八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第54部分

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  little; insignificant proposal due for a master’s thesis that I can 
  change ten times after the fact if I want。 So that leaves nothing 
  until mid…July。 Do you believe it?” She sounded positively gleeful。

  “I know; I’m so excited for you! You up for a celebratory dinner? 
  Anywhere you want; it’s onRunway 。”

  “Really? Anywhere?”

  “Anywhere。 I’m downstairs and I have a car。 e down; we’ll go 
  somewhere great。”

  She squealed。 “Fun! I’ve been meaning to tell you all about Freudian 
  Boy。 He’s beautiful! Hold on one second。 I’m putting on jeans and 
  I’ll be right down。”

  She bounded out five minutes later looking trendier and happier than 
  I’d seen her in a very long time。 She wore a pair of tight; faded 
  boot…cut jeans that hugged her hips; paired with a long…sleeve flowy 
  white peasant blouse。 A pair of flip…flops I’d never seen 
  before—brown leather straps with turquoise beads—pleted the look。 
  She was even wearing makeup; and her curls looked as though they had 
  seen a blow…dryer at some point in the last twenty…four hours。

  “You look great;” I said as she bounded into the backseat。 “What’s 
  your secret?”

  “Freudian Boy; of course。 He’s amazing。 I think I’m in love。 So far; 
  he’s going strong at nine…tenths。 Do you believe it?”

  “First; let’s decide where we’re going。 I didn’t make a reservation 
  anywhere; but I can call ahead and use Miranda’s name。 Anywhere you 

  She was rubbing on some Kiehl’s lip gloss and staring at herself in 
  the driver’s rearview mirror。 “Anywhere?” she said absentmindedly。

  “Anywhere。 Maybe Chicama for those mojitos?” I suggested; knowing 
  that the way to sell Lily on a restaurant was by advertising its 
  drinks; not its food。 “Or there are those amazing Cosmos at Meet。 Or 
  the Hudson Hotel—maybe we can even sit outside? If you want wine; 
  though; I’d love to try—”

  “Andy; can we go to Benihana? I’ve been craving it forever。” She 
  looked sheepish。

  “Benihana? You want to go toBenihana ? Like; the chain restaurant 
  where they seat you with tourists who have lots of whining children 
  and unemployed Asian actors cook the food right on your table?That 

  She was nodding so enthusiastically; I had no choice but to call for 
  the address。

  “No; no; I have it right here。 Fifty…sixth between Fifth and Sixth; 
  north side of the street;” she called to the driver。

  My weirdly excited friend didn’t seem to notice that I was staring。 
  Instead; she chatted happily about Freudian Boy; aptly named because 
  he was in his last year of a Ph。D。 program in psychology。 They’d met 
  in the graduate student lounge in the basement of Low Library。 I got 
  the full rundown on all of his qualifications: twenty…nine years old 
  (“So much more mature; but not at all too old”); originally from 
  Montreal (“Such a cute French accent; but like; totally 
  Americanized”); longish hair (“But not freaky ponytail long”); and 
  just the right amount of stubble (“He looks just like Antonio 
  Banderas when he doesn’t shave for three days”)。

  The samurai chef…actors did their thing; slicing and dicing and 
  flipping cubes of meat all over the place while Lily laughed and 
  clapped her hands like a little girl at her first circus。 Although 
  it seemed impossible to believe that Lily actually liked a guy; it 
  appeared to be the only logical explanation for her obvious elation。 
  Even more impossible to believe was her claim that she hadn’t slept 
  with him yet (“Two and a half full weeks of hanging out constantly 
  at school and nothing! Aren’t you proud of me?”)。 When I asked why I 
  hadn’t seen him around the apartment at all; she’d smiled proudly 
  and said; “He hasn’t been invited over to the apartment yet。 We’re 
  taking things slow。” We were standing directly outside the 
  restaurant as she regaled me with all the funny stories he’d told 
  her when Christian Collinsworth appeared in front of me。

  “Andrea。 The lovely Andrea。 I have to say; I’m rather surprised to 
  discover that you’re a fan of Benihana 。 。 。 What would Miranda 
  think?” he asked teasingly; sliding his arm around my shoulder。

  “I; uh; well 。 。 。” The stammering was immediately all…consuming。 
  There was no room for words when the thoughts were bouncing off each 
  side of my head; pinging between my ears。Eating at Benihana。 
  Christian knows it! Miranda at Benihana! Looks so adorable in 
  leather bomber jacket! Must be able to smell the Benihana on me! 
  Don’t kiss him on the cheek! Kiss him on the cheek! “Well; it’s not 
  that; uh; that 。 。 。”

  “We were actually just discussing where we would be going next;” 
  Lily stated crisply; extending her hand to Christian; who; it 
  finally occurred to me; was alone。 “We must’ve gotten so caught up 
  that we didn’t even realize we’d stopped in the middle of the 
  street! Hah; hah! How do like that; Andy? My name’s Lily;” she said 
  to Christian; who shook her hand and then pushed a curl away from 
  his eye; just like he’d done so many times at the party。 Once again 
  I had an odd feeling that I could be entranced for hours; maybe 
  days; just watching him push that single; adorable curl away from 
  his perfect face。

  I stared at her and at him and became vaguely aware that I had to 
  say something; but the two of them seemed to be holding up just fine 
  on their own。

  “Lily;” Christian rolled the name around on his tongue。 “Lily。Great 
  name。 Almost as great asAndrea。 ” I had the presence of mind to at 
  least look at them; and I noticed that Lily was beaming。 She was 
  thinking to herself that this guy was not only older and hot; but he 
  was also charming。 I could see the wheels turning; weighing whether 
  I was interested in him; if I’d actually do anything because of 
  Alex; and; if so; if there was anything she could do to expedite it。 
  She adored Alex because; really; how could you not; but she refused 
  to understand how two people so young could spend so much time 
  together—or; at least; that’s what she claimed; although I knew that 
  it was only the monogamy part that really blew her away。 If there 
  was a speck of a chance of some drama between Christian and me; then 
  Lily would die fanning the fire。

  “Lily; it’s a pleasure to meet you。 I’m Christian; a friend of 
  Andrea’s。 Do you always stop in front of Benihana to talk?” His 
  smile actually prompted a shooting…sinking feeling in my stomach。

  Lily threw back her own brown curls with the back of her hand and 
  said; “Well of course not; Christian! We just had dinner at Town and 
  were trying to figure out a good place to get a drink。 Any 

  Town! It was one of the hottest and most expensive restaurants in 
  the city。 Miranda went there。 Jessica and her fiancé went there。 
  Emily talked obsessively about wanting to go there。 But Lily?

  “Well; that’s weird;” Christian said; obviously buying the whole 
  thing。 “I just came from a dinner with my agent there。 Strange that 
  I didn’t see you two 。 。 。”

  “We were all the way in the back; kind of tucked behind the bar;” I 
  said quickly; regaining a modicum of posure。 Thankfully I’d paid 
  attention when Emily had made me look at the tiny picture of the 
  restaurant’s bar listed oncitysearch when she was trying to 
  decide if it was a good date place。

  “Mmm。” He nodded; looking a little distracted and cuter than ever。 
  “So; you girls are on your way to get a drink?”

  I felt an overwhelming need to shower the Benihana stink from my 
  clothes and hair; but Lily wasn’t giving me a chance。 I briefly 
  wondered if it was as obvious to Christian as it was to me that I 
  was being whored out; but he was hot and she was determined; so I 
  kept my mouth shut。

  “Yep; we were just discussing where to go。 Any suggestions? We’d 
  both just love for you to join us;” Lily declared; tugging on his 
  arm playfully。 “What’s around here that you like?”

  “Well; midtown isn’t exactly known for its bar scene; but I’m 
  meeting my agent at Au Bar if you girls would like to e along。 He 
  just ran back to the office to pick up a few papers; but he should 
  be there in a little。 Andy; maybe you’d like to meet him—you never 
  know when you’re going to need an agent。 So; Au Bar; how about it?”

  Lily was peering at me with an encouraging look; one that 
  screamed;He’s beautiful; Andy! Beautiful! I may not know who the 
  hell he is; but he wants you so pull yourself together and tell him 
  how much you love Au Bar!

  “I love Au Bar;” I said somewhat convincingly; even though I’d never 
  been。 “I think it’s perfect。”

  Lily smiled and Christian smiled and together we set off for Au Bar。 
  Christian Collinsworth and I were going to get a drink together。 Did 
  this qualify as a date?Of course not; don’t be ridiculous; I berated 
  myself。Alex; Alex; Alex; I silently chanted; both determined to 
  remember that I had a very loving boyfriend and disappointed with 
  myself for having to force myself to remember that I had a very 
  loving boyfriend。

  Even though it was a random Thursday night; the velvet rope police 
  were out in full force; and; while they had no problem letting the 
  three of us in; no one was offering reduced admission of any sort: 
  twenty bucks just to get in the door。

  But before I could hand over my cash; Christian deftly peeled three 
  twenties from a huge wad he pulled from his pocket and handed them 
  over without a word。

  I tried to protest; but Christian put two fingers to my lips。 
  “Darling Andy; don’t worry your pretty little head about it。” And 
  before I coul

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