little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第62部分
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that bound us and threw us into fits of crying on the sofa nearly choked
at least myself everything was changed and in giving my hand to Mr F。 I
know I did so with my eyes open but he was so very unsettled and in such
low spirits that he had distractedly alluded to the river if not oil of
something from the chemist's and I did it for the best。'
'My good Flora; we settled that before。 It was all quite right。'
'It's perfectly clear you think so;' returned Flora; 'for you take it
very coolly; if I hadn't known it to be China I should have guessed
myself the Polar regions; dear Mr Clennam you are right however and I
cannot blame you but as to Doyce and Clennam papa's property being about
here we heard it from Pancks and but for him we never should have heard
one word about it I am satisfied。'
'No; no; don't say that。'
'What nonsense not to say it Arthur……Doyce and Clennam……easier and less
trying to me than Mr Clennam……when I know it and you know it too and
can't deny it。'
'But I do deny it; Flora。 I should soon have made you a friendly visit。'
'Ah!' said Flora; tossing her head。 'I dare say!' and she gave him
another of the old looks。 'However when Pancks told us I made up my mind
that Mr F。's Aunt and I would e and call because when papa……which was
before that……happened to mention her name to me and to say that you were
interested in her I said at the moment Good gracious why not have her
here then when there's anything to do instead of putting it out。'
'When you say Her;' observed Clennam; by this time pretty well
bewildered; 'do you mean Mr F。's……'
'My goodness; Arthur……Doyce and Clennam really easier to me with old
remembrances……who ever heard of Mr F。's Aunt doing needlework and going
out by the day?'
'Going out by the day! Do you speak of Little Dorrit?' 'Why yes of
course;' returned Flora; 'and of all the strangest names I ever heard
the strangest; like a place down in the country with a turnpike; or a
favourite pony or a puppy or a bird or something from a seed…shop to be
put in a garden or a flower…pot and e up speckled。'
'Then; Flora;' said Arthur; with a sudden interest in the conversation;
'Mr Casby was so kind as to mention Little Dorrit to you; was he? What
did he say?'
'Oh you know what papa is;' rejoined Flora; 'and how aggravatingly he
sits looking beautiful and turning his thumbs over and over one another
till he makes one giddy if one keeps one's eyes upon him; he said when
we were talking of you……I don't know who began the subject Arthur (Doyce
and Clennam) but I am sure it wasn't me; at least I hope not but you
really must excuse my confessing more on that point。'
'Certainly;' said Arthur。 'By all means。'
'You are very ready;' pouted Flora; ing to a sudden stop in a
captivating bashfulness; 'that I must admit; Papa said you had spoken of
her in an earnest way and I said what I have told you and that's all。'
'That's all?' said Arthur; a little disappointed。
'Except that when Pancks told us of your having embarked in this
business and with difficulty persuaded us that it was really you I said
to Mr F。's Aunt then we would e and ask you if it would be agreeable
to all parties that she should be engaged at our house when required
for I know she often goes to your mama's and I know that your mama has
a very touchy temper Arthur……Doyce and Clennam……or I never might have
married Mr F。 and might have been at this hour but I am running into
'It was very kind of you; Flora; to think of this。'
Poor Flora rejoined with a plain sincerity which became her better than
her youngest glances; that she was glad he thought so。 She said it with
so much heart that Clennam would have given a great deal to buy his
old character of her on the spot; and throw it and the mermaid away for
'I think; Flora;' he said; 'that the employment you can give Little
Dorrit; and the kindness you can show her……'
'Yes and I will;' said Flora; quickly。
'I am sure of it……will be a great assistance and support to her。 I do
not feel that I have the right to tell you what I know of her; for I
acquired the knowledge confidentially; and under circumstances that
bind me to silence。 But I have an interest in the little creature; and
a respect for her that I cannot express to you。 Her life has been one
of such trial and devotion; and such quiet goodness; as you can scarcely
imagine。 I can hardly think of her; far less speak of her; without
feeling moved。 Let that feeling represent what I could tell you; and
mit her to your friendliness with my thanks。'
Once more he put out his hand frankly to poor Flora; once more poor
Flora couldn't accept it frankly; found it worth nothing openly; must
make the old intrigue and mystery of it。 As much to her own enjoyment as
to his dismay; she covered it with a corner of her shawl as she took it。
Then; looking towards the glass front of the counting…house; and seeing
two figures approaching; she cried with infinite relish; 'Papa! Hush;
Arthur; for Mercy's sake!' and tottered back to her chair with an
amazing imitation of being in danger of swooning; in the dread surprise
and maidenly flutter of her spirits。
The Patriarch; meanwhile; came inanely beaming towards the
counting…house in the wake of Pancks。 Pancks opened the door for him;
towed him in; and retired to his own moorings in a corner。
'I heard from Flora;' said the Patriarch with his benevolent smile;
'that she was ing to call; ing to call。 And being out; I thought
I'd e also; thought I'd e also。'
The benign wisdom he infused into this declaration (not of itself
profound); by means of his blue eyes; his shining head; and his long
white hair; was most impressive。 It seemed worth putting down among the
noblest sentiments enunciated by the best of men。 Also; when he said to
Clennam; seating himself in the proffered chair; 'And you are in a new
business; Mr Clennam? I wish you well; sir; I wish you well!' he seemed
to have done benevolent wonders。
'Mrs Finching has been telling me; sir;' said Arthur; after making his
acknowledgments; the relict of the late Mr F。 meanwhile protesting; with
a gesture; against his use of that respectable name; 'that she hopes
occasionally to employ the young needlewoman you remended to my
mother。 For which I have been thanking her。'
The Patriarch turning his head in a lumbering way towards Pancks; that
assistant put up the note…book in which he had been absorbed; and took
him in tow。
'You didn't remend her; you know;' said Pancks; 'how could you? You
knew nothing about her; you didn't。 The name was mentioned to you; and
you passed it on。 That's what YOU did。'
'Well!' said Clennam。 'As she justifies any remendation; it is much
the same thing。'
'You are glad she turns out well;' said Pancks; 'but it wouldn't have
been your fault if she had turned out ill。 The credit's not yours as it
is; and the blame wouldn't have been yours as it might have been。 You
gave no guarantee。 You knew nothing about her。' 'You are not acquainted;
then;' said Arthur; hazarding a random question; 'with any of her
'Acquainted with any of her family?' returned Pancks。 'How should you be
acquainted with any of her family? You never heard of 'em。 You can't
be acquainted with people you never heard of; can you? You should think
All this time the Patriarch sat serenely smiling; nodding or shaking his
head benevolently; as the case required。
'As to being a reference;' said Pancks; 'you know; in a general way;
what being a reference means。 It's all your eye; that is! Look at your
tenants down the Yard here。 They'd all be references for one another;
if you'd let 'em。 What would be the good of letting 'em? It's no
satisfaction to be done by two men instead of one。 One's enough。 A
person who can't pay; gets another person who can't pay; to guarantee
that he can pay。 Like a person with two wooden legs getting another
person with two wooden legs; to guarantee that he has got two natural
legs。 It don't make either of them able to do a walking match。 And four
wooden legs are more troublesome to you than two; when you don't want
any。' Mr Pancks concluded by blowing off that steam of his。
A momentary silence that ensued was broken by Mr F。's Aunt; who had been
sitting upright in a cataleptic state since her last public remark。 She
now underwent a violent twitch; calculated to produce a startling effect
on the nerves of the uninitiated; and with the deadliest animosity
'You can't make a head and brains out of a brass knob with nothing in
it。 You couldn't do it when your Uncle George was living; much less when
he's dead。'
Mr Pancks was not slow to reply; with his usual calmness; 'Indeed;
ma'am! Bless my soul! I'm surprised to hear it。' Despite his presence of
mind; however; the speech of Mr F。's Aunt produced a depressing effect
on the little assembly; firstly; because it was impossible to disguise
that Clennam's unoffending head was the particular temple of reason
depreciated; and secondly; because nobody ever knew on these occasions
whose Uncle George was referred to; or what spectral presence might be
invoked under that appellation。
Therefore Flora said; though still not without a certain boastfulness
and triumph in her legacy; that Mr F。's Aunt was 'very lively to…day;
and she thought they had better go。' But Mr F。's Aunt proved so lively
as to take the suggestion in unexpected dudgeon and declare that she
would not go; adding; with several injurious expressions; that if
'He'……too evidently meaning Clennam……wanted to get rid of her; 'let
him chuck her out of winder;' and urgently expressing her desire to see
'Him' perform that ceremony。
In this dilemma; Mr Pancks; whose resources appeared equal to any
emergency in the Patriarchal waters; slipped on his hat; slipped out at
the counting…house door; and slipped in again a moment afterwards with
an artificial freshness upon him; as if he had been in the country for
some weeks。 'Why; bless my heart; ma'am!' said Mr Pancks; rubbing up his
hair in great astonishment; 'is that you?
How do you do; ma'am? You are looking charming to…day! I am delighted
to see you。 Favour me with your a