a mystery;〃 he replied; 〃even to myself。〃 His voice was softened by introspection。 〃But I'm no ghost。 You may be certain of that。 Don't fear me; Carys。 Anything you feel; I share; in some measure。〃 She remembered acutely this man's revulsion at the sex act。 What a pale; sickly thing he was; for all his powers。 She couldn't bring herself to hate him; though she had reason enough。
  〃I don't like to be used;〃 she said。
  〃I did you no harm。 I do you no harm now; do I?〃 〃I want to see Marty。〃 Mamoulian had started to try to clench his mutilated hand。 〃I'm afraid that's not possible;〃 he said。 The scar tissue of his hand; pulled tight; shone; but the mishealed anatomy wouldn't give。
  〃Why not? Why won't you let me see him?〃 〃You'll have everything you need。 Ample supplies of food; of heroin。〃 It suddenly crossed her mind that Marty might be on the European's execution list。 Might; in fact; already be dead。
  〃Please don't harm him;〃 she said。
  〃Thieves e and thieves go;〃 he replied。 〃I can't be responsible for what happens to him。〃 〃I'll never forgive you;〃 she said。
  〃Yes you will;〃 he replied; his voice so soft now it was practically illusory。 〃I'm your protector now; Carys。 Had I been allowed; I would have nurtured you from childhood; and you would have been spared the humiliations he's made you suffer。 But it's too late。 All I can do is shelter you from further corruption。〃 He gave up trying to make a fist。 She saw how the wounded hand disgusted him。 He would cut it off if he could; she thought; it's not just sex he loathes; it's flesh。
  〃No more;〃 he said; apropos of the hand; or debate; or nothing at all。
  When he left her to sleep; he didn't lock the door behind him。
  The next day; she began her exploration of the house。 There was nothing very remarkable about the place; it was simply a large; empty; three…story house。 In the street beyond the dirty windows ordinary people passed by; too locked in their heads even to glance around。 Though her first instinct was to knock on the glass; to mouth some appeal to them; the urge was easily conquered by reason。 If she slipped away what would she be escaping from; or to? She had safety here; of a kind; and drugs。 Though at first she resisted them; they were too attractive to flush away down the toilet。 And after a few days of the pills; she gave in to the heroin too。 It came in steady supply: never too much; never too little; and always good stuff。
  Only Breer; the fat one; upset her。 He would e; some days; and watch her; his eyes sloppy in his head like partially poached eggs。 She told Mamoulian about him; and the next day he didn't linger; just brought the pills and hurried away。 And the days flowed into one another; and sometimes she didn't remember where she was or how she'd got here; sometimes she remembered her name; sometimes not。 Once; maybe twice; she tried to think her way to Marty; but he was too far from her。 Either that; or the house subdued her powers。 Whichever; her thoughts lost their way a few miles from Caliban Street; and she returned there sweating and afraid。
  She had been in the house almost a week when things took a turn for the worse。
  〃I'd like you to do something for me;〃 the European said。
  〃What?〃 〃I'd like you to find Mr。 Toy。 You do remember Mr。 Toy?〃 Of course she remembered。 Not well; but she remembered。 His broken nose; those cautious eyes that had always looked at her so sadly。
  〃Do you think you could locate him?〃 〃I don't know how to。〃 〃Let your mind go to him。 You know the way; Carys。〃 〃Why can't you do it?〃 〃Because he'll be expecting me。 He'll have defenses; and I'm too tired to fight with him at the moment。〃 〃Is he afraid of you?〃 〃Probably。〃 〃Why?〃 〃You were a babe in arms when Mr。 Toy and I last met。 He and I parted as enemies; he presumes we are still enemies 。 。 。〃 〃You're going to harm him;〃 she said。
  〃That's my business; Carys。〃 She stood; sliding up the wall against which she'd been slumped。
  〃I don't think I want to find him for you。〃 〃Aren't we friends?〃 〃No;〃 she said。 〃No。 Never。〃 〃e now。〃 He stepped toward her。 The broken hand touched her: the contact was feather…light。
  〃I think you are a ghost;〃 she said。
  She left him standing in the corridor; and went up to the bathroom to think this through; locking the door behind her。 She knew without a shadow of a doubt that he'd harm Toy if she led him to the man。
  〃Carys;〃 he said quietly。 He was outside the bathroom door。 His proximity made her scalp creep。
  〃You can't make me;〃 she said。
  〃Don't tempt me。〃 Suddenly the European's face loomed in her head。 He spoke again: 〃I knew you before you could walk; Carys。 I've held you in my arms; often。 You've sucked on my thumb。〃 He was speaking with his lips close to the door; his low voice reverberated in the wood she had her back against。
  〃It's no fault of yours or mine that we were parted。 Believe me; I'm glad you carry your father's gifts; because he never used them。 He never once understood the wisdom there was to be found with them。 He squandered it all: for fame; for wealth。 But you 。 。 。 I could teach you; Carys。 Such things。〃 The voice was so seductive it seemed to reach through the door and enfold her; the way his arms had; so many years ago。 She was suddenly minute in his grasp; he cooed at her; made foolish faces to bring a cherubic smile to bloom。
  〃Just find Toy for me。 Is it so much to ask for all my favors to you?〃 She found herself rocking with the rhythm of his cradling。
  〃Toy never loved you;〃 he was saying; 〃nobody has ever loved you。〃 That was a lie: and a tactical error。 The words were cold water on her sleepy face。 She was loved! Marty loved her。 The runner; her runner。
  Mamoulian sensed his miscalculation。
  〃Don't defy me;〃 he said; the cooing had gone from his voice。
  〃Go to Hell;〃 she replied。
  〃As you wish 。 。 。〃 There was a falling note in his words; as though the issue was closed and done with。 He didn't leave his station by the door; however。 She felt him close。 Was he waiting for her to tire; and e out? she wondered。 Persuasion by physical violence wasn't his style; surely; unless he was going to use Breer。 She hardened herself against the possibility。 She'd claw his watery eyes out。
  Minutes passed; and she was sure the European was still outside though she could hear neither movement or breath。
  And then; the pipes began to rumble。 Somewhere in the system; a tide was moving。 The sink made a sucking sound; the water in the toilet bowl splashed; the toilet lid flapped open and slammed closed again as a gust of fetid air was discharged from below。 This was his doing somehow; though it seemed a vacuous exercise。 The toilet farted again: the smell was noxious。
  〃What's happening?〃 she asked under her breath。
  A gruel of filth had started to seep over the lip of the toilet and dribble onto the floor。 Wormy shapes moved in it。 She shut her eyes。 This was a fabrication; conjured up by the European to subdue her mutiny: she would ignore it。 But even wi

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