八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > elizabethpeters.thegoldenone >



小说: elizabethpeters.thegoldenone 字数: 每页4000字

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 Chetwode asked no further questions。
 After they had finished the bread and fruit left over from the previous night; Ramses led the other man on a circuitous route back toward the center of town。 The mosque was near the Askalon Gate。 Ramses found a coffeeshop … not the one they had visited the previous day … and they settled down to wait。
 As the morning wore on; the cafés filled and people began to gather。 It lacked half an hour till midday when the procession appeared。 It was small but impressive; headed by half a dozen mounted men wearing baggy trousers and jackets heavy with tarnished gilt; and silken sashes wound round their waists。 They were armed with long swords and pistols。 The horses were splendid animals; their bridles and stirrups of silver。 Not Turkish regulars; the personal guard of some important official。 They cleared the way brutally but effectively; using the flats of their swords。 Since he was a head taller than most of the spectators; Ramses could see reasonably well; there seemed to be another group of guards at the end of the procession。 Between the guards were several horsemen: the governor; flashing with gold; his fleshy face set in a look of conscious piety; and; next to him; flanked by two officers in Turkish uniform 。 。 。
 Ramses got only a glimpse of a bearded profile and prominent; hawklike nose; before a gun went off; so close to his ear; it momentarily deafened him。 He spun round and struck the weapon out of Chetwode's hand。 The second shot went wild。
 〃You goddamned fool!〃
 Chetwode's lips moved。 Ramses couldn't hear what he said; the people around them were screaming and shoving; some of them trying to reach the would…be assassin; others … the wiser majority … scampering for safety。 There was no such thing as an innocent bystander in the eyes of Ottoman officials。
 〃Run!〃 Ramses yelled; and emphasized the order with a shove。 Chetwode gave him a wild…eyed stare and dashed off。 Ramses tripped one of the avengers who were closing in; knocked another one down; ducked under the outstretched arms of a third; and set out at a run toward the mosque。
 〃That's the man! Stop him!〃 someone shouted in Turkish。 He heard the pound of hoofbeats behind him and threw himself aside in time to avoid being ridden down; but the brief delay was fatal。 When he got to his feet he was surrounded by the gaudily uniformed guard; all heroically brandishing their swords。
 〃No weapons;〃 the officer ordered。 〃Take him alive。〃
 Ramses considered his options。 He could only think of two; and neither held much appeal。 He could cringe and whine and deny guilt; or he could take on six men。 It would end the same in either case; so he decided to give himself the satisfaction of hitting someone。
 He had two of them on the ground and a third on his knees; when a missile skimmed the side of his head; hard enough to throw him off balance for a vital moment。 Flat on his back; with four of them pinning his arms and legs; he reconsidered his options。 There didn't seem to be any。
 The officer raked his men with a scornful eye。 〃Six against one; and it took a lucky throw from a safe distance to bring him down。 Tie his hands; my brave fellows; or he may yet escape you。〃
 Not much chance of that; Ramses knew。 The blow on the head had left him slightly giddy and there was blood trickling down his face。 After they had bound his hands behind him; one of them looped a rope round his neck and fastened it to the leader's saddle。 Wonderful。 One slip; on any of the scraps of rotting fruit that littered the street; and he'd be dragged; choking; until the officer decided to stop。 The only positive feature in an otherwise gloomy situation was that Chetwode was nowhere in sight。
 Hot sunlight beat down on the deserted square。 No … not quite deserted。 The onlookers had fled and the guard must have escorted the dignitaries to safety; but from the opposite side of the square a rider was ing slowly toward them。 Ramses stared; hoping his eyes had deceived him; knowing they hadn't。 He'd believed his situation couldn't be any worse。 He had been wrong。
 The rider had only a single escort; a servant who followed at a respectful distance。 His mount was superb … a roan stallion; his tail and mane braided with bright ribbons。 He was an impressive specimen; too; a tall; heavily built man with finely cut features and a neat gray beard。 His robes were of silk and on the front of his turban was a jewel of rubies and emeralds; surmounted by a white egret feather。 Even the whip he held had a jeweled; enameled handle。 He pulled up next to Ramses and acknowledged the officer's respectful salute with a casual movement of his hand。
 〃What is this?〃 he asked in Turkish。
 〃As you see; Sahin Pasha。 We have captured the assassin。〃
 So now he's a pasha; Ramses thought。 What was the head of the Turkish secret service doing in Gaza? His first and … he had hoped … last encounter with this formidable individual had ended in the failure of Sahin's mission; it wouldn't be surprising if he bore a grudge against the man who had been partially responsible。 Ramses could only pray the Turk wouldn't recognize him。 He was bareheaded; having lost his khafiyeh during the fight; but in his filthy torn robes; bearded and disheveled; he bore little resemblance to the man Sahin had last seen … disheveled; admittedly; but clean…shaven and in European clothing。 He cringed and ducked his head。
 〃We are taking him to His Excellency the Kaimakam;〃 the officer went on。
 〃The governor? Why?〃
 〃Because … because … why; because he is an assassin! One of those fanatics who would rebel against our benevolent rule; who …〃
 〃No;〃 Sahin said。 The handle of the whip caught Ramses under the chin and forced his head up。 The Turk studied him thoughtfully for a few seconds。 Then he leaned down and with a powerful jerk pulled the beard off; taking several square inches of skin with it。 Ramses straightened and met the Turk's inquiring gaze。 He was in for it now。
 〃Ah;〃 Sahin Pasha said; and smiled。 〃I relieve you of your prisoner; Bimbashi。〃
 〃But; Your Excellency … 
 〃He is an English spy。 Espionage is my department; Bimbashi。 Do you question my authority?〃 He beckoned his servant; who dismounted and untied the rope from the officer's saddle。
 The officer didn't like what was happening。 A direct refusal was more than he dared risk; but he ventured to protest。 〃You will need an escort; Excellency。 He fights like a demon。 It took six of my men …〃
 〃No need for that;〃 Sahin said affably。 He raised his arm and brought the whip handle down。
 It was a very pleasant dream。 The surface on which he lay was soft and faintly perfumed。 Above him arched a golden canopy … yellow silk; gilded by sunlight streaming through the gathered folds。 He could hear birdsong and the crystalline tinkle of water。
 The only discordant note was a headache of stupendous proportions。 He raised his hand to his temple; and a familiar voice said; 〃Try this。 I do not indulge; of course; but I keep it for certain of my guests。〃
 It wasn't a dream。 Ramses sat up。 A few feet away; cross…legged on a pile of tasseled cushions; Sahin held out a glass half…filled with an amber liquid。
 Ramses started to shake his head and thought better of it。 〃No; thank you;〃 he mumbled in Turkish … the same language the other man had used。
 〃It is not drugged。 But; as you like。〃 His host placed the glass on a brass tray and reached for the mouthpiece of his water pipe。 He smoked contentedly for a time; for all the world like a courteous host waiting for his guest to get his wits back。
 It took a while。 When the Turk's blow had landed; sinking him into unconsciousness; Ramses expected he would wake up in a dark; verminous cell; with various people holding various sharp; heavy; or red…hot implements。 This room was airy and bright; probably the mandarah; the principal chamber where guests were received。 The central part of the room was several inches lower than the rest; tiled in tasteful patterns of red and black and white; with a small fountain at one end。 The alcove in which he was now sitting was draped with silk and floored with cushions。 He was wearing only a shirt and drawers; they had removed his stained robe and dirty sandals; and cleaned the worst of the muck off his body。 One wouldn't want those satin cushions smeared with rotten fruit and donkey dung。
 〃I regret the necessity of that;〃 Sahin said; as Ramses explored the lump on his head with cautious fingers。 〃I knew you would not e willingly; and resistance might have caused you serious injury。〃
 〃How can I ever thank you?〃 Ramses inquired; slipping into English。 The Turk laughed aloud。
 〃It is a pleasure to match wits with you again; my young friend。 I was delighted to hear that against all my expectations you had survived that interesting affair outside Cairo; but I am uncertain as to the details。 How did you manage it?〃
 Ramses considered the question。 It was loaded with potential pitfalls; and the genial conversational tone; the fortable surroundings; were designed to lower his guard。 A new interrogation technique? He preferred it to the methods the Turks usually employed; but he would have to be careful。
 〃My affectionate family came to the rescue;〃 he said; feeling certain that this information must have reached Sahin's ears。 〃You know my father。〃
 〃By reputation only。 It is a formidable reputation。 I hope one day to have the honor of meeting him。 So he heard of your … er … dilemma … from your friend; whom I did not succeed in killing after all? I might have done; had you not spoiled my aim。〃
 Sahin drew the smoke deep into his lungs。 〃You also spoiled a pretty little scheme which had been long in the making。 What are you after now? Why are you here?〃
 〃Just having a look round。〃
 〃I do admire the imprecision of the English language;〃 Sahin said。 〃So useful when one wishes to avoid answering a question。〃
 〃Would you prefer to speak Turkish? I don't find it as easy to equivocate in that language。〃
 Sahin's beard parted; showing his teeth。 〃I think you could equivocate in any language; my boy。 In this case; it is a waste of time。 You were caught in the act。 A particularly

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