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s dressed in a rich double tunic with an overshirt; rather like a soldier; and the trousers of the Goths。
Mael stood beside him; finely dressed in similar garments; his blond hair swept back and cleanly bed; and all malice was gone from Mael's face。
〃We're leaving; Marius;〃 said Mael; his eyes wide and generous。 〃e with us。 Stop this sleep of the dead and e。〃
Avicus came down on one knee and put the light behind me so it wouldn't hurt my eyes any longer。
〃Marius; we're going to Constantinople。 We have our own ship for this journey; our own galley slaves to row it; our own pilot; and well…paid attendants who will not question our nocturnal disposition。 You must e with us。 There is no reason to remain。〃
〃We must go;〃 said Mael。 〃Do you know how long you've lain here?〃
〃Half a century;〃 I said in a small whisper; 〃and during that time Rome has been laid waste again。〃
Avicus shook his head。 〃Far longer than that; old friend;〃 he said; 〃I can't tell you how many times we've tried to wake you。 Marius; the Western Empire is truly no more。〃
〃e with us to Constantinople;〃 said Mael。 〃She is the richest city in the world。〃
〃Take rny blood;〃 said Avicus and he moved to bite into his wrist to give me to drink。 〃We can't leave you behind。〃
〃No;〃 I said。 〃Let me rise of my own accord。〃 I wondered if they could hear my words; so softly were they spoken。 I rose slowly on my elbows; and then I realized I was sitting up; and then I rose to my knees and to my feet。 I was dizzy。
My radiant Akasha; so erect on her throne; stared blindly past me。 My King was unchanged。 However both were covered with a layer of dust; and it seemed a crime unimaginable that they had been so neglected。 The withered flowers were like so much hay in their dried vases。 But for this who was to blame?
Hesitantly I made my way to the dais。 And then I closed my eyes。 I felt Avicus catch me as obviously I'd been about to fall。
〃Leave me; please;〃 I said quietly。 〃Just for a little while。 I must say my prayers for the forts I've received while sleeping。 I'll join you soon。〃 And vowing to stand more firmly I closed my eyes again。
At once there came into my mind the vision of myself on the opulent bed within the extraordinary palace and Akasha; my Queen; embracing me。
I saw the silk hangings wavering in the breeze。 It was not my vision。 That is; it had not e from me。 Rather it had been given; and I knew it could only have e from her。
I opened my eyes again and stared at her hard perfect face。 Surely a woman less beautiful could never have endured so long。 No blood drinker had ever had the courage to really destroy her。 No blood drinker ever would。
But my thoughts were confused suddenly。 Avicus and Mael were still there。
〃I'll e with you;〃 I said to them; 〃but for now; you must leave me here。 You must wait for me above。〃
At last they obeyed。 I heard their steps as they went up the stairs。 And then I mounted the steps of the dais and bent over my seated Queen once more; as reverently as ever; as bravely as ever; and I gave the kiss that might soon mean my death。
Nothing stirred in the sanctuary。 The Blessed Pair remained quiet。 Enkil did not raise his arm to strike。 I felt no motion in Akasha's body。 I sank my teeth quickly。 I drank deep draughts of the thick blood as fast as I could; and there came the vision of the sunlit garden again; lovely; full of flowering trees and roses; something made for a palace; where every plant is a part of an imperial design。 I saw the bedchamber。 I saw the golden columns。 It seemed I heard a whisper: Marius。 My soul expanded。
I heard it again as if it were echoing through the silk…hung palace。 The light in the garden brightened。
Then; with a violent throb I realized I could take no more。 I drew back。 I saw the tiny puncture wounds contract and vanish。 I pressed my lips to them and held the kiss for a long moment。
On my knees I thanked her with my whole heart。 I had not the slightest doubt that she had protected me in my sleep。 I knew that she had。 I knew also that she had caused me to wake。 Avicus and Mael could have never done it without her divine intervention。 She belonged to me more surely than when we had left Egypt。 She was my Queen。
And then I withdrew; powerful; clear…eyed; and ready for the long journey overseas to Byzantium。 After all; I had Mael and Avicus to help me with the Divine Parents who must be secured in stone sarcophagi; and there would be many a long night at sea ahead of us during which I could weep for my beautiful Italy; my Italy which was lost。
IN THE NIGHTS that followed I could not resist visiting Rome; though Avicus and Mael both advised me not to do it。 They feared that I did not know how long I had slept; but I knew。 Almost a hundred years had passed。
I found the grand buildings of Imperial glory fallen to ruin; overrun with animals; and being used as quarries for those who came to take the stone。 Huge statues had been toppled over and lay in the weeds。 My old street was unrecognizable。
And the population had dwindled to no more than a few thousand souls。
Yet; the Christians ministered to their own; and their virtue was most inspiring。 And because the invaders had been in some cases Christians; many of the churches had gone unharmed。 The Bishop of Rome sought to defend them against their overlords; and maintained strong ties with Constantinople; the city that ruled both East and West。
But for the few old families who remained; there was only humiliation
as they sought to serve their new barbarian masters; and to tell themselves that somehow the crude Goths and Vandals could acquire some polish and love of literature and some appreciation of Roman law。
Once again I marveled at the pure resistance of Christianity; that it seemed to feed upon disaster as it had fed upon persecution; and as it prospered during interludes of peace。
I also marveled at the resilience of the old Patricians; who as I said; did not withdraw from public life; but strove to inculcate the old values as best they could。
Everywhere one saw barbarians with mustaches; wearing crude trousers; their hair greasy and unkempt。 Many were Arian Christians; holding different ceremonies from their 〃orthodox〃 Catholic brothers and sisters。 What were they? Goths; Visigoths; Alemmani; Huns? Some I couldn't recognize at all。 And the ruler of this great state lived not at Rome but at Ravenna in the North。
I was also to discover that a new nest of the Satanic vampires had settled in a forgotten catab of the city; where they held ceremonies to their Serpent Devil before going out to prey upon the innocent and the guilty alike。
Avicus and Mael; puzzled as to the origins of these new zealots; and most weary of them; had resolved to leave them alone。
As I walked through ruined streets and through empty houses; these zealot creatures spied upon me。 I loathed them。 But I hardly considered them a danger。 In my starvation I had grown strong。 Akasha's blood was in my veins。
But how wrong I was in my judgment upon the Satanic vampires; oh; how very wrong indeed。 But I will e to that in time。
Let me return to those nights when I wandered the broken fragments of classical civilization。
I was not as embittered by it as one might think。 Indeed Akasha's blood had not only given me great new physical power; it had enhanced the clarity of my mind; my ability to concentrate; to take to myself what I prized; and to dismiss what was no longer good。
Nevertheless the state of Rome was demoralizing; and it was only likely to get worse。 I looked to Constantinople to preserve what I called civilization and I was all too ready for the voyage ahead。
Well; it was time to help Avicus and Mael with the last preparations。 And they assisted me in carefully wrapping the Divine Pair as mummies; with all reverence; and placing them in granite sarcophagi which no team of men could open; as had been done in the past by me; and would be done in the future every time that the Divine Parents had to be moved。
This was most frightening for Avicus and Mael…to see the pair moved and then so pletely covered with the white strips of linen。 They knew nothing of the old prayers in Egyptian which I recited; which were charms for the safety of the journey scavenged from my years of reading; and I don't think this forted them。 But the Divine Couple were my concern。
As I moved to wrap the eyes of Akasha; she closed them; and with Enkil there occurred the same thing。 What a strange and momentary indication of consciousness。 It sent a chill through me。 Yet still I went about my duty; as if I were an old Egyptian wrapping a deceased Pharaoh in the Sacred House of the Dead。
At last Mael and Avicus acpanied me down to Ostia; the port from which we would sail; and we boarded the vessel; having the Divine Parents placed below deck。
As for the slaves that Avicus and Mael had purchased I found them most impressive; all handpicked and excellent even to the galley slaves who knew that they worked for future freedom in the East and rich rewards。
A strong band of soldiers were to sail with us; each heavily armed; highly skilled and quite convinced of the same promise; and I was particularly impressed by the captain of this vessel; a Christian Roman by the name of Clement; a man of cleverness and wit; who would maintain the faith of the others in the final rewards as we made the long voyage。
The ship itself was the largest galley I had ever beheld; with an immense and colorful sail; and it contained a massive and impregnable cabin containing three long chests modestly made of bronze and iron in which Mael; Avicus and I would sleep by day。 These chests; like the sarcophagi; were impossible for mortals to open without enormous difficulty and also they were far too heavy for even a gang of men to lift。
At last everything was in readiness; and armed to the teeth against pirates; we set out by night; guiding the ship with our supernatural eyes from floundering on any rocks as we moved swiftly along the coast。
This frightened our crew and our so