八喜电子书 > 经管其他电子书 > adams 函数讨论 >


adams 函数讨论-第1部分

小说: adams 函数讨论 字数: 每页4000字

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! Default Units for Model …!

defaults units  &
   length = mm  &
   angle = deg  &
   force = newton  &
   mass = kg  &
   time = sec

defaults units  &
   coordinate_system_type = cartesian  &
   orientation_type = body313

! Default Attributes for Model !

defaults attributes  &
   inheritance = bottom_up  &
   icon_visibility = on  &
   grid_visibility = off  &
   size_of_icons = 50。0  &
   spacing_for_grid = 1000。0

! Adams/View Model !

model create  &
   model_name = model_1

view erase

!… Materials !

material create  &
   material_name = 。model_1。steel  &
   adams_id = 1  &
   youngs_modulus = 2。07E+005  &
   poissons_ratio = 0。29  &
   density = 7。801E…006

! Rigid Parts …!

! Create parts and their dependent markers and graphics

!… ground …!

! ****** Ground Part ******

defaults model  &
   part_name = ground

defaults coordinate_system  &
   default_coordinate_system = 。model_1。ground

! ****** Markers for current part ******

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。ground。MARKER_9  &
   adams_id = 9  &
   location = …200。0; 0。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。ground。MARKER_15  &
   adams_id = 15  &
   location = 500。0; …50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 90。0d; 90。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。ground。MARKER_17  &
   adams_id = 17  &
   location = 500。0; …50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。ground。MARKER_19  &
   adams_id = 19  &
   location = 500。0; …50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 90。0d; 90。0d; 0。0d

part create rigid_body mass_properties  &
   part_name = 。model_1。ground  &
   material_type = 。model_1。steel

part attributes  &
   part_name = 。model_1。ground  &
   name_visibility = off

!… PART_2 …!

defaults coordinate_system  &
   default_coordinate_system = 。model_1。ground

part create rigid_body name_and_position  &
   part_name = 。model_1。PART_2  &
   adams_id = 2  &
   location = 0。0; 0。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

defaults coordinate_system  &
   default_coordinate_system = 。model_1。PART_2

! ****** Markers for current part ******

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_2。MARKER_1  &
   adams_id = 1  &
   location = …200。0; 0。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_2。cm  &
   adams_id = 11  &
   location = …200。0; 0。0; 25。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_2。MARKER_6  &
   adams_id = 6  &
   location = …150。0; 150。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_2。MARKER_10  &
   adams_id = 10  &
   location = …200。0; 0。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

part create rigid_body mass_properties  &
   part_name = 。model_1。PART_2  &
   material_type = 。model_1。steel

! ****** Graphics for current part ******

geometry create shape cylinder  &
   cylinder_name = 。model_1。PART_2。CYLINDER_1  &
   adams_id = 1  &
   center_marker = 。model_1。PART_2。MARKER_1  &
   angle_extent = 360。0  &
   length = 50。0  &
   radius = 200。0  &
   side_count_for_body = 20  &
   segment_count_for_ends = 20

part attributes  &
   part_name = 。model_1。PART_2  &
   color = RED  &
   name_visibility = off

!… PART_3 …!

defaults coordinate_system  &
   default_coordinate_system = 。model_1。ground

part create rigid_body name_and_position  &
   part_name = 。model_1。PART_3  &
   adams_id = 3  &
   location = 0。0; 0。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

defaults coordinate_system  &
   default_coordinate_system = 。model_1。PART_3

! ****** Markers for current part ******

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_3。MARKER_2  &
   adams_id = 2  &
   location = …150。0; 150。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 348。690067526d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_3。MARKER_3  &
   adams_id = 3  &
   location = 350。0; 50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 348。690067526d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_3。cm  &
   adams_id = 12  &
   location = 100。0; 100。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 348。690067526d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_3。MARKER_5  &
   adams_id = 5  &
   location = …150。0; 150。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_3。MARKER_7  &
   adams_id = 7  &
   location = 350。0; 50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

part create rigid_body mass_properties  &
   part_name = 。model_1。PART_3  &
   material_type = 。model_1。steel

! ****** Graphics for current part ******

geometry create shape link  &
   link_name = 。model_1。PART_3。LINK_2  &
   i_marker = 。model_1。PART_3。MARKER_2  &
   j_marker = 。model_1。PART_3。MARKER_3  &
   width = 50。9901951359  &
   depth = 25。495097568

part attributes  &
   part_name = 。model_1。PART_3  &
   color = GREEN  &
   name_visibility = off

!… PART_4 …!

defaults coordinate_system  &
   default_coordinate_system = 。model_1。ground

part create rigid_body name_and_position  &
   part_name = 。model_1。PART_4  &
   adams_id = 4  &
   location = 0。0; 0。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

defaults coordinate_system  &
   default_coordinate_system = 。model_1。PART_4

! ****** Markers for current part ******

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_4  &
   adams_id = 4  &
   location = 300。0; …50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。cm  &
   adams_id = 13  &
   location = 400。0; 50。0; 50。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_8  &
   adams_id = 8  &
   location = 350。0; 50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_14  &
   adams_id = 14  &
   location = 500。0; …50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 90。0d; 90。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_16  &
   adams_id = 16  &
   location = 500。0; …50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 0。0d; 0。0d; 0。0d

marker create  &
   marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_18  &
   adams_id = 18  &
   location = 500。0; …50。0; 0。0  &
   orientation = 90。0d; 90。0d; 0。0d

part create rigid_body mass_properties  &
   part_name = 。model_1。PART_4  &
   material_type = 。model_1。steel

! ****** Graphics for current part ******

geometry create shape block  &
   block_name = 。model_1。PART_4。BOX_3  &
   adams_id = 3  &
   corner_marker = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_4  &
   diag_corner_coords = 200。0; 200。0; 100。0

part attributes  &
   part_name = 。model_1。PART_4  &
   color = MAIZE  &
   name_visibility = off

!… Joints …!

constraint create joint revolute  &
   joint_name = 。model_1。JOINT_1  &
   adams_id = 1  &
   i_marker_name = 。model_1。PART_3。MARKER_5  &
   j_marker_name = 。model_1。PART_2。MARKER_6

constraint attributes  &
   constraint_name = 。model_1。JOINT_1  &
   name_visibility = off

constraint create joint revolute  &
   joint_name = 。model_1。JOINT_2  &
   adams_id = 2  &
   i_marker_name = 。model_1。PART_3。MARKER_7  &
   j_marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_8

constraint attributes  &
   constraint_name = 。model_1。JOINT_2  &
   name_visibility = off

constraint create joint revolute  &
   joint_name = 。model_1。JOINT_3  &
   adams_id = 3  &
   i_marker_name = 。model_1。ground。MARKER_9  &
   j_marker_name = 。model_1。PART_2。MARKER_10

constraint attributes  &
   constraint_name = 。model_1。JOINT_3  &
   name_visibility = off

constraint create joint translational  &
   joint_name = 。model_1。JOINT_4  &
   adams_id = 4  &
   i_marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_14  &
   j_marker_name = 。model_1。ground。MARKER_15

constraint attributes  &
   constraint_name = 。model_1。JOINT_4  &
   name_visibility = off

!… Forces …!

force create direct single_ponent_force  &
   single_ponent_force_name = 。model_1。SFORCE_1  &
   adams_id = 1  &
   type_of_freedom = translational  &
   i_marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_18  &
   j_marker_name = 。model_1。ground。MARKER_19  &
   action_only = on  &
   function = 〃〃

! Motions …!

constraint create motion_generator  &
   motion_name = 。model_1。MOTION_1  &
   adams_id = 1  &
   type_of_freedom = rotational  &
   joint_name = 。model_1。JOINT_3  &
   function = 〃〃

constraint attributes  &
   constraint_name = 。model_1。MOTION_1  &
   name_visibility = off

! Dynamic Graphics !

defaults coordinate_system  &
   default_coordinate_system = 。model_1。ground

geometry create shape force  &
   force_name = 。model_1。SFORCE_1_force_graphic_1  &
   adams_id = 6  &
   force_element_name = 。model_1。SFORCE_1  &
   applied_at_marker_name = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_18

! Accgrav …!

force create body gravitational  &
   gravity_field_name = gravity  &
   x_ponent_gravity = 0。0  &
   y_ponent_gravity = …9806。65  &
   z_ponent_gravity = 0。0

!… Analysis settings !

! Measures !

measure create pt2pt  &
   measure_name = 。model_1。MEA_PT2PT_1  &
   from_point = 。model_1。ground。MARKER_17  &
   to_point = 。model_1。PART_4。MARKER_16  &
   characteristic = translational_velocity  &
   ponent = x_ponent

data_element attributes  &
   data_element_name = 。model_1。MEA_PT2PT_1  &
   color = WHITE

!… Simulation Scripts …!

simulation script create  &
   sim_script_name = 。model_1。Last_Sim  &
   mands =   &
              〃simulation single_run transient type=auto_select end_time=6。0 number_of_steps=100 model_name=。model_1 initial_static=no〃

! Function definitions !

constraint modify motion_generator  &
   motion_name = 。model_1。MOTION_1  &
   function = 〃5* time〃

force modify direct single_ponent_force  &
   single_ponent_force_name = 。model_1。SFORCE_1  &
   function = 〃SIGN( …100 ;  。model_1。MEA_PT2PT_1)〃

!… Expression definitions …!

defaults coordinate_system  &
   default_coordinate_system = ground

geometry modify shape 

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