八喜电子书 > 科幻世界电子书 > war of the spider queen 1 dissolution >


war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第63部分

小说: war of the spider queen 1 dissolution 字数: 每页4000字

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orthy of a high priestess。
Not that the gear had done much to bolster Jyslin's morale; nor that of many another novice。 Had Quenthel not been suffering her own carefully masked anxieties; their glumness might have amused her。 The girls had seen demons throughout their childhoods。 They'd even achieved a certain intimacy with them in Arach…Tinilith; but this was the first time such ennottities had posed a threat to them; and they'd realized they hadn't truly known the ferocious beings at all。
No doubt some of the females had also been perceptive enough to recnotognize that they themselves had been in paratively little danger until Quenthel mustered them in what was more or less her personal defense。 If so; their resentment; like their uneasiness; was irrelevant。 They were her underlings; and it was their duty to serve her。
〃It's the wrath of Lolth herself;〃 whispered Minolin Fey…Branche; a fifth…year student who wore her hair in three long braids。 Obviously; she didn't intend for her voice to carry to the front of the procession。 〃First she strips us of our magic; then sends her fiends to kill us。〃
Quenthel whirled。 Sensing her anger; her whip vipers rose; weaving and hissing。
〃Shut up!〃 she snapped。 〃The Spider Queen may be testing us; eliminotnating the unfit; but she has not condemned her entire temple。 She would not。〃
Minolin lowered her eyes。 〃Yes; Mistress;〃 she said tonelessly。
Quenthel noticed that no one else looked reassured; either。
〃You disgust me;〃 the Baenre said。 〃All of you。〃
〃We apologize; Mistress;〃 said Jyslin。
〃I remember my training;〃 Quenthel said。 〃If a novice showed a hint of cowardice or disobedience; my sister Triel would make her fast for a tenday; and eat rancid filth for another after that。 I should do the same; but unfortunately; with Arach…Tinilith under siege; I need my people strong。 So all right; though it should shame you take it; you can have annotother rest。 You'll fill your bellies; and it had better stiffen your spines。 Othnoterwise; we'll see how many of you I have to flog before the rest cease their cringing and whining。 e。〃
She led them on to a classroom where the kitchen staff had set a table。 She'd ordered them to prepare a cold supper and leave it at various points around the temple; so that the weary sentinels could at least refresh themnotselves with food; and the cooks had done a decent job of it。 On a silver salver lay pink and brown slices of rothe steak steeped in a tawny marinotnade; their aroma peting with Arach…Tinilith's omnipresent scent of incense。 Other trays and bowls held raw mushroom pieces with a creamy dipping sauce and a salad of black; white; and red diced fungus; while the pitchers presumably contained wine; watered as per her mand。 Quennotthel hoped the alcohol would hearten those residents whom Lolth's abnotsence and the incursions of the past two nights had terrified; but she didn't want any of the temple's defenders sloppy drunk and incapacitated。
Some of Quenthel's minions fell to as if they expected this to be their last meal。 Others; likely as certain of their fate; seemed too tense to do more than pick at the viands。
The mistress of the Academy supposed that; though she intended to survive the night; in a sense; she belonged to the latter party。 Her stomach was somewhat queasy; and the long hours of edgy anticipation had killed her appetite。
e on; demon; she thought; let's get this over with。 。 。 。
The entity failed to respond to her silent plea。
She decided her throat was a little parched; caught Jyslin's eye; and said; 〃Pour me a cup。〃
〃Yes; Mistress。〃
The second…year novice performed the service with mendable alacrity。 She filled the silver goblet too high for gentility's sake; but Quenthel expected no better from a moner。 The Baenre accepted the cup with a nod and raised it to her lips。
Her whip of fangs hung from her wrist by the wyvern…hide loop that pierced its handle。 She felt a thrill of alarm surge across the psionic link she shared with the vipers。 At the same instant; the snakes reared and dashed the goblet from her grasp。 She stared at them in amazement。
〃Poison;〃 Yngoth said; his slit…pupiled eyes glinting in their scaly socknotets。 〃We smelled it。〃
Quenthel looked around。 Her followers had heard the serpent's declaranottion and were gawking at her and the reptiles in consternation。 They apnotpeared to be in perfectly good health; but she trusted the vipers and knew it wouldn't last。
〃Purge yourselves;〃 she said。 〃Now!〃
They never got the chance。 Almost as one; they succumbed to the toxin; swaying; staggering; and collapsing。 Some retched involuntarily as the sickness hit them; but it didn't help。 They passed out like the rest。
Quenthel shifted the whip back to her hand; peered in all directions; and bade the vipers do the same。 She'd realized her demonic assailants were supposed to suggest the several dominions of the goddess; and therefore an 〃assassin〃 of some sort would turn up sooner or later。 Still; she foolishly asnotsumed that being would attack in some obvious way just as the 〃spider〃 and 〃darkness〃 had。 She hadn't expected it to employ stealth and attempt 

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