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Robotech: The Zendtraedi Rebellion
Book 19 of the Robotech series
Copyright 1994 by Jack McKinney

arranged by dayuan ' robotech zone '

Chapter One

2015 began much as any other year in recent memory: a Zentraedi attack left yet a third version of Macross in ruins; friends died and were buried; and Rick Hunter found himself hopelessly conflicted; if not by love this time; then by rumors of promotion and his dark imaginings of things to e。
Altaira Heimel; Butterflies in Winter:
Human Relations and the Robotech War
Spring's first sunrise brightened a bleak landscape; pockmarked withcraters and crazed with fissures opened by weapons of destruction。 Inthe Northwest Territory; where a rain of Zentraedi annihilation boltshad incinerated countless acres of fir forest and hardened vast expansesof sand to glass; stood thrice…born Macross City; Earth's burgeoningcapital only three months earlier and now its most recent casualty ofwar。 Hurricane…force winter storms had been no kinder to the place thanKhyron had; and with the early thaw had e an understanding of justhow much damage the city had sustained in the moments before its frigidburial。
From a rostrum that once had been a segment of elevated highway; amiddle…aged man with a noticeable Germanic accent was addressing asizable crowd of Robotech Defense Force personnel and civilians。 Theonly way to tell one from the other was by the RDF unit patches adorningthe sleeves of the soldiers' antihazard suits。

〃The sudden deaths of friends and loved ones affect us moreprofoundly than the near death of an entire world;〃 the speaker wassaying。 〃And it is those loved onesthose teammates; techmates; andradesthat we seek to honor today; on the occasion of this sadassembly。〃

His name was Emil Lang; and he was Earth's preeminent mathematicianand physicist。 Robotechnology's chief proponent for more than a decade;he was seldom at a loss for words; but much of his address that day hadbeen written for him by Lisa Hayes。 She was Admiral Hayes now; in thewake of the destruction of Macross City and the SuperdimensionalFortresses 1 and 2; and the deaths of Admiral Henry Gloval and dozens ofthe RDF's highest…ranking officers。

Few among a crowd estimated to number ten thousand were aware thatLang's were borrowed words; though Rick Hunter knew as much; because hehad been with Lisa when she posed them two months earlier。

〃Lang wants to know what I would say if I'd been chosen todeliver the memorial;〃 Lisa had explained at the time。

Rick understood how Lang might be nonplussed by the assignment;mo of the nontechnical sort didn't e easily to the Wizard ofRobotechnology。 And yet who better to memorialize Gloval; ClaudiaGrant; and the rest than the man most responsible for the reconstructionof the SDF…1? The Earthman most responsible; that was。 To another wentcredit for the ship's original design and engineering: the Tiresian Zor;in whom Robotechnology itself had its beginnings。

Lisa's contribution notwithstanding; Lang's sentiment was genuine;and it spoke to everyone in the crowd。 Several of Rick's closestfriends had died in Earth's protracted war with the Zentraedisome indeep space; some in Earth's wild blue yonderand each of those deathshad touched him more than the devastation visited on the planet as theculmination of that conflict。 Rick was willing to accept that he; likeso many of Earth's survivors; had been living in staunch denial of thecataclysm。 But if that were true; then Khyron's surprise attack on thedimensional fortresses and the city that had grown up around them hadconstituted a long…overdue wakeup call。

Those sections of Macross that hadn't been atomized during theattack had been rendered uninhabitable by radiation; thwarting earlyplans for salvage operations and memorial services。 Readings hadn'tsubsided to safe levels until late February; and then there was the snowto contend withsnow that had menced on the night of the attack andcontinued unabated for two months; almost as if nature had fashioned amicroclimate to hasten the cooling。 March's sudden melt loosedavalanches that had blocked the pass between Macross and Monument Cityand had turned the valley floors to sludge。 Even now; Rick's Veritecha VT…1S configured in Battloid modestood to its ankles in thick mud。

Rick thought the de rigueur antihazard suits a touch belated; giventhat one…quarter the city's population had been dosed with radiation onemerging from the sheltersRick; Lisa; and Minmei more than most。 Inaddition to the sixty…six hundred dead who had been aboard thefortresses or providing mecha support; over five thousand civiliansresidents had died; most within days; some as recently as that morning。Bodies had been retrieved by the planeload; but it had been decided thatthere would be no coffins。 General staff's plan called for Lake Glovalto be filled in and made a mon grave sitea shrine。 Though a shrinenone would dare visit for at least ten years to e。

Macrossers; however; were nothing if not war…hardened; and mostwould have braved the residual fallout suitless to honor those who hadflown endless against…all…odds missions in their behalf。 Rick wouldhave numbered himself among that noble group; but as an RDF captain;mander of celebrated Skull Team; he was obliged to attend as both manand mecha〃crafted;〃 as the Veritech pilots put it。

Skullthe lot of them in Battloid modewas deployed along whatremained of the concourse linking the downtown mall to the flight deckof the SDF…1's Daedalus forearm。 Ghost; Vermillion; and Indigo teamswere similarly arrayed along the parallel concourse that fed thePrometheus。 Both appendages were actually Thor…class supercarriers thathad been grafted onto the fortress some five years earlier; at the startof the war against the race of giant warriors known as the Zentraedi。Rick; seated NBC…suited and neural…capped inside Skull One's ultratechcockpit; was ten city blocks west of the slagged half…mile…high hulks ofthe SDFs 1 and 2; the former; dismembered and decapitated; was up to itschest in the mud…filled crater that had been the lake; the twin booms ofits truncated main gun raised in a attitude of humble entreaty。

No more; it seemed to be saying to the early morning sky。 Letit end here。

Looking west; Rick could see across the rooftops of block afterblock of burned…out buildings clear to the elevated roadway that wasserving as a stage for the long…delayed ceremony。 By telephotoing theVT's exterior…mount videocams; he could bring into sharp focus nearlyevery hooded face on the makeshift rostrum: Dr。 Lang; Professors LazloZand and Sheamus Bronson; Macross Council politicos Milburn and Stinson;Chief Justice Justine Huxley; and Mayor Tommy Luan。 Elsewhere stoodBrigadier General Gunther Reinhardt; generals Maistoff and Motokoff;full…bird colonels Caruthers and Herzog; and Major Aldershot。

Rick spent a moment contemplating his pending promotion andshuddered at the thought of being lofted into the numbing pany of allthat assorted brass。 He would just have to decline any advancement inrank; he told himself。 Appeal to the aging flyboy in Reinhardt bysaying that while he was flattered by mand's confidence in hisleadership abilities; his place was and would always be with the Skull。

He reasoned he had a good chance of pulling it off。 Providing thatAdmiral Lisa could keep from getting involved。

〃In conclusion; let us at least try to embrace a constructiveperspective;〃 Lang was saying。 〃Let us try to view the ing years asa bridge to the future; however uncertain。 We are a forward…lookingrace; and it is our faith in the future that will guide us 。 。 。〃

Lang was finally winding downand just in time; Rick decided。 Forwhat had begun as a remembrance of the dead had deteriorated into aeulogy for Lang's precious dimensional fortresses and his plans forconstructing an SDF…3。

And so when Vince Grant succeeded Lang at the podiumtowering overithe concentrated on remembering his sister; Claudia。 And whenLieutenant Mitchell took the microphone she remembered enlisted…ratingstechs Sammie Porter; Vanessa Leeds; and Kim Young; all of whom Mitchellhad relieved at one time or another on the fortress's bridge。 Cat crewofficer Moira Flynn read off the names of hundreds of pilots she hadwaved into battle; and Dr。 Hassan; chief surgeon aboard the SDF…1;recalled acts of unsurpassed bravery。

And when Lisa Hayes spoke 。 。 。 Well; when Lisa spoke about what itmeant to have served under Henry Glovalthe father she would havepreferredand about Claudia Grant; her closest friend and sister…in…arms; not even the MBS broadcasters could keep their deep voices fromfaltering。

〃Skull;〃 Rick barked into his helmet pickup; as sobs filteredthrough the tactical net。 〃Present arms!〃

The crowds turned to the half…buried ships。 The technoknights ofSkull; Ghost; Vermilion and Indigo raised their autocannons in salute;Veritech teams screamed over the lake; disgorging payloads of hothouseflowers; and the massive guns of a dozen MAC II Destroids offeredthunderous praise to the dead。 A reclamation crew positioned on therail…gunned shoulders of the SDF…1 unfurled a huge banner bearing theRDF insignia: an encircled; curved…sided diamond suggestive of afighting kite。

Sunlight gleamed off the battered alloy surfaces of the SDF…1。

There had been talk of a closing address by Exedore; but thegeneral staff had had a last…minute change of mind and the Zentraediambassador's shuttle flight from the factory satellite had beencanceled。 Khyron's raidthough in no way undertaken in the name of allthe Zentraedihad brought about a resurgence of hatred for the racewith whom humans were now forced to share the Earth。 Bron; Rico; andKondathe first of the aliens to defect during the Warhad beenordered to remain in Monument City and satisfy their grief by watchinglive coverage of the funeral。

Their absence was nearly as conspicuous as that of Lynn Minmei。Following the ceremony; Lisa came directly from Fokker Field; outsideMonument City; to Rick's temporary quarterseven though her quarterswere only a few blocks away in Monument's newest suburb; transported allbut intact from Macross by a fleet of flatbed trucks。

〃I don't want to be alone;〃 she said when she arrived。 〃I can't bealone。 Not tonight。〃

Rick held her and

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