八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > chiaasen.stormyweather >



小说: chiaasen.stormyweather 字数: 每页4000字

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emen to arrest the malignant tumors in his lungs。 Workers at the clinic said the chairman was taking no calls; and refused to patch Max Lamb through to the old geezer's room。
 And if that wasn't enough; Max now had to deal with a flighty; recalcitrant wife in Florida。
 Bonnie's voice was husky from sleep。 〃Honey?〃 she said。
 Max gripped the receiver as if it were the neck of a squirming rattlesnake。 〃Exactly what's going on down there!〃
 〃I'm sorry。 I need a few more days。〃
 〃Why aren't you at the motel?〃
 〃I fell asleep here。〃
 〃With the skulls? Jesus Christ; Bonnie。〃
 When Max Lamb got highly agitated; he acquired a frenetic rasp that his coworkers likened to that of an asthmatic on amphetamines。 Bonnie didn't blame her husband for getting upset that she was with Augustine。 Trying to explain was pointless; because she didn't yet prehend it herself。 Her attempted seduction…that she understood too well。 But the urge to go road…tripping with the governor; the lack of interest in returning home to begin her new marriage 。。。 confusing emotions; indeed。
 〃I still don't feel very well; Max。 Maybe it's exhaustion。〃
 〃You can sleep on the plane。 Or in a damn motel。〃
 〃All right; honey; I'll get a room。〃
 〃Has he tried anything?〃
 〃No!〃 Bonnie said sharply。 〃He's been a perfect gentleman。〃 Thinking: I'm the one you've got to worry about; buddy boy。
 〃I don't trust him。〃 Max Lamb's normal vibrant voice had returned; indicating a beneficial drop in blood pressure。
 Bonnie decided it was safe to point out that if it weren't for Augustine; Max would still be kidnapped。
 That provoked a grinding silence on the other end。 Then: 〃There's something not right about him。〃
 〃Oh; and you're perfectly normal; Max。 Driving hundreds of miles to take movies of wrecked houses and crying babies。〃
 A movement by Augustine caught Bonnie Lamb's attention。 With a mischievous grin; he produced three plump grapefruits and began to juggle; dancing barefoot around the kitchen。 Bonnie covered her mouth to keep from giggling into the phone。
 She heard Max say; 〃I'm flying to Mexico tomorrow。 When I get back; I expect you to be here。〃 Bonnie's eyes followed the flying citrus。 〃Of course I'll be there。〃 The promise sounded so anemic that her husband couldn't possibly have believed it。 Bonnie felt a wave of sadness。 Max wasn't stupid; surely he knew something was wrong。 She took a slow deep breath。 Augustine slipped out of the kitchen and left her alone。 〃Bonnie?〃
 〃Yes; honey。〃
 〃Don't you want to know why I'm going to Mexico?〃
 〃Mexico;〃 she said; pensively。 
 Thinking: He's going to Mexico。
 Asking: 〃Will you be gone long; Max?〃
 And wondering: Who's this strange; reckless woman who has climbed inside my skin!
 Avila didn't tell his wife about his harrowing brush with crucifixion; for she would've massaged it into a divine parable and shared it with all the neighbors。 Once; Avila's wife had seen the face of the Virgin Mary in a boysenberry pancake; and phoned every TV station in Miami。 No telling how far she'd run with a lion story。 Locking himself in the bathroom; Avila bandaged his throbbing hand and waited for his wife to depart for the grocery store。 When the coast was clear; he grabbed a shovel from the garage; crept to the backyard and excavated a Tupperware box full of cash that was buried under a mango tree。 The money was his wife's brother's share of a small…time marijuana venture。 Avila's wife's brother resided in state prison for numerous felony convictions unrelated to the pot; so Avila and his wife had promised to baby…sit the cash until his parole; sometime around the turn of the century。 Avila didn't approve of pilfering a relative's life savings; but it was an emergency。 If Gar Whitmark didn't get his seven grand immediately he would call the authorities and have Avila thrown in a cell with a voracious pervert。 That's how powerful Whitmark was; or so Avila believed。
 He dug energetically for the Tupperware; ignoring the pain of the nail wound。 He was spurred by the putrid…sweet stench of rotting mangos; and a fear that one of his many in…laws would arrive unannounced…Avila wanted nobody to know he'd been ripped off by one of his own crooked roofers。 He unearthed the container without difficulty; and eagerly pried off the lid。 He removed seventy damp one…hundred…dollar bills and wadded them into a pocket。 But something wasn't right: Money appeared to be missing from his wife's brother's stash。 Avila's suspicion was confirmed by a hasty count; the Tupperware box was short by an additional four grand。
 Dumb bitches! Avila steamed。 They've been losing at Indian bingo again。 His wife and her mother were practically addicted。
 To confront the women would have given Avila great pleasure; but it also would've exposed his own clandestine filching。 Ruefully he reburied the Tupperware; and concealed the disturbed topsoil with a mat of leaves and lawn cuttings。 Then he drove to the Gar Whitmark Building; where he was made to wait in the lobby for ninety minutes; like a mon peon。
 When a secretary finally led him into Gar Whitmark's private office; Avila spoiled any chance for a civil exchange by asking the corporate titan what the hell was wrong with his scalp; was that a fungus or what? Avila; who had never before seen hair plugs; hadn't meant to be rude; but Gar Whitmark reacted explosively。 He shoved Avila to the floor; snatched the seven grand from his hand; knelt heavily on his chest and spewed verbal abuse。 Whitmark wasn't a large man; but he was fit from many afternoons of country…club tennis。 Avila chose not to resist; he was thinking lawsuit。 Whitmark's eyes bulged in rage; and he cursed himself breathless; but he did not punch Avila even once。 Instead he got up; smoothed the breast of his Italian suit; straightened his necktie and presented the disheveled con man with an itemized estimate from Killebrew Roofing Co。 for the staggering sum of 23;250。
 Avila was crestfallen; though not totally surprised: Whitmark had selected the best; and most expensive; roofers in all South Florida。 Also; the most honest。 From his days as a crooked inspector; Avila sourly recalled the few times he'd tried to shake down Killebrew crews for payoffs; only to be chased like a skunk from the construction sites。 Killebrew; like Gar Whitmark; had some heavy juice downtown。
 Avila pretended to study the estimate while he thought up a diplomatic response。
 Whitmark said: 〃They start work next week。 Adjust your finances accordingly。〃
 〃Jesus; I don't have twenty…three grand。〃 There… he'd said it。
 〃You're making me weep。〃 Gar Whitmark clicked his teeth。
 With a bandaged hand Avila waved the Killebrew paper in tepid indignation。 〃I could do this same job for half as much!〃
 Whitmark snorted。 〃I wouldn't let you put the roof on a fucking doghouse。〃 He handed Avila a Xeroxed clipping from the newspaper。 〃You either e up with the money or go to jail。 prende; Sefior Dipshit?〃
 The newspaper article said the Dade State Attorney was appointing a special squad of prosecutors to crack down on dishonest contractors preying on hurricane victims。
 〃One phone call;〃 said Whitmark; 〃and you're on your way to the buttfuck motel。〃
 Avila bowed his head。 The sight of his blackened fingernails reminded him of the buried Tupperware box。 Hell; there was only twelve; maybe thirteen grand left in it。 He was screwed。
 〃My wife's still a wreck from what your people did。 You wouldn't believe the goddamn pharmacy bill。〃 Whitmark pointed at the door and told Avila good…bye。 〃We'll talk;〃 he said; ominously。
 On the way home; Avila dejectedly mulled his options。 How often could he turn to Chango without offending Him; or appearing selfish? Yet the santero priest who trained Avila had mentioned no numerical limit on supernatural requests。 Tonight; Avila decided; I'll do a goat…no; two goats!
 And tomorrow I will hunt that bastard Snapper。
 The Church of High Pentecostal Rumination; headquartered in Chicoryville; Florida; attended all natural disasters in the western hemisphere。 Earthquake; flood and hurricane zones proved fertile territories for conversion and recruitment of sinners。 Less than thirty…six hours after the killer storm smashed Dade County; an experienced team of seven Ruminator missionaries was dispatched in a leased Dodge minivan。 Hotel beds were scarce; so they shared a room at a Ramada Inn off the Turnpike。 There was no plaining。
 Every morning; the missionaries preached; consoled and distributed pamphlets。 Then they stood in line for free army lunches at the tent city; and returned to the motel for two hours of quiet contemplation and gin rummy。 The Ramada offered free cable TV; which allowed the Ruminators to view a half…dozen different religious broadcasts at any time of day。 One afternoon; in the absence of a pure Pentecostal preacher; they settled on Pat Robertson and the 700 Club。 The Ruminators didn't share Robertson's paranoid worldview; but they admired his life…or…death style of fund…raising and hoped to pick up some pointers。
 Toward the end of the program; Reverend Robertson closed his eyes and prayed。 The Ruminators joined hands…no easy task; since four of them were on one bed and three were on the other。 The prayer was not one they recognized from the Scriptures; evidently Reverend Robertson had posed it personally; since it contained several references to his post office box in Virginia。 Nonetheless; it was a pretty good prayer; fervently rendered; and the Ruminator missionaries were enjoying it。
 No sooner had Reverend Robertson exhaled the word 〃Amen〃 when the motel room was rocked by a muffled detonation; and the television set exploded before the missionaries' startled eyes。 Reverend Robertson's squinting visage vaporized in a gout of acrid blue smoke; and his whiny beseechment faded in a sprinkle of falling glass。 The Ruminators scrambled off the beds; dropped to their knees and burst into a hymn; 〃Nearer My God to Thee。〃 That's how the manager of the Ramada found them; fifteen minutes later; when he came 

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