八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > dk.coldfire >



小说: dk.coldfire 字数: 每页4000字

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estaurant 〃Restaurant〃 or a dress shop 〃Dress Shop。〃 Holly was surprised by the generic name; because Asian businessmen often brought a poetic sensibility to the titling of their enterprises。 Three people were standing on the sidewalk in front of Dojo's big window; eating eclairs and awash in the delicious aromas wafting from the adjacent bakery; watching a class of six students go through their routines with a squat but exceptionally limber Korean instructor in black pajamas。 
 When the teacher threw a pupil to the mat inside; the plate…glass window vibrated。 
 Entering; Holly passed out of the chocolate…; cinnamon…; sugar…; yeast scented air into an acidic environment of stale incense laced with a vague perspiration odor。 Because of a story she'd written about a Portland teenager who won a medal in a national petition; she knew Tae Kwon Do was an aggressive Korean form of karate; using fierce punches; lightning…quick jabs; chops; blocks; choke holds; and devastatingly powerful; leaping kicks。 The teacher was pulling his blows; but there were still a lot of grunts; wheezes; guttural exclamations; and jarring thuds as students slammed to the mat。 
 In the far right corner of the room; a brunette sat on a stool behind a counter; doing paperwork。 Every aspect and detail of her dress and grooming were advertisements for her sexuality。 Her tight red T…shirt emphasized her ample chest and outlined nipples as large as cherries。 
 With a touseled mane of chestnut hair given luster by artfully applied blond highlights; eyes subtly but exotically shadowed; mouth too lushly painted with deep…coral lipstick; a just…right tan; disablingly long fingernails painted to match the lipstick; and enough silvery costume jewelry to stock a display case; she would have been the perfect advertisement if women had been a product for sale in every local market。 
 〃Does this thudding and grunting go on all day?〃 Holly asked。 
 〃Most of the day; yeah。〃 
 〃Doesn't it get to you?〃 〃Oh; yeah;〃 the brunette said with a lascivious wink; 〃I know what ya mean。 They're like a bunch of bulls ramming at each other。 I'm not had an hour every day till I'm so horny I can't stand it。〃 
 That was not what Holly had meant。 She was suggesting that the noise was headache…inducing; not arousing。 But she winked back; girl…to…girl and said; 〃The boss in?〃 〃Eddie? He's doing a couple hundred flights of stairs;〃 the woman said cryptically。 〃What'd you want?〃 Holly explained that she was a reporter; working on a story that had connection with Dojo。 
 The receptionist; if that's what she was; brightened at this news instead of glowering; as was often the case。 Eddie; she said; was always looking to get publicity for the business。 She rose from her stool and stepped to a door behind the counter; revealing that she was wearing high…heeled sandals and tight white shorts。 that clung to her butt as snugly as a coat of paint。 
 Holly was beginning to feel like a boy。 
 As the brunette had indicated; Eddie was delighted to hear that Dojo would be mentioned in a newspaper piece; even if tangentially; but wanted her to interview him while he continued to do stairs。 He was not Asian; which perhaps explained the unimaginative generic name of the business。 Tall; blond; shaggy…haired; blue…eyed; he was dressed only in muscles and a pair of black spandex cyclist's shorts。 He was on a StairMaster exercise machine; climbing briskly to nowhere。 
 〃It's great;〃 he said; pumping his exquisitely developed legs。 
 〃Six more flights; and I'll be at the top of the Washington monument。〃 
 He was breathing hard but not as hard as Holly would have been breathing after running up six flights to her third…floor apartment in Portland。 
 She sat in a chair he had indicated; which put the StairMaster directly in front of her; giving her a full side view of him。 His sun…bronzed glistened with sweat; which also darkened the hair at the nape of his neck。 The spandex embraced him as intimately as the white shorts clung to the receptionist。 It almost seemed as if he had known Holly was ing and had carefully arranged the StairMaster and her chair to play himself to his best advantage。 
 Although she was plunging into deception again; Holly did not feel as bad about lying to Eddie as she had felt when lying to Viola Moreno。 
 For one thing; her cover story this time was somewhat less fanciful: that she was doing a multipart; in…depth piece about James Ironheart (the truth); focusing on the effect that winning a lottery had upon his life (a lie); all with his approval (a lie)。 A veracity percentage as high as thirty…three percent was enough to salve her guilt; which she supposed didn't say much for the quality of her conscience。 
 〃Just so you spell Dojo right;〃 Eddie said。 Looking back and down at his right leg; he added happily; 〃Look at that calf; hard as rock。〃 
 As if she hadn't been looking at it all along。 
 〃The fat layer between my skin and the muscle underneath; it's hardly there; burned it all away。〃 
 Another reason she didn't mind lying to Eddie was because he was a vain; self involved jerk。 
 〃Three more flights to the top of the monument;〃 he said。 The rhythm of his speech was tied to the pattern of his breathing; the words rising and falling with each inhalation and exhalation。 
 〃Just three? Then I'll wait。〃 
 〃No; no。 Ask your questions。 I won't stop at the top。 I'm gonna see how much of the Empire State Building I can climb next。〃 
 〃Ironheart was a student of yours。〃 
 〃Yeah。 Taught him myself〃 〃He came to you long before he won the lottery。〃 
 〃Yeah。 More than a year ago。〃 
 〃May of last year; I think。〃 
 〃Mighta been。〃 
 〃Did he tell you why he wanted to learn Tae Kwon Do?〃 〃Nope。 But he had a passion。〃 He almost shouted his next words; as if he'd triumphantly pleted a real climb: 〃Top of the monument!〃 He increased his pace instead of slacking off 〃Did you think it was odd?〃 〃Why?〃 〃Him being a schoolteacher; I mean。〃 
 〃We get schoolteachers。 We get all kinds。 Everyone wants to kick ass。〃 
 He sucked in a very deep breath; blew it out; and said; 〃In the Empire State now; going up。〃 
 〃Was Ironheart good?〃 〃Excellent! Coulda been a petitor。〃 
 〃Could've been? You mean he dropped out?〃 Breathing a little harder than before; the words ing in a quicker though similar rhythm; he said: 〃Hung in there seven or eight months。 
 Every day。 He was a real glutton for punishment。 Pumping iron and doing aerobics plus martial arts。 Ate his way through the pain。 Man was getting tough enough to fuck a rock。 Sorry。 
 But he was。 Then he quit。 Two weeks after he won the bucks。〃 
 〃Ah; I see。〃 
 〃Don't get me wrong。 Wasn't the money that made him quit。〃 
 〃Then what?〃 〃He said I'd given him what he needed; he didn't want any more。〃 
 〃What he needed?〃 she asked。 
 〃Enough Tae Kwon Do for what he wanted to do。〃 
 〃Did he say what he wanted to do?〃 〃Nope。 Kick someone's ass; I guess。〃 
 Eddie was really pushing himself now; ramming his feet down on the StairMaster; pumping and pumping; so much sweat on his body that it appeared to be coated in oil; droplets spraying off his hair when he shoot his head; the muscles in his arms and across his broad back bulging almost as fiercely as those in his thighs and calves。 
 Sitting in the chair about eight feet from the man; Holly felt as if she were ringside at some sleazy strip club where the gender roles had reversed。 She got up。 
 Eddie was staring straight ahead at the wall。 His face was creased lines of strain; but he had a dreamy; faraway look in his eyes。 Maybe instead of the wall; he saw the endless stairwell in the Empire State building。 
 〃Anything else he ever told you that seemed。 。 。 interesting; unusual?〃〃 she asked。 
 Eddie didn't answer。 He was concentrating on the climb。 The arteries in his neck had swelled and were throbbing as if evenly spaced; small; fish were schooling through his bloodstream。 
 As Holly reached the door; Eddie said; 〃Three things。〃 ; She turned to him again。 〃Yeah?〃 Without looking at her; his eyes still out of focus; not for an instant slackening his pace; speaking to her from the stairwell of that skyscraper in distant Manhattan; he said; 〃Ironheart's the only guy I ever met who can obsess better than I can。〃 
 Frowning; Holly thought about that。 〃What else?〃 〃The only lessons he missed were two weeks in September。 Went north; Marin County somewhere; to take a course in aggressive driving 〃What's that?〃 〃Mostly they teach chauffeurs for politicians; diplomats; rich businessmen how to handle a car like James Bond; escape terrorist traps; kidnappers; shit like that。〃 
 〃He talk about why he needed that kind of training?〃 〃Just said it sounded like fun。 〃 〃That's two things。〃 
 He shook his head。 Sweat flew; spattered the surrounding carpet and furniture。 Holly was just out of range。 He still didn't look at her。 
 〃Number three…after he figured he had enough Tae Kwon Do; the next thing he wanted was to learn guns。〃 
 〃Learn guns?〃 〃Asked me if I knew anyone could teach him marksmanship; all about weapons。 Revolver; pistols; rifles; shotguns。 〃 〃Who'd you send him to?〃 g He was panting now but still able to speak clearly between each gasping breath。 Nobody。 Guns aren't my thing。 But you know what I think? I think he was one of these guys reads Soldier of Fortune Gets caught up in the fantasy。 Wants to be a mercenary。 He sure was preparing for a war。〃 
 〃Didn't it worry you to be helping someone like that? 〃 〃Not as long as he paid for his lessons。〃 She opened the door; hesitated; watching him。 〃You have a counter on that contraption?〃 〃Yeah。〃 
 〃What floor are you on?〃 A 〃Tenth;〃 Eddie said; the word distorted as he spoke it on a deep exhalation。 The next time he breathed out; he also issued a whoop of pleasure along with his wind。 Jesus; I have legs of stone; fuckin' granite; I think I could get a man in a scissor hold; crack him in half with my legs。 You put that in your article; okay? I could crack a guy clean in half?〃 Holly left; closing the door softly behind her。 
 In the main room; the martial…arts class was even more active than when she had entered。 The current exercise involved a group attempt to gang up on their Korean instructor;

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