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;That was my idea when I put it in。 I think if you could both
make it convenient to e with us about eight o'clock to
Caulfield Gardens we might possibly get a little nearer to a
One of the most remarkable characteristics of Sherlock Holmes was
his power of throwing his brain out of action and switching all
his thoughts on to lighter things whenever he had convinced
himself that he could no longer work to advantage。 I remember
that during the whole of that memorable day he lost himself in a
monograph which he had undertaken upon the Polyphonic Motets of
Lassus。 For my own part I had none of this power of detachment
and the day察in consequence察appeared to be interminable。 The
great national importance of the issue察the suspense in high
quarters察the direct nature of the experiment which we were
trying´´all bined to work upon my nerve。 It was a relief to
me when at last察after a light dinner察we set out upon our
expedition。 Lestrade and Mycroft met us by appointment at the
outside of Gloucester Road Station。 The area door of Oberstein's
house had been left open the night before察and it was necessary
for me察as Mycroft Holmes absolutely and indignantly declined to
climb the railings察to pass in and open the hall door。 By nine
o'clock we were all seated in the study察waiting patently for our
An hour passed and yet another。 When eleven struck察the measured
beat of the great church clock seemed to sound the dirge of our
hopes。 Lestrade and Mycroft were fidgeting in their seats and
looking twice a minute at their watches。 Holmes sat silent and
posed察his eyelids half shut察but every sense on the alert。
He raised his head with a sudden jerk。
;He is ing察─said he。
There had been a furtive step past the door。 Now it returned。
We heard a shuffling sound outside察and then two sharp taps with
the knocker。 Holmes rose察motioning us to remain seated。 The gas
in the hall was a mere point of light。 He opened the outer door
and then as a dark figure slipped past him he closed and fastened
it。 ;This way ─we heard him say察and a moment later our man
stood before us。 Holmes had followed him closely察and as the man
turned with a cry of surprise and alarm he caught him by the
collar and threw him back into the room。 Before our prisoner had
recovered his balance the door was shut and Holmes standing with
his back against it。 The man glared round him察staggered察and
fell senseless upon the floor。 With the shock察his broad´brimmed
hat flew from his head察his cravat slipped sown from his lips
and there were the long light beard and the soft察handsome
delicate features of Colonel Valentine Walter。
Holmes gave a whistle of surprise。
;You can write me down an ass this time察Watson察─said he。 ;This
was not the bird that I was looking for。;
;Who is he拭─asked Mycroft eagerly。
;The younger brother of the late Sir James Walter察the head of
the Submarine Department。 Yes察yes察I see the fall of the cards。
He is ing to。 I think that you had best leave his examination
to me。;
We had carried the prostrate body to the sofa。 Now our prisoner
sat up察looked round him with a horror´stricken face察and passed
his hand over his forehead察like one who cannot believe his own
;What is this拭─he asked。 ;I came here to visit Mr。 Oberstein。;
;Everything is known察Colonel Walter察─said Holmes。 ;How an English gentleman could behave in such a manner is beyond my prehension。 But your whole correspondence and relations with Oberstein are within our knowledge。 So also are the circumstances connected with the death of young Cadogan West。
Let me advise you to gain at least the small credit for repentance and confession察since there are still some details which we can only learn from your lips。;
The man groaned and sank his face in his hands。 We waited察but he was silent。
;I can assure you察─said Holmes察 that every essential is already known。 We know that you were pressed for money察that you took an impress of the keys which your brother held察and that you entered into a correspondence with Oberstein察who answered your letters through the advertisement columns of the Daily Telegraph。
We are aware that you went down to the office in the fog on Monday night察but that you were seen and followed by young Cadogan West察who had probably some previous reason to suspect you。 He saw your theft察but could not give the alarm察as it was just possible that you were taking the papers to your brother in London。
Leaving all his private concerns察like the good citizen that he was察he followed you closely in the fog and kept at your heels until you reached this very house。 There he intervened察and then it was察Colonel Walter察that to treason you added the more terrible crime of murder。;
;I did not I did not Before God I swear that I did not ─cried our wretched prisoner。
;Tell us察then察how Cadogan West met his end before you laid him upon the roof of a railway carriage。;
;I will。 I swear to you that I will。 I did the rest。 I confess it。 It was just as you say。 A Stock Exchange debt had to be paid。 I needed the money badly。 Oberstein offered me five thousand。 It was to save myself from ruin。 But as to murder察I am as innocent as you。;
;What happened察then拭
;He had his suspicions before察and he followed me as you describe。 I never knew it until I was at the very door。 It was thick fog察and one could not see three yards。 I had given two taps and Oberstein had e to the door。 The young man rushed up and demanded to know what we were about to do with the papers。
Oberstein had a short life´preserver。 He always carried it with him。 As West forced his way after us into the house Oberstein struck him on the head。 The blow was a fatal one。 He was dead within five minutes。 There he lay in the hall察and we were at our wit's end what to do。 Then Oberstein had this idea about the trains which halted under his back window。
But first he examined the papers which I had brought。
He said that three of them were essential察and that he must keep them。 'You cannot keep them' said I。
'There will be a dreadful row at Woolwich if they are not returned。'
'I must keep them' said he察'for they are so technical that it is impossible in the time to make copies。'
'Then they must all go back together to´night' said I。 He thought for a little察and then he cried out that he had it。
'Three I will keep' said he。 'The others we will stuff into the pocket of this young man。 When he is found the whole business will assuredly be put to his account。' I could see no other way out of it察so we did as he suggested。 We waited half an hour at the window before a train stopped。 It was so thick that nothing could be seen察and we had no difficulty in lowering West's body on to the train。 That was the end of the matter so far as I was concerned。;
;And your brother拭
;He said nothing察but he had caught me once with his keys察and I think that he suspected。 I read in his eyes that he suspected。 As you know察he never held up his head again。;
There was silence in the room。 It was broken by Mycroft Holmes。
;Can you not make reparation拭 It would ease your conscience察and possibly your punishment。;
;What reparation can I make拭
;Where is Oberstein with the papers拭
;I do not know。;
;Did he give you no address拭
;He said that letters to the Hotel du Louvre察Paris察would eventually reach him。;
;Then reparation is still within your power察─said Sherlock Holmes。
;I will do anything I can。 I owe this fellow no particular good´will。 He has been my ruin and my downfall。;
;Here are paper and pen。 Sit at this desk and write to my dictation。 Direct the envelope to the address given。 That is right。 Now the letter
;Dear Sir
;With regard to our transaction察you will no doubt have observed by now that one essential detail is missing。
I have a tracing which will make it plete。
This has involved me in extra trouble察however察and I must ask you for a further advance of five hundred pounds。
I will not trust it to the post察nor will I take anything but gold or notes。
I would e to you abroad察but it would excite remark if I left the country at present。
Therefore I shall expect to meet you in the smoking´room of the Charing Cross Hotel at noon on Saturday。 Remember that only English notes察or gold察will be taken。
;That will do very well。 I shall be very much surprised if it does not fetch our man。;
And it did It is a matter of history´´that secret history of a nation which is often so much more intimate and interesting than its public chronicles´´that Oberstein察eager to plete the coup of his lifetime察came to the lure and was safely engulfed for fifteen years in a British prison。
In his trunk were found the invaluable Bruce´Partington plans察which he had put up for auction in all the naval centres of Europe。
Colonel Walter died in prison towards the end of the second year of his sentence。
As to Holmes察he returned refreshed to his monograph upon the Polyphonic Motets of Lassus察which has since been printed for private circulation察and is said by experts to be the last word upon the subject。
Some weeks afterwards I learned incidentally that my friend spent a day at Windsorwhence be returned with a remarkably fine emerald tie´pin。
When I asked him if he had bought it察he answered that it was a present from a certain gracious lady in whose interests he had once been fortunate enough to carry out a small mission。
He said no more察but I fancy that I could guess at that lady's august name察and I have little doubt that the emerald pin will forever recall to my friend's memory the adventure of the Bruce´Partington plans。
End of Project Gutenberg Etext Adventure of the Bruce´Partington Plans
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