八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > 中华帝国晚期的叛乱及其敌人 >



小说: 中华帝国晚期的叛乱及其敌人 字数: 每页4000字

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study of the Chinese munists)。 Tokyo,1949。 
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Printed as a supplement to Chiang Chung…yuan,Chiang Chung… 
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Hunan cheng…fu 湖南政府(Hunan provincial government),ed。 
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Ikeda Makoto 池田诚。 。Hokōhō no seiritsu to sono tenkai。保
甲法の成立とその展开(The establishment and development of the 
pao…chia system)in Toyōshi kenkyū东洋史研究(Researches in East 
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Imahori Seiji 今堀诚二。 。Shin…tai ni okeru nōson kikō no 
kindaika ni tsuite:Kantō…shō Kōsan…ken chihō ni okeru ‘kyōdōtai’no suiten katei ni tsuite。清代における农村机构の近代化につい
modernization of village structure in the Ch’ing period:the process 
by which gemeinschaft was transformed in Hsiang…shan district,
Kwangtung)in Rekishigaku kenkyū历史学研究(Historical re… 
Kawabata Genji 河鳍原治。 。Taihei tengoku ni okeru gōkan 
setchi no jittai。太平天国における乡官设臵の实态。(The actual re… 
alities of the establishment of local officials in the Taiping Rebellion)
in Tōhōgaku ronshū 东方学论集(Collected studies on East Asia),

——。Taihei tengoku ni okeru gōkan sōchi to sono haikei。太平
天国における乡官创臵とその背景(The establishment of local of… 

ficials in the Taiping Rebellion and its background)in Shigaku 
zasshi 史学杂志,63。6:34-50(1954)。 
Kiangsi t’ung…chih 江西通志(Gazetteer of Kiangsi province)。 
Kitamura Hirotada 北村敬直。 。Shin…dai no jidaiteki ichi:
Chūgoku kindaishi e no tembō。清代の时代的位臵:中国近代史へ
の展望(The historical posi…tion of the Ch’ing era,a perspective on 
Chinese modern history)in Shisō思想(Thought),no。 292:47-57(1948)。 
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Kiangsi)。 1874。 
Ko Shih…chün 葛士濬 ed。 Huang…ch’ao ching…shih…wen hsu…pien 
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dynasty,continued)。 Shang…hai,1898 ed。 
Kojima Yoshio 小岛淑男。 。Shin…matsu no gōson tōji ni tsuite:
Soshūfu no ku,to tō o chūshin ni。清末の乡村统治について:苏州
府の区,图董を中心に(Village rule in the late Ch’ing:Based on a 
study of ch’ü and t’u heads in Soochow prefecture)in Shichō 史潮
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释(An investigation into the fu…ping system)。 Shanghai,1962。 
Ku…fei tsung…lu,see Kwangsi t’ung…chih chi…yao。 
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国利病书(Institutional geography of various jurisdictions in the em… 
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(Research institute for the literature and history of Kwangtung 
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