八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 绿里奇迹(英文版) >



小说: 绿里奇迹(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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f course。 There was nothing I could do about it; not in front of the witnesses; not with Delacroix now sitting on the furthest edge of life。 There was nothing to do now but go on with it; finish it。 
Percy took the mask from its hook and rolled it down over Del's face; snugging it tight under the little man's undershot chin so as to stretch the hole in the top。 Taking the sponge from the bucket and putting it in the cap was the next; and it was here that Percy diverged from the routine for the first time: instead of just bending over and fishing the sponge out; he took the steel cap from the back of the chair; and bent over with it in his hands。 Instead of bringing the sponge to the cap; in other words…which would have been the natural way to do it … he brought the cap to the sponge。 I should have realized something was wrong; but I was too upset。 It was the only execution I ever took part in where I felt totally out of control。 As for Brutal; he never looked at Percy at all; not as Percy bent over the bucket (moving so as to partially block what he was doing from our view); not as he straightened up and turned to Del with the cap in his hands and the brown circle of sponge already inside it。 Brutal was looking at the cloth which had replaced Del's face; watching the way the black silk mask drew in; outlining the circle of Del's open mouth; and then puffed out again with his breath。 There were big beads of perspiration on Brutal's forehead; and at his temples; just below the hairline。 I had never seen him sweat at an execution before。 Behind him; Dean looked distracted and W; as if he was fighting not to lose his supper。 We all understood that something was wrong; I know that now。 We just couldn't tell what it was。 No one knew … not then … about the questions Percy had been asking Jack Van Hay。 There were a lot of them; but I suspect most were just camouflage。 What Percy wanted to know about … the only thing Percy wanted to know about; I believe … was the sponge。 The purpose of the sponge。 Why it was soaked in brine 。。。 and what would happen if it was not soaked in brine。 
What would happen if the sponge was dry。 
Percy jammed the cap down on Del's head。 The little man jumped and moaned again; this time louder。 Some of the witnesses stirred uneasily on their folding chairs。 Dean took a half…step forward; meaning to help with the chin…strap; and Percy motioned him curtly to step back。 Dean did; hunching a little and wincing as another blast of thunder shook the storage shed。 This time it was followed by the first spatters of rain across the roof。 They sounded hard; like someone flinging handfuls of goobers onto a washboard。 
You've heard people say 〃My blood ran cold〃 about things; haven't you? Sure。 All of us have; but the only time in all my years that I actually felt it happen to me was on that new and thunderstruck morning in October of 1932; at about ten seconds past midnight。 It wasn't the look of poison triumph on Percy Wetmore's face as he stepped away from the capped; clamped; and hooded figure sitting there in Old Sparky; it was what I should have seen and didn't。 There was no water running down Del's cheeks from out of the cap。 That was when I finally got it。 
〃Edward Delacroix;〃 Percy was saying; 〃electricity shall now be passed through your body until you are dead; according to state law。〃 
I looked over at Brutal in an agony that made my urinary infection seem like a bumped finger The sponge is dry! I mouthed at him; but he only shook his head; not understanding; and looked back at the mask over the Frenchman's face; where the man's last few breaths were pulling the black silk in and then blousing it out again。 
I reached for Percy's elbow and he stepped away from me; giving me a flat look as he did so。 It was only a momentary glance; but it told me everything。 Later he would tell his lies and his half…truths; and most would be believed by the people who mattered; but I knew a different story。 Percy was a good student when he was doing something he cared about; we'd found that out at the rehearsals; and he had listened carefully when Jack Van Hay explained how the brine…soaked sponge conducted the juice; channelling it; turning the charge into a kind of electric bullet to the brain。 Oh yes; Percy knew exactly what he was doing。 I think I believed him later when he said I didn't know how far it would go; but that doesn't even count in the good…intentions column; does it? I don't think so。 Yet; short of screaming in front of the assistant warden and all the witnesses for Jack Van Hay not to pull the switch; there was nothing I could do。 Given another five seconds; I think I might have screamed just that; but Percy didn't give me another five seconds。 
〃May God have mercy on your soul;〃 he told the panting; terrified figure in the electric chair; then looked past him at the mesh…covered rectangle where Harry and Jack were standing; Jack with his hand on the switch marked MABEL'S HAIR DRIER。 The doctor was standing to the right of that window; eyes fixed on the black bag between his feet; as silent and selfeffacing as ever。 〃Roll on two!〃 
At first it was the same as always … the humming that was a little louder than the original cycle…up; but not much; and the mindless forward surge of Del's body as his muscles spasmed。 
Then things started going wrong。 
The humming lost its steadiness and began to waver。 It was joined by a crackling sound; like cellophane being crinkled。 I could smell something horrible that I didn't identify as a mixture of burning hair and organic sponge until I saw blue tendrils of smoke curling out from beneath the edges of the cap。 More smoke was streaming out of the hole in the top of the cap that the wire came in through; it looked like smoke ing out of the hole in an Indian's teepee。 
Delacroix began to jitter and twist in…the chair; his mask…covered face snapping from side to side as if in some vehement refusal。 His legs began to piston up and down in short strokes that were hampered by the clamps on his ankles。 Thunder banged overhead; and now the rain began to pour down harder。 
I looked at Dean Stanton; he stared wildly back。 There was a muffled pop from under the cap; like a pine knot exploding in a hot fire; and now I could see smoke ing through the mask; as well; seeping out in little curls。 
I lunged toward the mesh between us and the switch room; but before I could open my mouth; Brutus Howell seized my elbow。 His grip was hard enough to make the nerves in there tingle。 He was as white as tallow but not in a panic … not even close to being in a panic。 〃Don't you tell Jack to stop;〃 he said in a low voice。 〃Whatever you do; don't tell him that。 It's too late to stop。〃 
At first; when Del began to scream; the witnesses didn't hear him。 The rain on the tin roof had swelled to a roar; and the thunder was damned near continuous。 But those of us on the platform heard him; all right … choked howls of pain from beneath the smoking mask; sounds an animal caught and mangled in a hay…baler might make。 
The hum from the cap was ragged and wild now; broken by bursts of what sounded like radio static。 Delacroix began to slam back and forth in the chair like a kid doing a tantrum。 The platform shook; and he hit the leather restraining belt almost hard enough to pop it。 The current was also twisting him from side to side; and I heard the crunching snap as his right shoulder either broke or dislocated。 It went with a sound like someone hitting a wooden crate with a sledgehammer。 The crotch of his pants; no more than a blur because of the short pistoning strokes of his legs; darkened。 Then he began to squeal; horrible sounds; high…pitched and ratlike; that were audible even over the rushing downpour。 
〃What the hell's happening to him?〃 someone cried。 
〃Are those clamps going to hold?〃 
〃Christ; the smell! Phew!〃 
Then; one of the two women: 〃Is this normal?〃 
Delacroix snapped forward; dropped back; snapped forward; fell back。 Percy was staring at him with slack…jawed horror。 He had expected something; sure; but not this。 
The mask burst into flame on Delacroix's face。 The smell of cooking hair and sponge was now joined by the smell of cooking flesh。 Brutal grabbed the bucket the sponge had been in … it was empty now; of course … and charged for the extra…deep janitor's sink in the corner。 
〃Shouldn't I kill the juice; Paul?〃 Van Hay called through the mesh。 He sounded pletely rattled。 〃Shouldn't…〃 
〃No!〃 I shouted back。 Brutal had understood it first; but I hadn't been far behind: we had to finish it。 Whatever else we might do in all the rest of our lives was secondary to that one thing: we had to finish with Delacroix。 〃Roll; for Christ's sake! Roll; roll; roll!〃 
I turned to Brutal; hardly aware of the people talking behind us now; some on their feet; a couple screaming。 〃Quit that!〃 I yelled at Brutal。 〃No water! No water! Are you nuts?〃 
Brutal turned toward me; a kind of dazed understanding on his face。 Throw water on a man who was getting the juice。 Oh yes。 That would be very smart。 He looked around; saw the chemical fire extinguisher hanging on the wall; and got that instead。 Good boy。 
The mask had peeled away from Delacroix's face enough to reveal features that had gone blacker than John Coffey's。 His eyes; now nothing but misshapen globs of white; filmy jelly; had been blown out of their sockets and lay on his cheeks。 His eyelashes were gone; and as I looked; the lids themselves caught fire and began to burn。 Smoke puffed from the open V of his shirt。 And still the humming of the electricity went on and on; filling my head; vibrating in there。 I think it's the sound mad people must hear; that or something like it。 
Dean started forward; thinking in some dazed way that he could beat the fire out of Del's shirt with his hands; and I yanked him away almost hard enough to pull him off his feet。 Touching Delacroix at that point would have been like Brer Rabbit punching into the Tar…Baby。 An electrified Tar…Baby; in this case。 
I still didn't turn around to see what was going on behind us; but it sounded like pandemonium; chairs falling over; people bellowing; a woman crying 〃Stop it; stop it; oh can't you see he's had enough?〃 at the top of her lungs。 

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