八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第44部分

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  tighten that Hermès scarf that hung loosely around her skinny neck。 
  Would I hold her down or pull? Or perhaps it’d be more effective to 
  just shove the damn thing down her throat and watch her gasp for air 

  “Ahn…dre…ah!” Her voice was clipped; steely。 “What did I ask you for 
  a mere five minutes ago?” Shit! The sundae。 I’d forgotten the 
  sundae。 “Is there a particular reason why you’re still sitting there 
  instead of doing your job? Is this your idea of a joke? Did I do or 
  say something to indicate that I wasn’t entirely serious? Did I? Did 
  I?” Her blue eyes were bulging out of her face; and although she 
  hadn’t fully raised her voice yet; of course; she was ing awfully 
  close。 I opened my mouth to speak but heard Emily talking instead。

  “Miranda; I’m so sorry。 It’s my fault。 I asked Andrea to answer the 
  phone because I thought it might be Caroline or Cassidy and I was on 
  the other line ordering that shirt from Prada you wanted。 Andrea was 
  just on her way out。 I’m sorry; and it won’t happen again。”

  Miracle of miracles! The Perfect One had spoken; and in my defense; 
  no less。

  Miranda looked momentarily mollified。 “Well; all right then。 Get my 
  sundae now; Andrea。” And with that; she walked in her office and 
  picked up the phone; where she promptly started cooing to B…DAD。

  I looked at Emily; but she was pretending to work。 I shot her a 
  one…word e…mail。Why? I wrote。

  Because I wasn’t entirely sure she wasn’t going to fire you; and I 
  don’t really feel like training someone new;she wrote back 
  instantly。 I left to go in search of this perfect sundae and called 
  Lily from my Cell Phone as soon as the elevator hit the lobby。

  “I’m sorry; I really am。 It’s just that—”

  “Look; I don’t really have time for this;” Lily said flatly。 “I 
  think you’re overreacting just a little bit; don’t you? I mean; you 
  can’t so much as say yes or no on the phone?”

  “It’s hard to explain; Lil; it’s just that—”

  “Forget it。 I’ve got to run。 I’ll call you if we get it。 Not that 
  you really care either way。”

  I tried to protest; but she’d hung up。 Dammit! It wasn’t fair to 
  expect Lily to understand when I would’ve thought I was ridiculous a 
  mere four months earlier。 It really wasn’t fair to send her all over 
  Manhattan in search of an apartment we could both share when I 
  wouldn’t even take her phone calls; but what choice did I have?

  When she answered one of my calls right after midnight; she told me 
  we got the apartment。

  “That’s amazing; Lil。 I can’t thank you enough。 I swear I’ll make it 
  up to you。 I promise!” And then I had a thought。 Be spontaneous! 
  Call an Elias car and get up to Harlem and thank your best friend in 
  person。 Yes; that was it! “Lil; are you Home? I’m ing up to 
  celebrate; OK?”

  I thought she’d be thrilled; but she was quiet。 “Don’t bother;” she 
  said quietly。 “I’ve got a bottle of So…Co and Tongue Ring Boy is 
  here。 I’ve got everything I want。”

  It stung; but I understood。 Lily rarely got mad; but when she did; 
  no one could talk her out of it until she was good and ready。 I 
  heard liquid swishing into a glass and ice clinking; and I heard her 
  take a deep; long swig。

  “OK。 But call me if you need anything; OK?”

  “Why? So you can sit in silence on the other end? No thanks。”


  “Don’t worry about me。 I’m just fine。” Another gulp。 “I’ll talk to 
  you later。 And hey; congratulations to us。”

  “Yeah; congratulations to us;” I repeated; but she’d already hung up 
  once again。

  I’d called Alex on his cell to ask if I could go over to his place; 
  but he didn’t sound as delighted to hear from me as I’d hoped。

  “Andy; you know I’d love to see you; but; well; I’m out with Max and 
  the guys。 You’re never really around during the week anymore; so I 
  made plans to see them tonight。”

  “Oh; well; are you guys in Brooklyn or around here somewhere? I 
  could e meet you?” I asked; knowing that of course they were 
  somewhere on the Upper East Side; probably very close to me; because 
  that’s where all the other guys lived as well。

  “Listen; any other night that’d be great; but tonight is definitely 
  just a guys’ night。”

  “Oh; sure; OK。 I was going to meet Lily to celebrate the new 
  apartment; but we; uh; sort of got in a fight。 She doesn’t 
  understand why I can’t really talk from work。”

  “Well; Andy; I have to say; sometimes I don’t totally understand; 
  either。 I mean; I know she’s a tough lady—trust me; I do—it just 
  seems that you take everything pretty seriously when it es to 
  her; you know?” He sounded like he was trying very hard to keep his 
  tone acmodating and nonconfrontational。

  “Maybe that’s because I do!” I shot back at him; pissed off at him 
  for not wanting to see me and not begging me to go out with his 
  friends and for taking Lily’s side even though she had a point and 
  so did he。 “It is my life; you know? My career。 Myfuture 。 What the 
  hell am I supposed to do? Treat it like a joke?”

  “Andy; you’re twisting my words。 You know that’s not what I meant。”

  But I was already screaming back—I couldn’t help myself。 First Lily 
  and now Alex? Both on top of Miranda; all day; every day? It was too 
  much; and I wanted to cry but all I could do was yell。

  “A big fucking joke; huh? That’s what my job is to both of you!Oh; 
  Andy; you work in fashion; how hard can it be? ” I mimicked; hating 
  myself more with every passing second。 “Well; excuse me if we can’t 
  all be do…gooders or Ph。D。 candidates! Excuse me if—”

  “Call me when you calm down;” he stated。 “I’m not going to listen to 
  this anymore。” And he hung up。 Hung up! I waited for him to call 
  back; but he never did; and by the time I’d finally fallen asleep; 
  close to three; I hadn’t heard from either Alex or Lily。

  Now it was moving day—a full week later—and while neither was still 
  visibly mad; neither seemed exactly the same either。 There hadn’t 
  been time to make amends in person with either one since we were in 
  the middle of closing an issue; but I figured things would fall into 
  place when Lily and I moved into our new apartment。 Our shared 
  apartment; where everything would go back to the way it was when we 
  were in college and life was much more palatable。

  The movers finally came at eleven; and it took them all of nine 
  minutes to disassemble my beloved bed and throw the pieces in back 
  of their van。 Mom and I hitched a ride with them over to my new 
  building; where my dad and Alex were schmoozing with the 
  doorman—who; bizarrely enough; was a dead ringer for John 
  Galliano—with my boxes piled against a wall in the lobby。

  “Andy; glad you’re here。 Mr。 Fisher here won’t open the apartment 
  unless there’s a tenant present;” my dad said with a huge smile on 
  his face。 “Which is very smart of him;” he added; winking at the 

  “Oh; is Lily not here yet? She said she’d get here by ten; 

  “Nope; haven’t seen her。 Should I call her?” Alex asked。

  “Yeah; I guess so。 Why don’t I go up with; er; Mr。 Fisher so we can 
  start bringing stuff up。 Ask her if she needs any help。”

  Mr。 Fisher smiled a way that could only be described as lecherous。 
  “Please; we’re like family now;” he said; looking at my chest。 “Call 
  me John。”

  I almost choked on the now cold Coffee I was holding and wondered if 
  the man revered the world over for reviving the Dior brand had died 
  without my knowing and been reincarnated as my doorman。

  Alex nodded and wiped his glasses on his T…shirt。 I loved it when he 
  did that。 “You go with your parents。 I’ll call。”

  I wondered if it was a good or bad thing that my father was now best 
  friends with my (designer) doorman; the man who would inevitably 
  know every detail of my life。 The lobby looked nice; if a little 
  retro。 It was done in a light…colored stone of some sort; and there 
  were a few unfortable…looking benches in front of the elevators 
  and behind the mailroom。 Our apartment was number 8C; and it faced 
  southwest; which; from what I’d heard; was a good thing。 John opened 
  the door with his master key and stood back like a proud papa。

  “Here she is;” he announced grandly。

  I walked in first; expecting to be hit with an overpowering smell of 
  sulfur or perhaps see a few bats winging their way around our 
  ceiling; but it was surprisingly clean and bright。 The kitchen was 
  on the right; a narrow; one…person…wide strip with white tile floors 
  and reasonably white Formica cabinets。 The countertops were some 
  sort of flecked granite imitation; and there was a microwave built 
  in above the stove。

  “This is great;” my mom said; pulling open the refrigerator。 “It’s 
  already got ice trays。” The movers pushed past us; grunting while 
  they lugged my bed。

  The kitchen opened to the living room; which had already been 
  divided in two by a temporary wall to create a second bedroom。 Of 
  course; that meant that all the windows had been cut out of the 
  living room entirely; but that was OK。 The bedroom was a decent 
  size—definitely bigger than the one I’d just left—and the sliding 
  glass door leading to the balcony made up one whole wall。 The 
  bathroom was between the living room and the real bedroom and was 
  done in Pepto pink tiling and pink paint。 Oh well。 Could be kitschy。 
  I walked into the real bedroom; which was significantly bigger than 
  the living room one and looked around。 A tiny closet; a ceiling fan; 
  and a small; dirty window that looked directly into an apartment in 

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