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My Definition of Failure
            Mo Junhua
              S-U-C-C-E-S-S。 SUCCESS。 Success is the catch…word of the times。 It 
            goes without saying that almost all of us want to be successful。 
            Like it or not; however; we must admit that it s not easy to achieve 
            success。 More often than not; we have to deal with its opposite; 
            namely failure。
              But first of all; what is failure? It is hard to define; because 
            dif…ferent people have different answers。 However; as far as I'm 
            con…cerned; I think real failure is not to try hard。
              It's mendable that you set your mind on the best and 
            con…stantly strive for it。 At many times; however; it's unlikely 
            that you'll do the best; because of the scarcity of No。 1 and 
            because of the fact that the attainment of the very best involves 
            many things; some of which are beyond your expectation。 In addition 
            to your own merit; that of your petitors also plays an important 
            part。 So it is a more sensible; but no less mendable thing for 
            you to pete with yourself; not with others。 You don t have to do 
            best。 But you should always try to do your best in whatever you are 
            determined to do。 If you have given it 100 percent; you are not a 
            failure; even though you are outplayed by others。 Because you have 
            given it 100 percent; there s nothing to regret; nor is there any 
            need to blame yourself。 Instead; you should give credit to yourself 
            for trying。 
              I don t like finding excuses for our failures; because we haven t 
            failed at all。 Take myself for example。 Last year; I enrolled for 
            the Sports Meet in my university and peted in the 3;000-meter 
            race。 I did this not because I m gifted in or good at running; but 
            because I wanted to fulfill a childhood dream。 I had been an 
            in…petent student of physical education or P。E。; ever since I was 
            a primary school student。 As a weak student of P。E。; I never got a 
            chance to participate in a sports meet。 I envied my classmates who 
            were good at sports。 I used to dream of being one of them and 
            displaying my skills in a sports meet。 After I entered university; I 
            spent much of my spare time on physical exercises; such as running; 
            the long jump。 Although I can run much faster than before; I m not 
            capable of winning a prize or a good place in a campus-wide run…ning 
            petition。 In spite of that; I still entered for the event; 
            be…cause I wanted to challenge myself and fulfill my athletic dream。 
            I could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not going in 
            for this race。 But I chose to accept the challenge and face the 
            difficul…ties。 I trained hard for the race; so when I came out last 
            but one in the petition; I didn t call my attempt a failure; 
            because I had tried and struggled。 
              Real failure is not to try hard。 “I will forgive myself if I fail; 
            I won t forgive myself if I don't try”; because “It's better to have 
            fought and lost than not to fight at all”。 
              Baron Pierre de Coubertin; the founder of the modern Olympic 
            movement once said:“the most important thing in Olympic Games is not 
            to win; but to take part; just like the most important thing in life 
            is not the triumph; but the struggle。 The essential thing is not to 
            have conquered; but to have fought well。”
              But what if we did fail in something? Simple。 First; don t panic; 
            because failure is not the end of the world。 As the English saying 
            goes; he who falls today may rise tomorrow。 Second; try; try again; 
            because nothing is really over until the moment we stop try…ing。 So 
            long as we persist and never give up; we will succeed eventually。
              No failure is sweet。 However; just as bitter medicine cures 
            sickness; failure may prove to be very instructive; so long as we 
            can put it in perspective。 There is a saying that failure is the 
            mother of success。 It's natural for us to get depressed for a 
            certain period of time; but we shouldn't inflate the importance of 
            our temporary setback and be disheartened by setbacks; even never 
            recover。 We should be undaunted by failures and motivated to strive 
            even harder to succeed。 
              Real failure is not to try hard。 It is my firm belief that one's 
            earnest efforts will not be wasted。 They will pay off either in 
            other ways or at other times。 In this sense; today's failure 
            prepares tomorrow's triumph。
              At last; let's bear Goldsmith's remarks in mind:“Our greatest 
            glory consists not in never falling; but rising every time we fall。”
              Thank you all!

I think; therefore I am 
            Mo Junhua
            Dear fellow friends:
              Good morning。 Today I m going to share with you the most valuable 
            thing that I have learned at university。
              I was born in 1977。 But my life didn t begin in the real sense 
            until 1999。 Prior to that; I spent every hour; every day and every 
            year doing what was expected of me ; eating; sleeping; studying; 
            playing; so on and so forth。 I didn't have the idea of who I am; 
            what I should do now and next or what life means to me。 Never had I 
            thought about these questions。 This situation lasted for year after 
            year。 It underwent few changes even after I entered the university。 
            And it was another two years later that I began to think about these 
            questions; which are of great significance to me; From then on; my 
            life turned over a new leaf; because independent thinking; which 
            didn t have any place in my life; started to play an important part。
              First; thinking helps me to know myself; such as my dream; 
            interest; strengths and weaknesses。 As we all know; every one of us 
            has his own character; although we are all human beings。 It is 
            therefore vital for us to develop a sense of identity; form our own 
            opinions; make our own choices and take responsibility for our own 
            destinies。 We won t be the initiator of our action or in charge of 
            our life; unless we think about our uniqueness and make our 
            individuality clear。 To my joy; I ve started to do that。 Now I set 
            my own standards a

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