八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > chiaasen.stormyweather >



小说: chiaasen.stormyweather 字数: 每页4000字

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them on the road。 Bonnie herself had no clue which way they were headed。
 〃South;〃 the governor reported。 〃And south is good。〃
 The man with the pistol snarled: 〃Quiet; asshole。〃
 Suddenly Bonnie got an eerie hologrammic vision of the gunman's naked skull on the wall of Augustine's guest room。 The broken mandible caused the bony orb to rest with a sinister tilt on the shelf; a pirate's crooked grin。 Then Bonnie had a flash of Augustine; juggling the gunman's skull with the others。
 From a pocket Skink withdrew a squirming Bufo toad; which immediately peed on him。 The man with the 。357 sneered。
 The woman who was driving glanced over her shoulder。 〃What now?〃 she grumbled。
 〃Smoke the sweat;〃 Skink said; cupping the toad and its amber piddle in his palm; 〃and then you see mastodons。〃
 〃Get that stinking thing outta here;〃 said the gunman。
 〃Did you know mastodons once roamed Florida? Eons before your ancestors began their ruinous copulations。 Mastodons as big as cement trucks!〃 Skink put the toad out the window。 Then he wiped the toad pee on the sleeve of the gunman's pinstriped suit。
 〃You fuck!〃 Snapper took aim at Skink's good eye。
 The woman at the wheel told him to cool it…other drivers were staring。 She turned off at the next exit and pulled into an abandoned service station。 The hurricane had blown down the gas pumps like dominoes。 Looters had cleaned out the garage。 On the roof lay the remains of a Mazda Miata; squashed upside down like a bright lady…bug。
 While the gunman left the Jeep to relieve himself behind the building; the woman reluctantly took charge of the 。357。 She looked so unfortable that Bonnie Lamb felt a little sorry for her; the poor girl could barely hoist the darn thing。 Surely; Bonnie thought; now was the moment for Skink to make his move。
 But he didn't。 Instead he smiled at the woman in the driver's seat and said; 〃You're truly pretty。 And aware of it; of course。 The guiding force for most of your life; I imagine…your good looks。〃
 The woman blushed; then toughened。
 〃Where'd you spend the storm?〃 Skink asked。
 〃In a motel。 With Mel Gibson there;〃 the woman said; nodding toward Snapper; 〃and a hooker。〃
 〃I was tied to a bridge。 You should try it sometime。〃
 Bonnie Lamb said; 〃He isn't kidding。〃
 The woman shifted the 。357 to her other hand。 〃What on earth are you people doing? Who sent you to the house…Tony's wife?〃 She turned around on her knees; bracing her gun arm on the front seat。 〃Bonnie; dear;〃 she said sharply。 〃I'd really appreciate some answers。〃
 〃Would you believe I'm on my honeymoon。〃
 〃You're joking。〃 The woman glanced doubtfully at Skink。
 Bonnie said; 〃Oh; not him。 My husband's in Mexico。〃
 〃Boy; are you ever lost;〃 said the woman。
 Bonnie shook her head。 〃Not really。〃
 The storm had knocked down the traffic signal at Florida City; or what was left of Florida City。 A tired policeman in a yellow rainsuit directed traffic at the intersection。 Edie Marsh tensed behind the wheel of the Jeep。 She told Snapper to make sure the gun was out of sight。 As they passed the officer; Bonnie Lamb figured it would be a fine time to poke her head out the window and shout for help; but Skink offered no encouraging signal。 His chin had drooped back to his chest。 〃
 Most of the street signs remained down from the hurricane; but Bonnie saw one indicating they were about to enter the Fabulous Florida Keys。 Snapper was apprehensive about possible checkpoints along Highway One; so he instructed Edie Marsh to use Card Sound Road instead。
 〃There's a toll;〃 she noted。
 〃I left my purse at the house。〃
 Snapper said; 〃Jesus; I got money。〃
 〃I bet you do。〃 Edie Marsh couldn't stop thinking about what the one…eyed stranger had said: Snapper assaulting a woman cop and swiping her mother's ring。
 〃How much did you get for it?〃 she asked。
 〃For what?〃
 〃The ring。〃 Edie stared ahead at the flat strip of road; which stretched eastward as far as she could see。
 Snapper muttered obscenely。 He fished in his coat and came out with a plain gold wedding band。 He held it three inches from Edie's face。
 〃Happy?〃 he said。
 The sight of the stolen ring affected Edie in an unexpected way: She felt repulsed; then dejected。 She tried to picture the policewoman; wondered if she was married or had children; wondered what dreadful things Snapper had done to her。
 Lord; Edie thought。 What a small; disappointing life I've made for myself。 She wanted to believe it would've been different if only she'd talked that shy young Kennedy into the sack。 But she was no longer sure。
 〃I couldn't pawn it;〃 Snapper was saying。 〃Damn thing's engraved; nobody'll touch it。〃
 〃What does it say?〃 Edie asked quietly。 〃On the ring。〃
 〃Who cares。〃
 〃e on。 What does it say?〃
 The woman in the back seat sat forward; also curious; as Snapper read the inscription aloud: 〃'For My Cynthia。 Always。'〃 He gave a scornful laugh and hung his bony arm out the window; preparing to toss the ring from the truck。
 〃Don't do that;〃 Edie said; backing off the accelerator。
 〃The fuck not? If I can't hock the goddamn thing; I'm gone dump it。 Case we get pulled over。〃
 Edie Marsh said; 〃Just don't; OK?〃
 〃Oops。 Too late。〃 He cocked his arm and threw the ring as far as he could。 It plopped into a roadside canal; breaking the surface with concentric circles。
 Edie saw everything from the corner of her eye。 〃You lousy prick。〃 Her voice was as hard as marble。 The woman in the back seat felt the Jeep gain speed。
 Defiantly Snapper waved the heavy black pistol。 〃Maybe you never heard of somethin' called 'possession of stolen property'…it's a motherfuckin' felony; case you didn't know。 Here's another beauty: Vi…o…lay…shun o' pro…bay…shun! Translated: My skinny white ass goes straight to Starke; I get caught。 Do not pass Go; do not collect any hurricane money。 So fuck the cop's jewelry; unnerstand?〃
 Edie Marsh said nothing。 She willed herself to concentrate on the slick two…lane blacktop; which intermittently was strewn with pine boughs; palmetto fronds and loose sheets of plywood。 A regular obstacle course。 Edie checked the speedometer: ninety…two miles per hour。 Not bad for a city girl。
 Snapper; ordering her to slow down; couldn't keep the raw nervousness out of his voice。 Edie acted as if she didn't hear a word。
 The one who called himself Skink didn't stir from his nap; trance; a; whatever it was。 Meanwhile the young newlywed (Edie noticed in the rearview) carefully removed her own wedding band from her finger。
 The tollbooth was empty and the gate was up。 Edie didn't bother to slow down。 Bonnie Lamb held her breath。
 When they blew through the narrow lane; Snapper exclaimed; 〃Jesus!〃
 As the Jeep climbed the steep bridge; Skink raised his head。 〃This is the place。〃
 〃Where you spent the storm?〃 Bonnie asked。
 He nodded。 〃Glorious。〃
 Beneath them; broken sunlight painted Biscayne Bay in shifting stripes of copper and slate。 Ahead; a bloom of lavender clouds dumped chutes of rain on the green mangrove shorelines of North Key Largo。 As the truck crested the bridge; Skink pointed out a pod of bottle…nosed dolphins rolling along the edge of a choppy boat channel。 From such a height the arched flanks of the creatures resembled glinting slivers of jet ceramic; covered and then uncovered by foamy waves。
 〃Just look;〃 said Bonnie Lamb。 The governor was right…it was purely spectacular up here。
 Even Edie Marsh was impressed。 She curbed the Jeep on the downhill slope and turned off the key。 She strained to keep the rollicking dolphins in view。
 Snapper fumed impatiently。 〃What is this shit?〃 He jabbed Edie in the arm with the 。357。 〃Hey you; drive。〃
 〃Take it easy。〃
 〃I said fucking drive。〃
 〃And I said take it fucking easy。〃
 Edie was livid。 The last time Snapper had seen that hateful glare was moments before she'd bludgeoned his leg with the crowbar iron。 He cocked the revolver。 〃Don't be a cunt。〃
 〃Excuse me?〃 One eyebrow arched。 〃What'd you say?〃
 Bonnie Lamb feared that Edie was going to lose her mind and go for Snapper's throat; at which point she certainly would be shot dead。 Snapper jammed the gun flush against her right breast。
 The governor was unaware。 He had everted the upper half of his torso out the window to watch the dolphins make their way north; and also to enjoy a fresh sprinkle that had begun to fall。 Bonnie tried to grab his hand; but it was too large。 She settled for squeezing two of his fingers。 Gradually Skink drew himself back into the Jeep and appraised the tense drama unfolding in the front seat。
 〃You heard me;〃 Snapper was saying。
 〃So that was you;〃 Edie said; 〃calling me a cunt。〃
 Violently Snapper twisted the gun barrel; bunching the fabric of Edie's blouse and wringing the soft flesh beneath it。 God; Bonnie thought; that's got to hurt。
 Edie Marsh didn't let it show。
 〃Drive!〃 Snapper told her again。
 〃When I'm through watching Flipper。〃
 〃Fuck Flipper。〃 Snapper raised the 。357 and fired once through the top of the Jeep。
 Bonnie Lamb cried out and covered her ears。 Edie Marsh clutched the steering wheel to steady herself。 The pain in her right breast made her wonder briefly if she was shot。 She wasn't。
 Snapper cheerlessly eyed the hole in the roof of the truck; the acrid whiff of cordite made him sneeze。 〃God bless me;〃 he said; with a dark chuckle。
 A door opened。 Skink got out of the Jeep to stretch。 〃Don't you love this place!〃 He unfolded his long arms toward the clouds。 〃Don't it bring out the beast in your soul!〃
 Glorious; Bonnie agreed silently。 That's the word for it。
 〃Get back in the car;〃 Snapper barked。
 Skink obliged; shaking the raindrops from his hair like a sheep dog。 Without a word; Edie Marsh started the engine and drove on。
 〃What do you mean; no roosters?〃
 The owner of the botdnica apologized。 It had been

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