八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > jg.atimetokill >



小说: jg.atimetokill 字数: 每页4000字

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 Saturday court was unusual but not unheard of; especially in capital cases where the jury was locked up。 The participants didn't mind because Saturday brought the end one day nearer。
 The locals didn't mind either。 It was their day off; and for most Ford Countians it was their only chance to watch the trial; or if they couldn't get a seat; at least hang around the square and see it all first…hand。 Who knows; there may even be some more shooting。
 By seven; the cafes downtown were at full capacity serving nonregulars。 For every customer who was awarded a seat; two were turned away and left to loiter around the square and the courthouse and wait for a seat in the courtroom。 Most of them paused for a moment in front of the lawyer's office; hoping to catch a glimpse of the one they tried to kill。 The braggarts told of being clients of this famous man。
 Upward; a few feet; the target sat at his desk and sipped a bloody concoction left from yesterday's party。 He smoked a Roi…Tan; ate headache powders; and rubbed the cobwebs from his brain。 Forget about the soldier; he had told himself for the past three hours。 Forget about the Klan; the threats; forget everything but the trial; and specifically Dr。 W。T。 Bass。 He uttered a short prayer; something about Bass being sober on the witness stand。 The expert and Lucieh had stayed through the afternoon; drinking and arguing; accusing each other of being a drunk and receiving a dishonorable discharge from their respective professions。 Violence flared briefly at Ethel's desk when they were leaving。 Nesbit intervened and escorted them to the patrol car for the ride home。 The reporters burned with curiosity as the two blind drunks were led from Jake's office by the deputy and put in the car; where they continued to rage and cuss at each other; Lucien in the back seat; Bass in the front。
 He reviewed Ellen's masterpiece on the insanity defense。 Her outline of questions for Bass needed only minor changes。 He studied his expert's resume; and though unim…
 pressive; it would suffice for Ford County。 The nearest psychiatrist was eighty miles away。
 Judge Noose glanced at the D。A。 and looked sympathetically at Jake; who sat next to the door and watched the faded portrait of some dead judge hanging over Buckley's shoulder。
 〃How do you feel this morning; Jake?〃 Noose asked warmly。
 〃I'm fine。〃
 〃How's the soldier?〃 asked Buckley。
 Noose; Buckley; Musgrove; and Mr。 Pate looked at the same spot on the carpet and grimly shook their heads in a quiet moment of respect。
 〃Where's your law clerk?〃 Noose asked; looking at the clock on the wall。
 Jake looked at his watch。 〃I don't know。 I expected her by now。〃
 〃Are you ready?〃
 〃Is the courtroom ready; Mr。 Pate?〃
 〃Yes; sir。〃
 〃Very well。 Let's proceed。〃
 Noose seated the courtroom; and for ten minutes offered a rambling apology to the jurors for yesterday's delay。 They were the only fourteen in the county who did not know what happened Friday morning; and it might be prejudicial to tell them。 Noose droned on about emergencies and how sometimes during trials things conspire to cause delays。 When he finally finished; the jurors were pletely bewildered and praying that somebody would call a witness。
 〃You may call your first witness;〃 Noose said in Jake's direction。
 〃Dr。 W。T。 Bass;〃 Jake announced as he moved to the podium。 Buckley and Musgrove exchanged winks and silly grins。
 Bass was seated next to Lucien on the second row in the middle of the family。 He stood noisily and made his way to the center aisle; stepping on feet and assaulting people with
 his heavy; leather; empty briefcase。 Jake heard the motion behind him and continued smiling at the jury。
 〃I do; I do;〃 Bass said rapidly at Jean Gillespie during his swearing in。
 Mr。 Pate led him to the witness stand and delivered the standard orders to speak up and use the microphone。 Though mortified and hung over; the expert looked remarkably arrogant and sober。 He wore his most expensive dark gray hand…sewn wool suit; a perfectly starched white button…down; and a cute little red paisley bow tie that made him appear rather cerebral。 He looked like an expert; in something。 He also wore; over Jake's objections; a pair of light gray ostrich skin cowboy boots that he had paid over a thousand for and worn less than a dozen times。 Lucien had insisted on the boots eleven years earlier in the first insanity case。 Bass wore them; and the very sane defendant went to Parchman。 He wore them in the second insanity trial; again at Lucien's behest; again; Parchman。 Lucien referred to them as Bass's good luck charm。
 Jake wanted no part of the damned boots。 But the jury could relate to them; Lucien had argued。 Not expensive ostrich skin; Jake countered。 They're too dumb to know the difference; replied Lucien。 Jake could not be swayed。 The rednecks will trust someone with boots; Lucien had explained。 Fine; said Jake; let him wear a pair of those camouflage squirrel…hunting boots with a little mud on the heels and soles; some boots they could really identify with。 Those wouldn't plement his suit; Bass had inserted。
 He crossed his legs; laying the right boot on his left knee; flaunting it。 He grinned at it; then grinned at the jury。 The ostrich would have been proud。
 Jake looked from his notes on the podium and saw the boot; which was plainly visible above the rail of the witness stand。 Bass was admiring it; the jurors pondering it。 He choked and returned to his notes。
 〃State your name; please。〃
 〃Dr。 W。T。 Bass;〃 he replied; his attention suddenly diverted from the boot。 He looked grimly; importantly at Jake。
 〃What is your address?〃
 〃Nine…oh…eight West Canterbury; Jackson; Mississippi。〃
 〃What is your profession?〃
 〃I am a physician。〃
 〃Are you licensed to practice in Mississippi?〃
 〃When were you licensed?〃
 〃February 8; 1963。〃
 〃Are you licensed to practice medicine in any other state?〃
 〃When did you obtain that license?〃
 〃November 3; 1962。〃
 〃Where did you go to college?〃
 〃I received my bachelor's degree from Millsaps College in 1956; and received my M。D。; or Doctor of Medicine; from the University of Texas Health Science Center in Dallas; Texas; in 1960。〃
 〃Is that an accredited medical school?〃
 〃By whom?〃
 〃By the Council of Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association; the recognized accrediting agency of our profession; and by the educational authority of the State of Texas。〃
 Bass relaxed a bit; uncrossed and recrossed his legs; and displayed his left boot。 He rocked gently and turned the fortable swivel chair partially toward the jury。
 〃Where did you intern and for how long?〃
 〃After graduation from medical school; I spent twelve months as an intern at the Rocky Mountain Medical Center in Denver。〃
 〃What is your medical specialty?〃
 〃Explain to us what that means。〃
 〃Psychiatry is that branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disorders of the mind。 It usually; but not always; deals with mental malfunction; the organic basis of which is unknown。〃
 Jake breathed for the first time since Bass took the stand。 His man was sounding good。
 〃Now; Doctor;〃 he said as he casually walked to within
 a foot of the jury box; 〃describe to the jury the specialized training you received in the field of psychiatry。〃
 〃My specialized training in psychiatry consisted of two years as a resident in psychiatry at the Texas State Mental Hospital; an approved training center。 I engaged in clinical work with psychoneurotic and psychotic patients。 I studied psychology; psychopathology; psychotherapy; and the physiological therapies。 This training; supervised by petent psychiatric teachers; included instruction in the psychiatric aspects of general medicine; the behavior aspects of children; adolescents; and adults。〃
 It was doubtful if a single person in the courtroom prehended any of what Bass had just said; but it came from the mouth of a man who suddenly appeared to be a genius; an expert; for he had to be a man of great wisdom and intelligence to pronounce those words。 With the bow tie and vocabulary; and in spite of the boots; Bass was gaining credibility with each answer。
 〃Are you a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry?〃
 〃Of course;〃 he answered confidently。
 〃In which branch are you certified?〃
 〃I am certified in psychiatry。〃
 〃And when were you certified?〃
 〃April of 1967。〃
 〃What does it take to bee certified by the American Board of Psychiatry?〃
 〃A candidate must pass oral and practical exams; as well as a written test at the direction of the Board。〃
 Jake glanced at his notes and noticed Musgrove winking at Buckley。
 〃Doctor; do you belong to any professional groups?〃
 〃Name them please。〃
 〃I am a member of the American Medical Association; American Psychiatric Association; and the Mississippi Medical Association。〃
 〃How long have you been engaged in the practice of psychiatry?〃
 〃Twenty…two years。〃
 Jake walked three steps in the direction ot me oencn and eyed Noose; who was watching intently。
 〃Your Honor; the defense offers Dr。 Bass as an expert in the field of psychiatry。〃
 〃Very well;〃 replied Noose。 〃Do you wish to examine this witness; Mr。 Buckley?〃
 The D。A。 stood with his legal pad。 〃Yes; Your Honor; just a few questions。〃
 Surprised but not worried; Jake took his seat next to Carl Lee。 Ellen was still not in the courtroom。
 〃Dr。 Bass; in your opinion; are you an expert in the field of psychiatry?〃 asked Buckley。
 〃Have you ever taught psychiatry?〃
 〃Have you ever published any articles on psychiatry?〃
 〃Have you ever published any books on psychiatry?〃
 〃Now; I believe you testified that you are a member of the A。M。A。; M。M。A。; and the American Psychiatric Association?〃
 〃Have you ever served as an officer in any of these organizations?〃
 〃What hospital positions do you currently hold; as of today?〃
 〃Has your experience in psychiatry included any work under the auspices of the federal government or any state government?〃
 The arrogance was b

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