八喜电子书 > 科幻世界电子书 > 05_force_of_arms >



小说: 05_force_of_arms 字数: 每页4000字

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This business of pressing lips had been mentioned before among the Zentraedi; had been one of the prime matters of fascination that had led to the defections。 But still; the thought of such unbridled contact between the sexes sent the erstwhile warriors into a tizzy。

〃Maybe they won't make us do it?〃 〃My lips aren't ready for that sort of thing!〃 〃I dunno; something tells me it might feel good。〃 〃Lemma at 'er!〃

Some babbled and exclaimed to one another; others started shaking visibly or gnawing their fingernails。 A few tried rubbing their top and bottom lips together and concluded that they were doing it wrong somehow。 At least one swooned。

At the interview; Kyle found another microphone shoved into his face。 〃Tell the truth: have you proposed marriage to Minmei?〃

He was calm; unflappable; on the outside。 〃No; I haven't。〃

He and Minmei were not close by blood; although their families had kept close bonds due to friendships and shared business investments in the White Dragon and Golden Dragon restaurants。 He had grown up with Minmei very much like an adoring little sister to him。

But that had changed over time; as much as he'd fought it。 It was the tremendous battle inside him pared to which mere physical fights were children's antics。 Everyone thought the self…discipline he brought to the martial arts was a reflection of his inner calm; in fact; it was a reflection of the iron will that barely kept him from yielding to temptation。 He'd spent all his young adulthood locked in fierce battle against his own impulses。

And most difficult of all were the movies they made together; the shared work and intensity of their scenes; especially the love scenes。 It was so easy for acting to slide over into the real thing。 The impulses were very patient and unrelenting。 He drove them off each day; only to have them return fresher and stronger than ever the next。

But no more。 Being with Minmei aboard the SDF…1; seeing the others who coveted her; had decided Kyle。 No one else could have her。

〃Sounds like a pretty weak denial。〃 The interviewer grinned at him。 〃Maybe you just haven't had the chance; right?〃

Kyle said in his calm; measured tones; 〃No; I've been thinking about; um。。。〃

The newsman was watching him like a ferret。 〃Yes?〃

〃Thinking about how I'd actually say it to her。 Because I don't mind telling you; it's something I've considered。〃

He heard Minmei's gasp next to him; and the mass intake of breath by the reporters。 Flashbulbs began popping; and everyone began talking at once。

〃Minmei; what d' you have to say?〃 〃Have you set the date?〃 〃Tell our viewers: Would you accept if he proposes?〃 〃Give us a shot of you two holding hands!〃 〃Kiss 'er; Kyle!〃 〃Where d' you two plan to honeymoon?〃

But they paid the reporters no attention。 〃Kyle; are you serious?〃 Her eyes looked enormous。 They sat there; gazing at each other; while the furor boiled around them。

His screen switched off; Rick lay with head pillowed on elbows; feeling utterly wretched。 I can't believe it。 All this time she's been waiting for Kyle to propose to her。

There was a knock at the door; and Max showed up; dressed in civvies: sports jacket; slacks; sweater; and tie。 He wore a cheerful; eager look that made him seem sixteen or so。

〃Sorry to bother you; boss。 But I'm thinking of wearing this tie to meet Miriya。 And I wondered if it made me look too sophisticated; you know? Or maybe I should go the other way; wear a gold chain。。。〃

After Rick got rid of Max; he decided to get some fresh air。 He wandered up to a parklike area on one of the observation decks and stared out a viewport as high as a billboard and longer than two。

Earth swung by above him; a crescent of swirling blue and white in the darkness。 He sat and tried to spot Alaska。

After a while a familiar voice; holding a trace of mischief; said; 〃Well; if it isn't Lieutenant Hunter; as I live and breathe!〃

He looked up to see Claudia standing nearby。 〃Oh。 Hi; how're you?〃

They hadn't seen each other a great deal lately; partly because they had been so busy and partly because they both still ached with the grief of Roy Fokker's death; and seeing each other brought it up all over again。

But now she came over to sit next to him。 〃Not bad。 But what're you doing up here at this hour?〃

〃Couldn't stand my quarters anymore。〃

〃Ah。 You saw the press conference。〃


She sat down; crossing her knees; resting her chin on her hand; helping him watch Earth。 〃You could get along without her。 She isn't that terrific。〃

〃She is to me!〃 Rick wouldn't have taken that from anyone else now that Roy was gone。 But Claudia had an honesty that was hard not to respect and give its due。 And she was quite capable of getting mad right back at you if she felt it was warranted。 Claudia was not someone you wanted to be mad at you if you could avoid it。

〃You're bright; you should be with somebody else;〃 she said after a bit。

〃I don't know that I want to be。 I'm stuck on her。〃

〃Why; Rick?〃

〃I don't know why! Maybe she's just my type。〃

Claudia put one finger to her chin; eyeing him sidelong。 〃I don't know。 I sorta picture you being with somebody more mature。 You know: someone more experienced? Who's been through a big romance and a broken heart?〃

Oh; great; just what I need! Rick thought。 Some other walking wounded to hang around with! But he couldn't help listening very closely。

〃It'd be good for you to be with someone who can appreciate a relationship。 Those people're around; y' know。 Sometimes they turn out to be your next door neighbor。 Or even。。。your superior officer。〃


She rose。 〃Gotta go。〃

〃Claudia; you mean Lisa; don't you?〃

She glanced back over her shoulder at him。 〃Did you hear me mention anybody by name? I only said people like that are around。 Sometimes they've been known to pass by so close; you can't even see them。〃

She started off once more; throwing back over her shoulder; 〃Now; don't stay up too late。 Things will look a lot better in the morning。〃

He watched her go and said very softly to himself; 〃Wow。〃

Rick sat; watching Earth again。 The way he had it figured; the SDF…1's orbit would bring Alaska into view in a little while。 He went over the message he had flashed to Lisa by prosign dots and dashes。

He wished he had said more。


The myths of selfless humility and humble allegiance to ideals aside; there is no warrior culture; not that of Japanese samurai; medieval knight; or any other; that does not; upon close scrutiny; have a ruthless; entirely practical side to it。 Also universal are egotism and a hypocritical willingness to dispense with all the high…flown language and poetic vows when the grim business of life and death is at hand。
How much more so; then; among the cloned; bred…for…battle Zentraedi? In the case of Miriya Parino; female warlord of the Quadronos and arguably the greatest fighter of her race; the matter is certain: Her soaring pride and utter self…confidence had been her hallmark until she was bested both in the air and on the ground by Max Sterling。 Her emotional ferment was such that the law of her kind; the vendetta; was the only road open to her…vengeance; by any means possible。
Is it any wonder; then; that what happened next has provided fuel for songs; arguments; dissertations; and grand opera for generations since?
Altaira Heimel; Butterflies in Winter: Human Relations and the Robotech War

The super dimensional fortress prowled cautiously through the void; vigilant against attack and yet resigned to battle as only a seasoned veteran can be。

The Zentraedi had e pressing battle upon the ship many times before; would e again。 Life in between clashes was; therefore; to be lived that much more fully。 Death was all around…the war had gone on for years; nobody aboard thought; any longer; that it couldn't as easily be their number that would e up the next time around。

In the center of Macross was a park; lovingly and carefully put together by the inhabitants almost blade of grass by blade of grass。 Overhead was an Earthly summertime evening; courtesy of the EVE system。 There was even the sound of crickets…descendants of good…luck pets who had somehow survived the war。

Max Sterling paced fitfully under a streetlamp near the Peace Fountain that trickled and gurgled a few yards away。 He checked his watch for the seventh time in two minutes。

〃Jeez; it's almost nine。 I hope she's all right。〃

He was worried that Miriya wouldn't show up…worried even more; really; that she would。 Just an average…looking young man straightening his necktie and hoping his only sports jacket didn't look too shabby; and recalling with a sudden sinking feeling that he had forgotten to pick up the flowers he had ordered。

He didn't know that death hunted afoot and that the pounce was near; he wouldn't know for several seconds yet that cruel eyes were watching him from the shadows。

〃I can't believe I asked her to meet me in the park…a girl; at night!〃 he muttered。 〃She could get mugged or something。〃

In fact; street crime in Macross was all but nonexistent。 And punishments were such that recidivism was just about nil; but that sort of reasoning meant nothing to a young man waiting for a woman who had him mesmerized; entranced; enraptured。 A woman he had met only a few hours before。

A woman who stood in the dark poised; to kill him。

Then he heard running footsteps behind him; and her voice。 〃Maximillian; prepare for your doom!〃 It was a literal translation of a Quadrono war cry。

Miriya had gotten to the spot well in advance; seen him arrive; watched him。 She had been set to kill him precisely at their appointed meeting time; a quarter hour before。 But she had only watched him; hating him all the more but feeling strange…feeling drawn to him in some mysterious way she couldn't fathom。

She told herself she was merely studying her enemy's movements and possible vulnerabilities and fought down the liking she had for seeing him in motion。 She told herself that she was merely waiting for the most opportune moment; yet though that part of the park was absolutely deserted; she let the minutes slide by。

Miriya observed his eyes; his lips; the way he moved。 She fe

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