八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > jg.atimetokill >



小说: jg.atimetokill 字数: 每页4000字

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 Jake let those words sink in。 He studied Ellen's outline and saw only two more questions。
 〃Now; Dr。 Bass; based upon your observations of Carl Lee Hailey; and your diagnosis of his mental condition at the time of the shooting; do you have an opinion; to a reasonable degree of medical certainty; as to whether Carl Lee Hailey was capable of knowing the difference between right and wrong when he shot these men?〃
 〃I have。〃
 〃And what is that opinion?〃
 〃That due to his mental condition; he was totally incapable of distinguishing right from wrong。〃
 〃Do you have an opinion; based upon the same factors; as to whether Carl Lee Hailey was able to understand and appreciate the nature and quality of his actions?〃
 〃I do。〃
 〃And what is that opinion?〃
 〃In my opinion; as an expert in the field of psychiatry; Mr。 Hailey was totally incapable of understanding and appreciating the nature and quality of what he was doing。〃
 〃Thank you; Doctor。 I tender the witness。〃
 Jake gathered his legal pad and strolled confidently back to his seat。 He glanced at Lucien; who was smiling and nodding。 He glanced at the jury。 They were watching Bass and thinking about his testimony。 Wanda Womack; a young woman with a sympathetic glow about her; looked at Jake and smiled ever so slightly。 It was the first positive signal he received from the jury since the trial started。
 〃So far so good;〃 Carl Lee whispered。
 Jake smiled at his client。 〃You're a real psycho; big man。〃
 〃Any cross…examination?〃 Noose asked Buckley。
 〃Just a few questions;〃 Buckley said as he grabbed the podium。
 Jake could not imagine Buckley arguing psychiatry with an expert; even if it was W。T。 Bass。
 But Buckley had no plans to argue psychiatry。 〃Dr。 Bass; what is your full name?〃
 Jake froze。 The question had an ominous hint to it。 Buckley asked it with a great deal of suspicion。
 〃William Tyler Bass。〃
 〃What do you go by?〃
 〃W。T。 Bass。〃
 〃Have you ever been known as Tyler Bass?〃
 The expert hesitated。 〃No;〃 he said meekly。
 An immense feeling of anxiety hit Jake and felt like a hot spear tearing into his stomach。 The question could only mean trouble。
 〃Are you positive?〃 Buckley asked with raised eyebrows and an enormous amount of distrust in his voice。
 Bass shrugged。 〃Maybe when I was younger。〃
 〃I see。 Now; I believe you testified that you studied medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center?〃
 〃That's correct。〃
 〃And where is that?〃
 〃And when were you a student there?〃
 〃From 1956 to 1960。〃
 〃And under what name were you registered?〃
 〃William T。 Bass。〃
 Jake was numb with fear。 Buckley had something; a dark secret from the past known only to Bass and himself。
 〃Did you ever use the name Tyler Bass while you were a medical student?〃
 〃Are you positive?〃
 〃I certainly am。〃
 〃What is your social security number?〃
 Buckley made a check mark beside something on his legal pad。
 〃And what is your date of birth?〃 he asked carefully。
 〃September 14; 1934。〃
 〃And what was your mother's name?〃
 〃Jonnie Elizabeth Bass。〃
 〃And her maiden name?〃
 Another check mark。 Bass looked nervously at Jake。
 〃And your place of birth?〃
 〃Carbondale; Illinois。〃
 Another check mark。
 An objection to the relevance of these questions was in order and sustainable; but Jake's knees were like Jell…O and his bowels were suddenly fluid。 He feared he would embarrass himself if he stood and tried to speak。
 Buckley studied his check marks and waited a few seconds。 Every ear in the courtroom waited for the next question; knowing it would be brutal。 Bass watched the D。A。 like a prisoner watching the firing squad; hoping and praying the guns would somehow misfire。
 Finally; Buckley smiled at the expert。 〃Dr。 Bass; have you ever been convicted of a felony?〃
 The question echoed throughout the silence and landed from all directions on the trembling shoulders of Tyler Bass。 Even a cursory look at his face revealed the answer。
 Carl Lee squinted and looked at his lawyer。
 〃Of course not!〃 Bass answered loudly; desperately。
 Buckley just nodded and walked slowly to the table; where Musgrove; with much ceremony; handed him some important…looking papers。
 〃Are you certain?〃 Buckley thundered。
 〃Of course I'm certain;〃 Bass protested as he eyed the important…looking papers。
 Jake knew he needed to rise and say something or do something to stop the carnage that was seconds away; but his mind was paralyzed。
 〃You're certain?〃 Buckley asked。
 〃Yes;〃 Bass answered through clenched teeth。
 〃You've never been convicted of a felony?〃
 〃Of course not。〃
 〃Are you as certain of that as you are the rest of your testimony before this jury?〃
 That was the trap; the killer; the deadliest question of all; one Jake had used many times; and when he heard it; he knew Bass was finished。 And so was Carl Lee。
 〃Of course;〃 Bass answered with feigned arrogance。
 Buckley moved in for the kill。 〃You're telling this jury that on October 17; 1956; in Dallas; Texas; you were not convicted of a felony under the name of Tyler Bass?〃
 Buckley asked the question while looking at the jury and reading from the important…looking documents。
 〃That's a lie;〃 Bass said quietly; and unconvincingly。
 〃Are you sure it's a lie?〃 Buckley asked。
 〃A bald…faced lie。〃
 〃Do you know a lie from the truth; Dr。 Bass?〃
 〃Damn right I do。〃
 Noose placed his glasses on his nose and leaned forward。 The jurors quit rocking。 The reporters quit scribbling。 The deputies along the back wall stood still and listened。
 Buckley picked out one of the important…looking documents and studied it。 〃You're telling this jury that on October 17; 1956; you were not convicted of statutory rape?〃
 Jake knew it was important; in the midst of any great courtroom crisis; even this one; to maintain a straight; poker face。 It was important for the jurors; who missed nothing; to see the defendant's lawyer with a positive look about him。 Jake had practiced this positive; everything's…wonderful; I'm…in…control look through many trials and many surprises; but with the 〃statutory rape〃 the positive and confident and certain look was immediately replaced by a sickly; pale; pained expression that was being scrutinized by at least half of those in the jury box。
 The other half scowled at the witness on the stand。
 〃Were you convicted of statutory rape; Doctor?〃 Buck…ley asked again after a lengthy silence。
 No answer。
 Noose uncoiled and leaned downward in the direction of the witness。 〃Please answer the question; Dr。 Bass。〃
 Bass ignored His Honor and stared at the D。A。; then said; 〃You've got the wrong man。〃
 Buckley snorted and walked to Musgrove; who was holding some more important…looking papers。 He opened a large white envelope and removed something that resembled an 8 x 10 photograph。
 〃Well; Dr。 Bass; I've got some photographs of you taken by the Dallas Police Department on September 11; 1956。 Would you like to see them?〃
 No answer。
 Buckley held them out to the witness。 〃Would you like
 to see these; Dr。 Bass? Perhaps they could refresh your memory。〃
 Bass slowly shook his head; then lowered it and stared blankly at his boots。
 〃Your Honor; the State would introduce into evidence these copies; certified under the Acts of Congress; of the Final Judgment and Sentencing Order in the case styled State of Texas versus Tyler Bass; said records being obtained by the State from the proper officials in Dallas; Texas; and showing that on October 17; 1956; a one Tyler Bass pled guilty to the charge of statutory rape; a felony under the laws of the State of Texas。 We can prove that Tyler Bass and this witness; Dr。 W。T。 Bass; are one and the same。〃
 Musgrove politely handed Jake a copy of everything Buckley was waving。
 〃Any objections to this introduction into evidence?〃 Noose asked in Jake's direction。
 A speech was needed。 A brilliant; emotional explanation that would touch the hearts of the jurors and make them weep with pity for Bass and his patient。 But the rules of procedure did not permit one at this point。 Of course the evidence was admissible。 Unable to stand; Jake waved in the negative。 No objections。
 〃We have no further questions;〃 Buckley announced。
 〃Any redirect; Mr。 Brigance?〃 Noose asked。
 In the split second available; Jake could not think of a single thing he could ask Bass to improve the situation。 The jury had heard enough from the defense expert。
 〃No;〃 Jake said quietly。
 〃Very well; Dr。 Bass; you are excused。〃
 Bass made a quick exit through the small gate in the railing; down the center aisle; and out of the courtroom。 Jake watched his departure intently; conveying as much hatred as possible。 It was important for the jury to see how shocked the defendant and his lawyer were。 The jury had to believe a convicted felon was not knowingly put on the stand。
 When the door closed and Bass was gone; Jake scanned the courtroom in hopes of finding an encouraging face。 There were none。 Lucien stroked his beard and stared at the
 floor。 Lester sat with his arms folded and a disgusted look on his face。 Gwen was crying。
 〃Call your next witness;〃 Noose said。
 Jake continued searching。 In the third row; between Reverend Ollie Agee and Reverend Luther Roosevelt; sat Norman Reinfeld。 When his eyes met Jake's; he frowned and shook his head as if to say 〃I told you so。〃 On the other; side of the courtroom; most of the whites looked relaxed and a few even grinned at Jake。
 〃Mr。 Brigance; you may call your next witness。〃
 Against his better judgment; Jake attempted to stand。 His knees buckled and he leaned forward with his palms flat against the table。 〃Your Honor;〃 he said in a high…pitched; shrill; defeated voice; 〃could we recess till one?〃
 〃But Mr。 Brigance; it's only eleven…thirty。〃
 A lie seemed appropriate。 〃Yes; Your Honor; but our next witness is not here; and will not arrive until one。〃
 〃Very well。 We'll stand in recess until one。 I need to see the attorneys in chambers。〃
 Next to chambers was a coffee room where the lawyers loitered and gossiped by the hour; and next to it was a small rest room。 Jake closed and locked the rest room doo

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