八喜电子书 > 文学名著电子书 > 时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版 >


时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第76部分

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  like that; do you?” It was inprehensible that I had driven 
  to a party with Miranda Priestly and had no responsibilities 
  for the entire night except to hang out with a Hot Smart 
  Writer。 Maybe they’d invited me because they were planning to 
  make me dance or sing to entertain the guests; or perhaps they 
  were really short one cocktail waitress and figured I was the 
  easiest last…minute fill…in? Or maybe we were headed to the 
  coat check; where I would relieve the girl who sat there now; 
  looking bored and tired? My mind refused to wrap itself around 
  Christian’s story。

  “Well; I’m not saying you don’t have to babysit at all 
  tonight; because I plan on needing lots and lots of attention。 
  But I think it’ll be a better night than you’d anticipated。 
  Wait right here。” He kissed me on the cheek and disappeared 
  into the crowd of partygoers; mostly distinguished…looking men 
  and sort of artsy; fashionable women in their forties and 
  fifties; what appeared to be a mix of bankers and magazine 
  people; with a few designers; photographers; and models thrown 
  in for good measure。 There was a small; elegant stone patio in 
  the back of the townhouse; all lit by white candles; where a 
  violinist played softly; and I peeked outside。 Immediately I 
  recognized Anna Wintour; looking absolutely ravishing in a 
  cream…colored silk slip dress and beaded Manolo sandals。 She 
  was talking animatedly to a man I presumed to be her 
  boyfriend; although her giant Chanel sunglasses prevented me 
  from being able to tell if she was amused; indifferent; or 
  sobbing。 The press loved to pare the antics and attitudes 
  of Anna and Miranda; but I found it impossible to believe that 
  anyone could be quite as unbearable as my boss。

  Behind her stood what I presumed to be a fewVogue editors; 
  eyeing Anna warily and wearily like our own Clackers eye 
  Miranda; and next to them was a screeching Donatella Versace。 
  Her face was so caked with makeup; her clothes were so 
  phenomenally tight; that she actually looked like a caricature 
  of herself。 Like the first time I visited Switzerland and 
  couldn’t help thinking how much it resembled the mock…up town 
  in EPCOT; Donatella actually looked more like the character 
  onSaturday Night Live than herself。

  I sipped my glass of champagne (and I thought I wouldn’t be 
  having any!) and made small talk with an Italian guy—one of 
  the first ugly ones I’d ever met—who spoke in florid prose 
  about his innate appreciation for the female body; until 
  Christian reappeared again。

  “Hey; e with me for a minute;” he said; once again 
  navigating me smoothly through the crowd。 He was wearing his 
  uniform: perfectly faded Diesels; a white T…shirt; a dark 
  sport coat; and Gucci loafers; and he blended into the fashion 
  crowd seamlessly。

  “Where are we going?” I asked; keeping my eyes peeled for 
  Miranda; who; no matter what Christian said; was still 
  probably expecting me to be banished to the corner; faxing or 
  updating the itinerary。

  “First; we’re getting you another drink; and maybe another for 
  me as well。 Then; I’m going to teach you how to dance。”

  “What makes you think I don’t know how to dance? It just so 
  happens that I’m a gifted dancer。”

  He handed me another glass of champagne that seemed to appear 
  out of thin air and led me into his parents’ formal living 
  room; which was done in gorgeous shades of deep maroon。 A 
  six…piece band was playing hip music; of course; and the 
  couple dozen people under thirty…five had congregated here。 As 
  if on cue; the band started playing Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get 
  It On” and Christian pulled me against him。 He smelled of 
  masculine; preppy cologne; something old…school like Polo 
  Sport。 His hips moved naturally to the music; no thinking 
  involved; we just moved together all over the makeshift dance 
  floor; and he sang quietly in my ear。 The rest of the room 
  became fuzzy—I was vaguely aware there were others dancing; 
  too; and somewhere someone was making a toast to something; 
  but at that moment the only thing with any definition was 
  Christian。 Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind; there 
  was a tiny but insistent reminder that this body against mine 
  was not Alex’s; but it didn’t matter at all。 Not now; not 

  It was after one when I actually remembered that I was there 
  with Miranda; it had been hours since I’d last seen her; and I 
  was certain she’d forgotten all about me and headed back to 
  the hotel。 But when I finally pulled myself away from the 
  couch in his father’s study; I saw her happily chatting with 
  Karl Lagerfeld and Gwyneth Paltrow; all of them apparently 
  oblivious to the fact that they would all be waking up for the 
  Christian Dior show in just a few hours。 I was debating 
  whether or not I should approach her when she spotted me。

  “Ahn…dre…ah! e over here;” she called; her voice sounding 
  almost merry over the din of the party that had bee 
  noticeably more festive in the last few hours。 Someone had 
  dimmed the lights; and it was abundantly clear that the 
  partyers who remained had been well taken care of by the 
  smiling bartenders。 The annoying way she pronounced my name 
  didn’t even bother me in my warm and fuzzy champagne buzz。 And 
  even though I thought the evening couldn’t get any better; she 
  was clearly calling me over to introduce me to her celebrity 

  “Yes; Miranda?” I cooed in my most ingratiating; 
  thank…you…for…bringing…me…to…this…fabulous…place tone。 She 
  didn’t even look in my general direction。

  “Get me a Pellegrino and then make sure the driver’s out 
  front。 I’m ready to leave now。” The two women and one man 
  standing next to her snickered; and I felt my face turn bright 

  “Of course。 I’ll be right back。” I fetched the water; which 
  she accepted without a thank…you; and made my way through the 
  thinning crowd to the car。 I considered finding Christian’s 
  parents to thank them but thought better of it and headed 
  straight toward the door; where he was leaning up against the 
  frame with a smugly satisfied expression。

  “So; little Andy; did I show you a good time tonight?” he 
  slurred just a little bit; and it seemed nothing short of 
  adorable at that moment。

  “It was all right; I suppose。”

  “Just all right? Sounds to me like you wish I would’ve taken 
  you upstairs tonight; huh; Andy? All in good time; my friend; 
  all in good time。”

  I smacked him playfully on the forearm。 “Don’t flatter 
  yourself; Christian。 Thank your parents for me。” And; for 
  once; I leaned over first and kissed him on the cheek before 
  he could do anything else。 “G’night。”

  “A tease!” he called; slurring just a little bit more。 “You’re 
  quite the little tease。 Bet your boyfriend loves that about 
  you; doesn’t he?” He was smiling now; and not cruelly。 It was 
  all part of the flirty game for him; but the reference to Alex 
  sobered me for a minute。 Just long enough to realize that I’d 
  had a better time tonight than I could remember having had in 
  many years。 The drinking and the close dancing and his hands 
  on my back as he pulled me against him had made me feel more 
  alive than in all the months since I’d been working atRunway; 
  months that had been filled with nothing but frustration and 
  humiliation and a body…numbing exhaustion。 Maybe this was why 
  Lily did it; I thought。 The guys; the partying; the sheer joy 
  of realizing you’re young and breathing。 I couldn’t wait to 
  call and tell her all about it。

  Miranda joined me in the backseat of the limo after another 
  five minutes; and she even appeared to be somewhat happy。 I 
  wondered if she’d gotten drunk but ruled that out immediately: 
  the most I’d ever seen her drink was a sip of this or that; 
  and then only because a social situation demanded it。 She 
  preferred Perrier or Pellegrino to champagne and certainly a 
  milkshake or a latte to a cosmo; so the chances she was 
  actually drunk right now were slim。

  After grilling me about the following day’s itinerary for the 
  first five minutes (luckily I’d thought to tuck a copy in my 
  bag); she turned and looked at me for the first time all 

  “Emily—er; Ahn…dre…ah; how long have you been working for me?”

  It came out of left field; and my mind couldn’t work fast 
  enough to figure out the ulterior motive for this sudden 
  question。 It felt strange to be the object of any question of 
  hers that wasn’t explicitly asking why I was such a fucking 
  idiot for not finding; fetching; or faxing something fast 
  enough。 She’d never actually asked about my life before。 
  Unless she remembered the details of our hiring interview—and 
  it seemed unlikely; considering she’d stared at me with 
  utterly blank eyes my very first day of work—then she had no 
  idea where; if anywhere; I’d attended college; where; if 
  anywhere; I lived in Manhattan; or what; if anything; I did in 
  the city in the few precious hours a day I wasn’t racing 
  around for her。 And although this question most certainly did 
  have a Miranda element to it; my intuition said that this 
  might; just maybe; be a conversation about me。

  “Next month it will be a year; Miranda。”

  “And do you feel you’ve learned a few things that may help you 
  in your future?” She peered at me; and I instantly suppressed 
  the urge to start rattling off the myriad things I’d 
  “learned”: how to find a single store or restaurant review in 
  a whole city or out of a dozen newspapers with few to no clues 
  about its genuine origin; ho

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