八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > cb.damnationgame >



小说: cb.damnationgame 字数: 每页4000字

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Flynn the flash。
  〃He sends his best;〃 she said。
  〃You told me;〃 he reminded her。
  Another pause; the conversation was more crucifying every time she came。 Not for him so much as for her。 She seemed to go through a trauma every time she spat a single word out。
  〃I went to see the solicitors again。〃 〃Oh; yes。〃 〃It's all going ahead; apparently。 They said the papers would be through next month。〃 〃What do I do; just sign them?〃 〃Well 。 。 。 he said we needed to talk about the house; and all the stuff we've got together。〃 〃You have it。〃 〃But it's ours; isn't it? I mean; it belongs to both of us。 And when you e out you're going to need somewhere to live; and furniture and everything。 〃 〃Do you want to sell the house?〃 Another wretched pause; as though she was trembling on the edge of saying something far more important than the banalities that would surely surface。
  〃I'm sorry; Marty;〃 she said。
  〃What for?〃 She shook her head; a tiny shake。 Her hair shimmered。
  〃Don't know;〃 she said。
  〃This isn't your fault。 None of this is your fault。〃 〃I can't help…〃 She stopped and looked up at him; suddenly more alive in the urgency of her fright…was that what it was; fright?…than she'd been in a dozen other wooden exchanges they'd endured in one chilling room or another。 Her eyes were liquefying; swelling up with tears。
  〃What's wrong?〃 She stared at him: the tears brimmed。
  〃Char 。 。 。 what's wrong?〃 〃It's all over; Marty;〃 she said; as though this fact had hit her for the first time; over; finished; fare thee well。
  He nodded; 〃Yes。〃 〃I don't want you 。 。 。〃 She stopped; paused; then tried again。 〃You mustn't blame me。〃 〃I don't blame you。 I've never blamed you。 Christ; you've been here; haven't you? All this time。 I hate seeing you in this place; you know。 But you came; when I needed you; you were there。〃 〃I thought it would be all right;〃 she said; talking on as though he'd not even spoken; 〃I really did。 I thought you'd be ing out soon…and maybe we'd make it work; you know。 We still had the house and all。 But these last couple of years; everything just started falling apart。〃 He watched her suffering; thinking: I'll never be able to forget this; because I caused it; and I'm the most miserable shit on God's earth because look what I did。 There'd been tears at the beginning; of course; and letters from her full of hurt and half…buried accusations; but this wracking distress she was showing now went so much deeper。 It wasn't from a twenty…two…year…old; for one thing; it was ing from a grown woman; and it shamed him deeply to think he'd caused it; shamed him in a way he thought he'd put behind him。
  She blew her nose on a tissue teased from a packet。
  〃Everything's a mess;〃 she said。
  〃Yes。〃 〃I just want to sort it out。〃 She gave a cursory glance at her watch; too fast to register the time; and stood up。
  〃I'd better go; Marty。〃 〃Appointment?〃 〃No 。 。 。〃 she replied; a transparent lie which she made no real effort to carry off; 〃might do some shopping later on。 Always makes me feel better。 You know me。〃 No; he thought。 No I don't know you。 If I once did; and I'm not even sure of that; it was a different you; and God I miss her。 He stopped himself。 This was not the way to part with her; he knew that from past encounters。 The trick was to be cold; to finish on a note of formality; so that he could go back to his cell and forget her until the next time。
  〃I wanted you to understand;〃 she said。 〃But I don't think I explained it very well。 It's just such a bloody mess。〃 She didn't say goodbye: tears were beginning again; and he was certain that she was frightened; under the talk of solicitors; that she would recant at the last moment…out of weakness; or love; or both…and by walking out without turning around she was keeping the possibility at bay。
  Defeated; he went back to the cell。 Feaver was asleep。 He'd stuck a vulva torn from one of his magazines onto his forehead with spit; a favorite routine of his。 It gaped…a third eye…above his closed lids; staring and staring without hope of sleep。
  〃Strauss?〃 Priestley was at the open door; staring into the cell。 Beside him; on the wall some wit had scrawled: 〃If you feel horny; kick the door。 A cunt will appear。〃 It was a familiar joke…he'd seen the same gag or similar on a number of cell walls…but now; looking at Priestley's thick face; the association of ideas…the enemy and a woman's sex…struck him as obscene。
  〃Strauss?〃 〃Yes; Sir。〃 〃Mr。 Somervale wants to see you。 About three…fifteen。 I'll e and collect you。 Be ready at ten past。〃 〃Yes; Sir。〃 Priestley turned to go。
  〃Can you tell me what it's about; Sir?〃 〃How the fuck should I know?〃
  Somervale was waiting in the Interview Room at three…fifteen。 Marty's file was on the table in front of him; its drawstrings still knotted。 Beside it; a buff envelope; unmarked。 Somervale himself was standing by the reinforced glass window; smoking。
  〃e in;〃 he said。 There was no invitation to sit down; nor did he turn from the window。
  Marty closed the door behind him; and waited。 Somervale exhaled smoke through his nostrils noisily。
  〃What do you suppose; Strauss?〃 he said。
  〃I beg your pardon; sir?〃 〃I said: what do you suppose; eh? Imagine。〃 Marty followed none of this so far; and wondered if the confusion was his or Somervale's。 After an age; Somervale said: 〃My wife died。〃 Marty wondered what he was expected to say。 As it was; Somervale didn't give him time to formulate a response。 He followed the first three words with five more: 〃They're letting you out; Strauss!〃 He placed the bald facts side by side as if they belonged together; as if the entire world was in collusion against him。
  〃Am I going with Mr。 Toy?〃 Marty asked。
  〃He and the board believe you are a suitable candidate for the job at Whitehead's estate;〃 Somervale said。 〃Imagine。〃 He made a low sound in his throat; which could have been laughter。 〃You'll be under close scrutiny; of course。 Not by me; but by whoever follows me。 And if you once step out of line 。 。 。〃 〃I understand。〃 〃I wonder if you do。〃 Somervale drew on his cigarette; still not turning around。 〃I wonder if you understand just what kind of freedom you've chosen…〃 Marty wasn't about to let this kind of talk spoil his escalating euphoria。 Somervale was defeated; let him talk。
  〃Joseph Whitehead may be one of the richest men in Europe but he's also one of the most eccentric; I hear。 God knows what you're letting yourself in for; but I tell you; I think you may find life in here a good deal more palatable。〃 Somervale's words evaporated; his sour grapes fell on deaf ears。 Either through exhaustion; or because he sensed that he'd lost his audience; he gave up his disparaging monologue almost as soon as it began; and turned from the window to finish this distasteful business as expeditiously as he could。 Marty was shocked to see the change in the man。 In the weeks since they'd last met; Somervale had aged years; he looked as though he'd survived the intervening time on cigarettes and grief。 His skin was like stale bread。
  〃Mr。 Toy will pick you up from the gates next Friday afternoon。 That's February thirteenth。 Are you superstitious?〃 〃No。〃 Somervale handed the envelope across to Marty。
  〃All the details are in there。 In the next couple of days you'll have a medical; and somebody will be here to go through your position vis…à…vis the parole board。 Rules are being bent on your behalf; Strauss。 God knows why。 There's a dozen more worthy candidates in your wing alone。〃 Marty opened the envelope; quickly scanned the tightly typed pages; and pocketed them。
  〃You won't be seeing me again;〃 Somervale was saying; 〃for which I'm sure you're suitably grateful。〃 Marty let not a flicker of response cross his face。 His feigned indifference seemed to ignite a pocket of unused loathing in Somervale's fatigued frame His bad teeth showed as he said: 〃If I were you; I'd thank God; Strauss。 I'd thank God from the bottom of my heart。〃 〃What for 。 。 。 Sir?〃 〃But then I don't suppose you've got much room for God; have you?〃 The words contained pain and contempt in equal measure。 Marty couldn't help thinking of Somervale alone in a double bed; a husband without a wife; and without the faith to believe in seeing her again; incapable of tears。 And another thought came fast upon the first: that Somervale's stone heart; which had been broken at one terrible stroke; was not so dissimilar from his own。 Both hard men; both keeping the world at bay while they waged private wars in their guts。 Both ending up with the very weapons they'd forged to defeat their enemies turned on themselves。 It was a vile realization; and had Marty not been buoyant with the news of his release he might not have dared think it。 But there it was。 He and Somervale; like two lizards lying in the same stinking mud; suddenly seemed very like twins。
  〃What are you thinking; Strauss?〃 Somervale asked。
  Marty shrugged。
  〃Nothing;〃 he said。
  〃Liar;〃 said the other。 Picking up the file; he walked out of the Interview Room; leaving the door open behind him。
  Marty telephoned Charmaine the following day; and told her what had happened。 She seemed pleased; which was gratifying。 When he came off the phone he was shaking; but he felt good。
  He lived the last few days at Wandsworth with stolen eyes; or that's how it seemed。 Everything about prison life that he had bee so used to…the casual cruelty; the endless jeering; the power games; the sex games…all seemed new to him again; as they had been six years before。
  They were wasted years; of course。 Nothing could bring them back; nothing could fill them up with useful experience。 The thought depressed him。 He had so little to go out into the world with。 Two tattoos; a body that had seen better days; memories of anger and despair。 In the journey ahead he was going to be traveling light。
  The night before he left Wandsworth he had a dream。 His nightlife had not been much to shout about during the years of his sentence。 Wet dreams about Charmaine had soon stopped; as had his more exotic flights of fancy; as though his subconscious; sympathetic to confinement; wanted to avoid taunting him wi

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