八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第50部分

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  itinerary Emily had so painstakingly constructed showed she would 
  now be in the car on her way to the Ritz。

  “Miranda Pri—”

  “Emily!” she practically shrieked。 I wisely decided now wasn’t the 
  time to correct her。 “Emily! The driver did not give me my usual 
  phone; and as a result I don’t have anyone’s phone number。 This is 
  unacceptable。 Entirely unacceptable。 How am I supposed to conduct 
  Business with no phone numbers? Connect me immediately to Mr。 

  “Yes; Miranda; please hold just a moment。” I jabbed the hold button 
  and called out to Emily for help; although I would’ve had better 
  luck simply eating the receiver whole than actually locating Karl 
  Lagerfeld in less time than it took Miranda to get so annoyed that 
  she’d smash down the phone and keep calling to ask; “Where the hell 
  is he? Why can’t you find him? Do you not know how to use a phone?”

  “She wants Karl;” I called over to Emily。 The name immediately sent 
  her flying; racing; tearing through papers all over her desk。

  “OK; listen。 We have twenty to thirty seconds。 You take Biarritz and 
  the driver; I’ll get Paris and the assistant;” she called; her 
  fingers already flying across the keypad。 I double…clicked on the 
  thousand…plus name contact list that we shared on our hard drives 
  and found exactly five numbers I’d have to call: Biarritz main; 
  Biarritz second main; Biarritz studio; Biarritz pool; and Biarritz 
  driver。 A quick glance over the other listings for Karl Lagerfeld 
  indicated that Emily had a grand total of seven; and there were 
  still more numbers for New York and Milan。 We were dead before we 

  I’d tried Biarritz main and was in the middle of dialing Biarritz 
  second main when I saw that the flashing red light had stopped 
  blinking。 Emily announced that Miranda had hung up; in case I hadn’t 
  noticed。 Only ten or fifteen seconds had passed—she was feeling 
  particularly impatient today。 Naturally; the phone rang again 
  immediately; and Emily responded to my pleading puppy eyes and 
  answered it。 She didn’t get halfway through her canned greeting 
  before she was nodding gravely and trying to reassure Miranda。 I was 
  still dialing and had—miraculously—made it to Biarritz pool; where I 
  was currently talking to a woman who didn’t speak a single word; a 
  single syllable; of English。 Maybe this was the obsession with 
  speaking French?

  “Yes; yes; Miranda。 Andrea and I are calling right now。 It should 
  only be a few more seconds。 Yes; I understand。 No; I know it’s 
  frustrating。 If you’ll allow me to just put you on hold for ten 
  seconds or so; I’m sure we’ll have him on the line。 OK?” She punched 
  “hold” and kept right on jabbing numbers。 I heard her trying in what 
  sounded like horrifically accented and broken French to talk to 
  someone who appeared to not know the name Karl Lagerfeld。 We were 
  dead。 Dead。 I was getting ready to hang up on the crazy French woman 
  who was shrieking into the receiver when I saw the flashing red 
  light go out again。 Emily was still frantically dialing。

  “She’s gone!” I called with the urgency of an EMT performing 
  emergency CPR。

  “Your turn to get it!” she screamed back; fingers flying; and sure 
  enough; the phone rang again。

  I picked it up and didn’t even attempt to say anything; since I knew 
  the voice on the other end would speak up immediately。 It did。

  “Ahn…dre…ah! Emily! Whoever the hell I’m talking to 。 。 。 why is it 
  that I’m speaking with you and not with Mr。 Lagerfeld? Why?”

  My first instinct was to remain silent; since it didn’t appear that 
  the verbal barrage was over; but as usual; my instincts were wrong。

  “Hell…ooo?Anyone there? Is the process of connecting one phone call 
  to another really too difficult forboth my assistants?”

  “No; Miranda; of course not。 I’m sorry about this—” My voice was 
  shaking a little; but I couldn’t get it under control。 “—it’s just 
  that we can’t seem to find Mr。 Lagerfeld。 We’ve already tried at 
  least eight—”

  “Can’t seem to find him?”she mimicked in a high…pitched voice。 “What 
  do you mean; you ‘can’t seem to find’ him?”

  What part of that simple five…word sentence did she not prehend; 
  I wondered。 Can’t。 Seem。 To。 Find。 Him。 Seemed rather clear and 
  precise to me: We can’t fucking find him。 That is why you’re not 
  talking to him。 Ifyou can find him; thenyou can talk to him。 A 
  million barbed responses raced around my head; but I could only 
  sputter like a first…grader who’d been singled out by the teacher 
  for talking in class。

  “Um; well; Miranda; we’ve called all of the numbers we have listed 
  for him; and he doesn’t appear to be at any of them;” I managed。

  “Well of course he’s not!” She was almost screaming now; that 
  precious; well…guarded cool was precariously close to collapsing。 
  She took a deep; exaggerated breath and said calmly; “Ahn…dre…ah。 
  Are you aware that Mr。 Lagerfeld is in Paris this week?” I felt like 
  we were doing English As a Second Language lessons。

  “Of course; Miranda。 Emily has been trying all the numbers in—”

  “And are you aware that Mr。 Lagerfeld said he’d be available on his 
  mobile phone while he was in Paris?” Every muscle in her throat 
  strained to keep her voice even and calm。

  “Well; no; we don’t have a cell number listed in the directory; so 
  we didn’t know that Mr。 Lagerfeld even had a Cell Phone。 But Emily 
  is on the phone with his assistant right now; and I’m sure she’ll 
  have that number in just a minute。” Emily gave me the thumbs…up 
  right before she scribbled something and exclaimed; “Merci;oh yes; 
  thank you; I mean;merci ” over and over again。

  “Miranda; I have the number right here。 Would you like me to connect 
  you now?” I could feel my chest puff out with confidence and pride。 
  A job well done! A superior performance under the most 
  pressure…filled conditions。 Never mind that my really cute peasant 
  blouse that had been plimented by two—not one; but two—fashion 
  assistants was now sporting sweat stains under the arms。 Who cared? 
  I was about to get this stark raving mad lunatic of an international 
  caller off my back; and I was thrilled。

  “Ahn…dre…ah?” It sounded like a question; but I was only 
  concentrating on trying to figure out a pattern for indiscriminate 
  name mix…ups。 At first I’d thought she did it deliberately in an 
  attempt to belittle and humiliate us even more; but then I figured 
  out that she was probably quite satisfied with the levels of 
  belittlement and humiliation we endured and so she did it only 
  because she couldn’t be bothered to keep straight details so inane 
  as her two assistants’ names。 Emily had confirmed this by saying 
  that she called her Emily about half the time but called her a 
  mixture of Andrea and Allison—the assistant before her—the other 
  half。 I felt better。

  “Yes?” Squeaking again。 Dammit! Wasn’t it possible for me to have 
  just a tiny bit of dignity with this woman?

  “Ahn…dre…ah; I don’t know what all the fuss is over finding Mr。 
  Lagerfeld’s mobile number when I have it right here。 He gave it to 
  me just five minutes ago; but we were disconnected and I can’t seem 
  to dial correctly。” She said the last part as though the entire 
  world was to blame for this irritation and inconvenience except for 

  “Oh。 You; um; you have the number? And you knew he was on that 
  number the whole time?” I was saying it for Emily’s benefit; and it 
  only served to enrage Miranda even more。

  “Am I not making myself perfectly clear here? I need you to connect 
  me to 03。55。23。56。67。89。 Immediately。 Or is that too difficult?”

  Emily was slowly shaking her head in disbelief as she crumpled up 
  the number we’d both just fought so hard to get。

  “No; no; Miranda; of course that’s not too difficult。 I’ll connect 
  you right away。 Hold just a minute。” I hit “conference;” dialed the 
  numbers; heard an older man shout “Allo!” into the phone; and hit 
  conference again。 “Mr。 Lagerfeld; Miranda Priestly; you’re 
  connected;” I stated like one of those manual operators from 
  theLittle House on the Prairie days。 And instead of putting the 
  whole call on mute and then hitting speaker so Emily and I could 
  listen in on the call together; I just hung up。 We sat in silence 
  for a few minutes as I tried to refrain from badmouthing Miranda 
  immediately。 Instead; I mopped some dampness from my forehead and 
  took long; deep breaths。 She spoke first。

  “So; let me just get this straight。 She had his number the entire 
  time but just didn’t know how to dial it?”

  “Or maybe she just didn’t feel like dialing it;” I added helpfully; 
  always enthusiastic for the chance to team up against Miranda; 
  especially considering how rare the opportunities were with Emily。

  “I should’ve known;” she said; shaking her head like she was 
  horribly disappointed with herself。 “I really should’ve known that。 
  She always calls to have me connect her to people who are staying in 
  the next room; or who are in a hotel two streets over。 I remember I 
  thought that was the weirdest thing; calling from Paris to New York 
  to have someone connect you to someone in Paris。 Now it just seems 
  normal; of course; but I can’t believe I didn’t see that one 

  I was about to run to the dining room for lunch; but the phone rang 
  again。 Operating under the lightning…doesn’t…strike…twice theory; I 
  decided to be a sport and answer the phone。

  “Miranda Priestly’s office。”

  “Emily! I am standing in the pouring rain on the rue de 

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